Passing through the trap area again, Lin Tian took a moment to check the surviving traps.

But nothing was gained.

Lin Tian is not sorry, after all, raising rabbits is not a matter of one or two days.

It’s okay for a few days at night.

He didn’t believe it.

Since then, I have not been able to catch rabbits.

Back in the shelter, place the ceiba nuts and peel them when you need to use them.

The bark and roots of kapok can also be disposed of when you can’t go out at night.

Now that there was still a lot of time before dark, Lin Tian was thinking about whether to cultivate the vegetable field or expand the cistern.

[Vegetable seeds grow quickly, you need to cultivate a vegetable field as soon as possible and plant them separately]

[The expansion of the reservoir is also urgent, its surroundings have been flooded by water, and even it is too convenient to get water]

[You feel that life is a mess and can’t be reasoned, so you sit sullenly and alone in the sunset and cry]

Indeed, there are many things waiting for him to deal with.

But Lin Tian will never sit and cry silently as the system says.

He took a machete.

A hole was made in the bamboo water pipe away from the shelter to divert the flow.

This is a countermeasure that has been thought of before.

In this way, the problem of reservoir expansion can be postponed.

Then he took Mu Yufei and the fat man to the vegetable field.

“These vegetable seeds are rising so fast!” Mu Yufei looked at the green vegetable seedlings and said excitedly.

Lin Tian: “That’s because we did warm soup soaking and soil insecticidal before, so the vegetable seedlings grew so fast.” ”

“And I think there will be a wave of rapid growth from tonight to tomorrow, so we need to develop the vegetable field as soon as possible.”

“But Brother Tian, there doesn’t seem to be much open space here.” The fat man scratched his head and said.


The open space around this is not large.

In addition to this sowing land and yam field, there are very few places that can be used to open up vegetable fields.

Lin Tian’s eyes looked around.

He is observing where it is appropriate to open up new vegetable fields.

Suddenly the subtitles in my head are updated.

[If you can slaughter or drive away the skunks, you’ll get a nice piece of territory, in addition to opening up new vegetable gardens, and maybe other interesting discoveries]

Is it finally time to face that pack of skunks?

In fact, Lin Tian has been trying to avoid this group of little guys.

After all, if it is sprayed with a stinky liquid, the stench will take a long, long time to dissipate!

It’s even more annoying than facing the lion tiger.

The only thing Lin Tian was counting on was whether he could trigger the system’s domestication prompt.

But the current subtitle prompt seems to directly deny this possibility?

Slaughter or drive away.

And did not domesticate this option!

However, the subtitle prompt is not static, and Lin Tian still wants to try whether it can be domesticated first.

It’s really not possible, and it’s never too late to slaughter again.

“I’m going to carve out the areas occupied by skunks, and I’ve observed the soil over there, which is quite suitable for growing vegetables.” Lin Tian pointed in the direction where the skunk group was.

“Lin Tian, are we really going to provoke this group of skunks? I have browsed the relevant information on the Internet before, the smelly liquid sprayed by skunks, the effect is 800 meters! And once it sticks to the body, it will last for a long time! Mu Yufei frowned slightly.

Girls generally prefer to be clean, this legendary creature that can release biochemical weapons, she still subconsciously does not want to approach.

Lin Tian: “It’s okay, I can go alone, and I’m just going to try it and see if I can drive them away.” ”

“Brother Tian, I’ll go with me.” The fat man said without hesitation.

Anything dangerous is waiting for Lin Tian to solve alone, he can’t do it!

“I’ll go too.” Mu Yufei’s tone was also quite firm, “One person is short, and many people are long.” If there is any emergency, we can also have a discussion. ”

Lin Tian was a little funny in his heart, and at the same time a little moved.

But it’s not too dangerous in itself, at most it’s crying by the smell, right?

Since they have to go together, then together.

[You are ready to bring Jing Qiuyun’s slingshot just in case, after all, you don’t want to get too close to the skunk]

“You’re going to drive away the skunks? I’ll go too! ”

Go and ask Jing Qiuyun for a slingshot.

As a result, Jing Qiuyun, who still had a little stomach pain in the morning, suddenly “lived” again after hearing about it.

She could borrow a slingshot, but she couldn’t be left out.

“Qiuyun, the smelly liquid sprayed by skunks is so smelly, don’t you see that you don’t even want to go to lightning?” Lin Tiandao.

“You don’t know what virtue lightning is, my aunt is much more useful than it! Do you use a slingshot? You don’t have to just me, I am guaranteed to shoot the skunk’s head! Jing Qiuyun said majestically .

It’s just that just after speaking, my stomach shrinks again, and my brows are slightly wrinkled.

It may be that when I first came to life on the island, I was not too adaptable, and the dysmenorrhea was much worse than when I was in the city before.

“Qiuyun, you better not be reckless.” Mu Yufei persuaded.

“It’s okay, I’ll take a look behind you, just a few skunks.”

In the end, Jing Qiuyun also went with him.

As she said, a group of skunks is just a lot of people getting close, and apart from spraying stink, skunks are not very combative.

Soon the group approached the skunk group.

They their tails high and rummage through the woods for food.

As the indigenous people here, they can be described as carefree.

At this time, Lin Tian and they were actually very close.

Only about two meters.

