As more and more cultivators enter the chaos, and beyond the thirty Third Stage, many great abilities are also rushing forward.

At the forefront are the Taiqing Daddy, Yuqing Yuanshi, and Shangqing Tongtian.

The strength of Sanqing is now in the prehistoric state, and is undoubtedly the top existence besides Sage.

Born with extraordinary roots and feet, he is a top power standing in the wild.

Stepping into the 30th Third Stage at this moment, it is also the lead, rushing in front of all the mighty powers.

After the Sanqing, Nuwa Fuxi, Zhenyuanzi Hongyun, Kunpeng and others also followed.

In the end, they finally arrived outside the Yujingshan Zixiao Palace.

At this time, because Hongjun has already fit Heavenly Dao, he has become Heavenly Dao Sage.

The momentum of this Zixiao Palace has also become more and more ethereal, with endless Taoist rhyme flowing on it.

As soon as I stepped into it, all the powers felt the extraordinary in it.

Walking a little bit in the Purple Cloud Palace, suddenly, these great abilities discovered that there were six futons in the forefront of the Great Hall!

Six futons, placed at the front, are extraordinary at first glance.

All the mighty eyes lit up, and immediately rushed to the top of the six futons.

Among them, the fastest is naturally the Sanqing.

I saw Taiqing daddy, Yuqing Yuanshi, and Shangqing Tongtian, quickly sitting on three futons at a speed that surpassed everyone!

All of a sudden, three seats were occupied!

However, Sanqing's status is respected and powerful, and other great abilities are naturally impossible to compete with them.

Therefore, the remaining three seats have also become the main competition targets for other powerful players.

Among them, Na Fuxi and Nuwa, seeing the power next to them have gathered.

Suddenly, Fuxi gritted her teeth and used all her strength to push behind Nuwa:

"We two probably won't be able to occupy a position, so I will help Little Sister to occupy the position alone!"

Then, a huge impetus was immediately pushed behind Nuwa, allowing her to surpass all the powers here at once.

"But!" Nuwa said anxiously, "What about you Big Brother?"

Just letting herself take a seat, she felt sorry for her.

The two brothers and sisters have a very good relationship. At this moment, they have exclusive advantages. With Nuwa's temperament, they are naturally reluctant.

"We two brothers and sisters, regardless of you and me, why bother about this!"

Fuxi said, and then increased his strength, pushing Nuwa to the fourth seat in one fell swoop.

After Nuwa successfully took the fourth seat, there are six futons, and now only the last two are left.

"Fellow daoist, let me help you!"

At this moment, Zhen Yuanzi next to Hong Yun also screamed, flew behind Hong Yun and pushed him forward.

Feeling the majestic power behind him, Hong Yun said anxiously:

"What about you fellow daoist?"

Originally, the two of them had made an appointment together and fought for the opportunity together.

Now that the benefits have been surrendered by the other party, with Hongyun's good-man mentality, how not to be in a hurry?

However, the Zhen Yuanzi responded:

"We are both at ease, and all fate is fixed."

"This seat is no match for me, but fellow daoist you have to board!"

Pushed by Zhen Yuanzi's strength, Hong Yun was pushed into the fifth seat.

Of the six futons, five were taken up by Sanqing, Nuwa, and Hongyun at the moment, leaving only the last one.

After Fuxi and Zhenyuanzi sent Nuwa and Hongyun up, their own strength was temporarily lost, and they could no longer support them to fight for the last seat.

At this moment, an extremely fast figure instantly passed everyone's sight, and rushed towards the last seat frantically.

But it was Kunpeng Beihai, with his own speed advantage, who wanted to occupy the last futon.

This Beihai Kunpeng, the speed of the whole body is extremely fast, almost instantaneously, it has surpassed all the power.

Under the gaze of countless gazes, he quickly occupied the last futon and sat down firmly.

At this point, the six futons all have their own owners!

The rest of the flying power can only stop with a pity, and start searching around for the remaining seats.

When Kunpeng was sitting on the sixth seat, Yuan Shi's expression trembled amidst the Sanqing.

His gaze couldn't help but float to Kunpeng's body.

There was a little contempt in his eyes.

Yuqing Yuanshi hated people like Kunpeng the most. At this moment, the other person was sitting next to him, causing him a lot of dissatisfaction.

After each of the six futons had their own masters, the remaining great powers also began to look for their own seats.

Of course, this seat should be as far forward as possible.

A group of great powers are fighting to stand in the front position again, and the entire Zixiao Palace is full of voices at this time, and it is extremely lively.

After many great abilities were settled, suddenly, outside the Zixiao Palace, two figures stepped in.

The Buddha light appeared, and the two figures, after entering the Zixiao Palace, kept walking towards the six futons in front of them.

However, when they found that there were people sitting on the six futons, their expressions immediately became extremely excited, and they even began to cry.

"The two of us in the West, regardless of the difficulties and dangers of the road, crossed hundreds of millions of worlds and came to the Zixiao Palace, but never thought that we did not even leave a seat!"*

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