Wilderness Challenge for Live Broadcast

Chapter 878: What went wrong!

"666, Grandpa Xu is so cheap, knowing that it hurts, and he is irritating them repeatedly!"

"Reminds me of a clip of Flying Knife from Star Kung Fu!"

"Shocked! A famous Panda TV anchor live broadcast stimulates sensitive parts of wildlife!"

"Eel: hissing high one!"


Watching Xu Ye ’s such "cheesy" behavior, the audience in the live broadcast could not help but utter a few words.

Probably stimulated a dozen.

Chen Xu slowly put his finger in the water, then quickly retracted: "His! And electricity, let's continue!"

After speaking, I bumped a few times.

Lina next to her could not help giggling when she saw him being so "naughty".

The whole process takes about a minute or two.

Until he could not feel the current in the water, Chen Xu pulled the Indian Tomahawk from his waist and walked towards the electric eel.

The discharge of the adult American electric eel can last for about 15 seconds at a time. After a short rest, the discharge can continue, but the current will gradually weaken.

At this point, it was when it was weakest.

Came to the electric eel.

It also seemed to feel that the life-threatening creature was approaching, so it began to struggle desperately for the last time.

Unfortunately, Chen Xu's spear was so accurate that it passed directly beside its spine and plunged deep into the soil.

The next second, he held the end of the shuttle dart, raised his tomahawk, and slammed the water, chopping it down!

No surprise.

With a sharp axe, the skull of the electric eel was cut off at the same time, and at the same time, its tail softened.


On the shore, Lina stomped her feet in excitement and immediately hurried into the water to help Chen Xu resist the electric eel.

The moment the body pulled out of the water.

The audience finally saw the length of the electric eel, which was black and long. It was placed on the shoulders of Chen Xu and Lina before and after, and it had to be 2.5 meters in length!

"It's a big fish!"

Chen Xu was also excited.

Because the electric eel is famous in America.

Including the entire live broadcast room, the moment he chopped down the electric eel, he also brushed up gifts and "666".

"Titan, kill the electric eel with your bare hands!"

"so amazing!"

"The Argentinian jungle, who is the Beastmaster? The eel is only fifth, and the overlord Xu Xu feeds on the eel, one by one, you dare to try?"

"23333, in fact, should not be killed, Xuye should tie the electric eel, and keep the electric fish in the future, the food will not worry!"

"Speaking of an electric eel, what the **** do you think this is a dog? So easy?"


Chen Xu laughed and thanked everyone for the gift.

After returning to the camp, he and Lena began to divide the work back and forth, removing the eel's fish from the carcass.

Fish production is relatively high.

Even after removing blood and viscera, the entire electric eel still left at least ten kilos of fish.

Chen Xu smoked most of it on the grill of the fire, and reserved it for future rations.

As for the remaining small portion, it is treated as a noon today.

For eating, he has always been an expert.

He found a bunch of thin shrub branches, arranged in a slice of mango and fish, and used the last little dried mango to make "mango eel roast", and baked it before sprinkled on it. Dried salt grains.

After a while, under the fire of the fire, the salt particles immediately melted into the tender fish, and then the whole piece of meat began to shrink. The dripping fish juice was not wasted, and all were absorbed by the dried mango. It was clean.

Immediately afterwards, the taste of dried mango and green acid gradually began to penetrate into the fish.

Less than four or five minutes.

A thick scent of fragrance drifted into the noses of the two along the thick smoke of the fire.

Chen Xu couldn't wait to bite it.

For a moment, the fish was tender and delicious, and filled his entire mouth instantly.

Eating hot food again, and authentic meat, made both of them extremely happy.

As for the audience in the live broadcast, they still expressed strong "condemnation."

Whoever lets the country be in the early hours of the night, everyone sees this scene, it is no wonder that you are not hungry.

And just when Chen Xu and Lina were eating happily.

Suddenly, a long-lost familiar sounded above the sky:

"Da Da Da Da ..."

"It's an airdrop!"

Chen Xu froze, and immediately opened his eyes and shouted, "And the route is in our direction!"

The voice fell.

He immediately stuffed the remaining electric eel food in his hand into his mouth.

Immediately, he hurried down to the shack, picked up the hunting bow and quiver, and ran out of the camp without looking back.

At the end, Lena was reminded to say "Housekeeping".

Next, the audience saw Ye Xu like a leopard, swiftly moving through the jungle, as if racing with a helicopter.

"666, chase the airdrop!"

"In 25 days, I can still maintain physical strength like Xu Ye, it is not much!"

"Fortunately, Grandpa Xu had eaten before. Don't be afraid he shot the helicopter down to eat it!"

"If Grandpa Xu is successful this time, it is estimated that he will be super god!"


"Huh ... huh ..."

In the forest, Chen Xu exhaled evenly, and from time to time, taking advantage of the canopy neutral position ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, looked up at the helicopter position in the sky.

"Well, the route has changed to the southwest!"

His position is now to the west.

If the helicopter's course is heading south, it means he will cross the river and even turn over the mountains to the south.

After running to the river.

The helicopter happened to hover.

Chen Xu narrowed his eyes, watching a small black spot fall from the air, and continued to fall towards the mountains to the south.

"This position is about five kilometers away. At my current speed, if I run fast, it will take about 20 minutes. I hope it is quite big and worth chasing!

After finishing speaking, he packed his equipment, plunged directly into the river, and swam across the river.

Fortunately, the river is not rushing or wide.

In just ten seconds, Chen Xu flipped ashore, wiped the water off his face, and continued to move towards the mountains.

However, just when he was about to pull his leg to run up the mountain, he didn't expect it, but stopped suddenly.

The audience froze:

what's the situation?

Immediately afterwards, some people found that Xu Xu frowned, as if a little bit of pain.


Chen Xu exhaled, covered his stomach subconsciously, and said, "I don't know what happened, my stomach suddenly hurt, and ... and it was terrible!"


"Really fake? Wouldn't it be such a coincidence?"

"Is there something wrong with the electric eel meat?"

"No, the meat is all fresh. Ye Xu also cooked it. Why is there a problem?"

"Is there a problem with the water, or is the dried mango spoiled?"

Chen Xu himself thought to himself.

Dried mango tastes fine.

As for water ...

The water in the swamp lake has been drinking for so long, and if something goes wrong, he and Lina are probably GG long ago.

What could it be ...

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