In the afternoon, it was close to dusk, and the sky was already a little gray.

Liu Yiqiu and Liu Yimeng were picking mangoes at this time.

“Sister, those two are so annoying.” Liu Yimeng looked up, holding a bamboo pole in her hand and tapping the mango on the tree, saying what happened today.

The two had planned to leave to pick mangoes in the morning, but they met Li Hua’an and Zhang Zhenhua.

In order not to let them find out the location of the mango tree, the two had to go back to the shelter, ready to pick the mango when they were not there.

But the two did not expect that as soon as they went out, Li Hua’an and Zhang Zhenhua would appear on time, and wherever they went, they would follow.

They held the excuse of wanting to talk about cooperation, and they always followed them, and they couldn’t get away in any hurry.

This made Liu Yimeng and Liu Yiqiu angry and helpless, and the two had to find some wild vegetables around and hurried back to the shelter.

It was not until the afternoon was approaching that the two found the opportunity to carry the bamboo basket and pick up the bamboo pole to the location of the mango tree.

“Okay, it’s getting dark, so hurry up and pick it up.” Liu Yiqiu was picking up mangoes next to her, and it was also a headache to think about what the two people had done.

Liu Yimeng threw away the bamboo pole, rolled up his sleeves and jumped up to try: “Sister, I climb up and pick it, faster.” ”

Some of the mangoes on the mango tree are already ripe for 17, and they will fall down with a bamboo pole, so they will not be stored for a long time.

“Well, be careful.” Liu Yiqiu whispered.

“Rest assured, I’ve climbed trees before.” Liu Yimeng held the trunk of the mango tree in both hands and moved up the trunk with both feet.

She used to go out in the wild with other bow and arrow enthusiasts, often climbing up to trees to pick wild fruits to eat.

“…” Liu Yiqiu pulled the corners of her mouth and held a smile in her mouth.

She watched Liu Yimeng at this time like a bear climbing a tree, and the depression of the day was suddenly much less.

Liu Yimeng turned her head to look at Liu Yiqiu, who was a little dazed, and shouted: “Sister, what are you doing, don’t help me push the ass, I can’t reach it.” ”

She had climbed more than a meter high, some distance from the next branch.

“Here it comes.” Liu Yiqiu pursed her mouth, walked over and supported Liu Yimeng’s hips with both hands, and pushed up hard, and finally the ghost made the god pinch I.

Two or three minutes later, Liu Yimeng successfully climbed up the tree and stood on the three-meter-high branch, holding the trunk tightly with one hand.

She looked down at her sister under the tree, pouted and asked, “Sister, did you just secretly pinch my ass?” ”

“Nothing.” Liu Yiqiu said with a slight look at the corner of her mouth.

She wouldn’t admit it, but her sister’s hips were bigger than her own.

“Really?” Liu Yimeng half-squinted his eyes and said suspiciously.

“Of course it’s true.”

Liu Yiqiu rolled her eyes and said in a bad way, “Okay, hurry up and pick the mangoes, it’s almost dark.” ”

“Then you’re going down there.” Liu Yimeng hurriedly said, reaching out and picking the mango that was reachable on the side.

“Okay.” Liu Yiqiu reached out and a mango fell from the tip of her finger.

“Sister, the one just now is cooked, and it all broke.” Liu Yimeng shouted.

“Come again.” Liu Yiqiu said.

“Sister, this must be caught, big and yellow, it must be very sweet.” Liu Yimeng plucked a yellow mango from the top of her head and shouted.

Liu Yiqiu raised her hands and said solemnly, “No problem, I’m ready.” ”

Liu Yimeng let go of his hand, and the mango fell down according to Newton’s law of universal gravitation, and without accident, it crossed the tip of Liu Yiqiu’s finger again.

“Sister…” Liu Yimeng shouted with a black face.

Liu Yiqiu looked at the mango that had fallen on the ground and said reluctantly, “Come again.” ”

“Sister, please let it go.”

“Last time.”


When the sun was about to disappear, Liu Yimeng finished picking most of the mangoes on the tree and filled it with a large bamboo basket.

“Come down, it’s getting dark and it’s time to go back.” Liu Yiqiu looked up and said.

At her feet, seven or eight mangoes that had fallen were lying there quietly, as if to accuse someone of their ability to react.

Most of the mangoes in the basket are still green, and now only a few ripe mangoes remain.

“Okay.” Liu Yimeng then responded, holding the trunk of the tree and slowly turning around to prepare to go down the tree.

Suddenly, she found smoke drifting in the distance on the other side of the hill.

“Sister, there’s smoke over there.” Liu Yimeng shouted, pointing in the direction of the distant hill.

“Smoke? I don’t see it here. Liu Yiqiu frowned slightly, looked up into the distance, but could not see anything.

She was now standing under the tree, her vision completely obscured by the leaves, and she could not see the distant scenery.

“It’s on the other side of the hill.” Liu Yimeng described where she saw.

“It should be the other contestants, you remember the position first.” Liu Yiqiu guessed.

If there are really other contestants on the other side of the hill, maybe that side will be a good place to go next.

After what happened today, Liu Yiqiu had already made up her mind to take her sister and find another place to continue to survive.

The only thing she was afraid of was that if the challenger over there was also a virtue with the two of them here, it would be too bad.

“Remember.” Liu Yimeng responded, slowly turning around and grabbing the trunk of the tree and moving down.

Liu Yiqiu watched her sister climb a tree like a bear again, and couldn’t help but open her mouth and advise: “Be careful, don’t grind your chest flat, it is not big in the first place.” ”

“Shut up, I’m still developing, I’m going to catch up with you.” Liu Yimeng muttered.

Liu Yiqiu lightly mended the knife and said, “You don’t have a chance.” ”

Five or six minutes later, with the help of Liu Yiqiu, Liu Yimeng climbed down from the tree safely.

Liu Yimeng clapped the bark slag on her hand and said viciously, “Sister, do you think we should cut down the tree as well?” ”

She didn’t want anything left to those two men.

“No, mango trees generally bear fruit only once every 770 years, and it is not possible to bear fruit again unless the climate here is warm.” Liu Yiqiu shook her head.

She had read a book at school that mentioned the number of times the mango was turned on.

In general, mango trees only bear fruit once a year, unless the place where they are located has a warm climate for many years, and then they will bear fruit out of the season, and there will be a second or even third flowering fruit.

“Then it is estimated that there will be no results, winter is coming, I just don’t know if it will snow here?” Liu Yimeng said and rubbed her arms.

Approaching the night, she was already feeling colder and colder, which meant that winter on Tsukizuki Island was approaching.

“Snow? Probably not. ”

Liu Yiqiu frowned, was silent for a moment, and said: “The program team should not be so inhuman.” ”

After all, neither of them had winter clothes, and if they still encountered snow weather, there was a good chance that they would not be eliminated.

In the live broadcast room, the audience laughed when they heard this sentence.

“No, you’re wrong, the show team is so inhuman.”

“Is it really going to snow?” So what do they do, there is no down jacket to keep warm. ”

“Not only will it snow, but there will also be storms.”



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