Wilderness Challenge for Live Broadcast

Chapter 906: King and Bronze

In a hurry, the two local tyrants of Panda TV, President Wang followed in the clouds, and once again fell into gifts!

Dozens of hundreds of Buddhas jumped off the wall and smashed into the broadcast room frantically.

For a while, the public screens of all Panda TV live broadcast rooms were crowded with all kinds of Buddha's jumping walls!

"Principal Wang presented a buddha jumping wall to anchor Chen Xu. Come and collect the treasure box in the live broadcast room!"

"Given a buddha jumping wall to anchor Chen Xu in the cloud, come and collect the treasure box in the live broadcast room!"


A large number of viewers were attracted to Chen Xu's live broadcast room. Among them, there were even many anchors.

This made Chen Xu, who was already extremely hot, even more

Chen Xu's mouth cornered: "Thank you for your blessings, and thank you for your gifts, but everything I just said is only theoretically, the current best rescue plan, but the actual effect is still uncertain. "

Although he said so.

But the audience still believed that Xu Ye's method was absolutely no problem.

In fact.

Since Xu Ye was engaged in the wilderness industry, there has been no case of rescue failure so far!


Observed through the lens indentation, the rescue helicopter followed the steps Chen Xu handed to them, and began to raise, then opened the cabin door and dropped a three-section safety rope attached to the life buoy.

And in the waterfall.

The man really stretched out his arm and grabbed at random.

Fortunately, the life buoy is large and has been floating on the water. The goal is obvious, but for ten seconds, the trapped survivor caught the survival ring and put it on his body. water surface.

Everything is as expected by Chen Xu.

The rescue helicopter pulled the trapped survivor carefully, moving carefully towards the shore of the waterfall.

The rescuers, who had been preparing for a long time, hurriedly threw a hook lock, hooked the safety rope, and then quickly pulled towards the shore.

at last.

The trapped survivor was finally rescued in astonishment.

"666, a bunch of people are busy working for more than an hour. It's useless.

"It can only be said that the safety rescue experts of Discovery Channel can resign!"

"Welcome to save Asahi from" Primitive Survival Game "!"

"This is the difference between the king and the bronze!"


Facing everyone's praise, Chen Xu waved his hand embarrassingly and smiled, "It's not what everyone thinks. In fact, just like the heavy rain just now, the water is turbulent and the rescue team has no way to dispatch helicopters and speedboats. By ATV, come in from the jungle. "

"So, they spend a considerable part of their time on the road. In the case of me, I can't think of a good way without professional rescue equipment!"

Now that the trapped survivors have been successfully rescued.

The show should be undisturbed.

Chen Xu was relieved, but his own affairs were not over yet.

The rain has not stopped.

Moreover, from his position, observing the waterfall and the river, the water flow is very turbulent and it is impossible to cross the river by human force.

It turned out that his camp was still in the northern mountains opposite.

"The water here is too urgent. It is too dangerous to cross the river forcibly. Let's go down and see if we can find a suitable location."

Shaking his head, Chen Xu sorted out his equipment, holding a tree stick, and continued along the ridgeline and hurried down the mountain.

It turns out.

The **** of the ridge line is indeed very gentle.

Even the audience in the broadcast room could see that he was on the road significantly faster than before.

Go all the way down.

The rain started to get smaller and smaller, indicating that the storm had completely crossed the border, which is good news.

Less rain means that the river's water level will slow down.

As long as he can cross the river, Li Yan can return to the camp.

after an hour.

Li Yan finally reached the bottom of the ridgeline of the southern mountain range.

"Wowa ..."

In front of him, the rushing river was like a silver dragon, rushing between the valleys, making a loud flapping sound.

A rough estimate is that the water level of the river reached at least his thigh.

There were a lot of shrub branches, dead leaves, and even rotten dead wood trunks.

Chen Xu glanced at the bank of the river, and immediately said to the camera: "There is good news, the water flow is much gentler than before, but we still have to be more careful. To cross the river, the first thing we have to predict is the flow rate. . "

As he said, he picked up a branch from the shore and threw it into the river, then carefully observed the speed at which it started moving after it fell into the water.

"It floated more than 8 meters in one second, or 27 kilometers per hour. This is already a very rushing river. In the face of some possible dangers, we need to leave 25% more room. ready."

After saying this.

Chen Xu wrapped the tarpaulin tight again, and then took a large stone from the shore.

Some old people who often come to the live broadcast room to recognize this method all at once.

Xu Ye once said that in the face of rapid rivers, the impact of the current is very large, and it is difficult for ordinary people to stand on the river.

and so.

The best way is to stick a tree stick as a crutch and plunge into the bottom of the river.

Or, just hold a big rock in your arms, walk along the waist and let the center of gravity move down, so that it won't be washed away easily.

"Slap ..."

Next second.

Chen Xu, holding a boulder, walked into the river.

Suddenly, the river water passed over his ankle ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ a cold chill, from the outside, immediately penetrated into the bones.


He took a subconscious breath.

But at this time, he could only cross the river brazenly.

Click, click ...

As Chen Xu stepped deeper, the water level began to flow over his knees, and the turbulent current made him unable to walk straight.

If he hadn't held a big rock in his arms, maybe he would have been knocked over at this time!

"Be careful, Lord Xu!"

"Something hit me! Go away!"

"Be careful!!!"



The barrage in the live room began to swipe crazy.

Because at this time, the drone was floating diagonally above Chen Xu's head. Under the lens of the bird's-eye view, everyone saw a large branch of shrubs washed down upstream.

If it's normal, it's hit, and at most it's a slight scratch.

But at this moment of danger, once Chen Xu is hit, he will directly fall into the river.

In fact.

No need to remind everyone.

Chen Xu knew the danger of going down the river himself. Of course, he had beaten Jingsheng from the beginning, so naturally he had already discovered bush branches.

But embarrassingly.

Dodging objects in water is not as easy as on land.

Moreover, this is still in the rapid river!

It is even more difficult!

Seeing Xu Ye was about to be hit by the large branch, some viewers have even narrowed their eyes and are afraid to continue watching!

Is it going to stage "Xu will sink" again?

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