But this group of skunks turned out to be quite bold, even if some skunks found Lin Tian and them, they just looked up curiously, and then continued to look down for food.

“They are not afraid at all when they see people?”

Several people were curious.

But no one knows what kind of psychology animals are.

Even Lin Tian.

There are also no relevant subtitle prompts.

So what’s next?

Just go up to catch up?

A few people you look at me and I look at you, to be honest, there is really no safe plan.

Lin Tian took out the slingshot.

A sharp stone was also placed at his feet.

[Do you think it’s close enough now, simply solve this group of skunks with a direct slingshot headshot, a hundred]

Lin Tian did have this idea.

This is the most straightforward approach.

Because the meat of skunks cannot be eaten, the domestication effect is not great, the key is that after domestication, if a gas bomb suddenly comes out on a whim when staying by his side, it will be cool.


The skunks in front of them were in a flock.

One of the skunks kept chasing the other, trying to lie on top of each other.

[Whether it is a human or an animal, there is always a time when hormone secretion is strong, and the male skunk wants to have a good time with the female skunk at this time]

This is?

Live in public?!

Lin Tian’s expression was suddenly very exciting.

At this time, Mu Yufei and them also discovered the abnormal behavior of these two skunks.

“What are they doing? In a fight? Jing Qiuyun was the most curious and asked first.

“I don’t feel like a fight, how does it feel like mating?” The fat man said solemnly.

As soon as he finished speaking, he also reacted, and there were two ladies next to him, and this topic seemed a little embarrassing.

Sure enough, he turned his head and looked at Mu Yufei and the two, both a little embarrassed.

“These two little beasts are not only incorruptible, Lin Tian, if you are reluctant to shoot, give me the slingshot!” Jing Qiuyun’s hand stretched out directly.

What is reluctance to?

How does this sound ambiguous?

Lin Tian was a little speechless.

[Sometimes if the male skunk is too rough, he will tolerate the female skunk, and then the female skunk will angrily spray a poison gas at the male skunk]

[You are lucky to be downwind, and then you really feel what it means to be strange and enduring]


Lin Tian’s eyes snapped open.

And with attacks on their own kind?!

Then he did see the female skunk rebelling against the male skunk with some impatience.

Then it winked its teeth at the male skunk, raised its tail high, and was about to spray stink liquid at the male skunk as soon as its butt was cocked!


Sharp stones hit the female skunk’s head quickly and accurately.

Lin Tian naturally did not wait for the tragedy to happen, he shot in time and ended the life of the female skunk with a slingshot.

Blood splashed the male skunk in his face, and then he froze for a few seconds, not knowing what suddenly happened.


Jing Qiuyun clapped his hands and applauded.

She also thought that Lin Tian listened to her and didn’t want to do something unsightly in public with this skunk and make an instant move.

And the posture of holding a slingshot is so dashing, the eyes are so firm and sharp, the shot is decisive, and it does not drag mud and water at all.

For a while, I was a little obsessed with watching.

But Lin Tian didn’t have the energy to experience the adoring eyes of beautiful women at this time.

He quickly touched a stone again.

Quickly put it into the butt as if it was shooting out without aiming.

Because new subtitles have formed in his mind.

[The male skunk notices that there is great danger coming, lets out a frightened scream, and then props up his tail and sprays a stinking liquid in your direction]


The stone hit the skull accurately, ending the skunk’s pitiful life before it sprayed stinky liquid.

But the scream before death did not have time to stop.

Not good!

[The male skunk’s scream before death startled the entire skunk flock, and then they scattered collectively and quickly fled]

[But the instinct to save life caused several skunks to run while spraying stinky liquid to block the enemy’s pursuit]

Lin Tian secretly complained in his heart, and the result he was most worried about still appeared!

But now there is no other way.

You can only shoot one to stop one!

He reached for the stone.

The subtitles in my mind changed again.

[You have been smooth sailing all the way, how can you eat deflated here with a few skunks, you will never allow such a result to occur]

【You get Agility +5】

【You have obtained the skill of killing three birds with one stone】

Three eagles with one stone?!

It’s too late to think about the skills that appear in your mind.

Anyway, if you don’t realize it, the body has mastered it, just like muscle memory.

Lin Tian grabbed three stones in one breath.

Then shot out quickly.




None of the three stones were lost!

Jing Qiuyun was dumbfounded.

Mu Yufei covered her mouth in surprise.

The fat man opened his mouth and pointed to the three fallen skunks, and then pointed to Lin Tian, but he couldn’t say a word.

“Come and wake me up personally, this can’t be! Three eagles with one stone! How can Brother Tian be so powerful?! ”

“Are we really watching a live stream? Isn’t this really making a movie? ”

“My husband is too handsome! I’m going to blow him up! ”

“Huh? Blow-up? ”


Netizens were also extremely shocked.

But the situation on the scene is still tense.

There are 7 skunks in total, 5 of which are dead now, and 2 more are running away in a frenzy.

Cut the grass and remove the roots!

After saving it, it multiplied a bunch out to increase trouble.

Lin Tian grabbed two stones and quickly chased them out!

It was also Lin Tian’s luck.

The direction in which the two skunks fled turned out to be the same.

If one left and one right, it is really possible to escape one.

But now.

All that awaits them is death.



Since then, the skunk family has been destroyed!

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