
Chapter 9:

Tao Xiaodong, who is not a philanthropist, left with his suitcase the next day. He didn't care about any work at the store, packed up a few sets of clothes, took a tattoo machine, brought a few cans of color and consumables, and threw everything in the store to Rhubarb.

First, I went to an old friend's shop in Italy and stayed in the store for ten days. I worked day and night for ten days. The owner of the store is a world-class master with great prestige in the circle. That is Tao Xiaodong's year-end friend. Tao Xiaodong stayed there for more than a year when he was young. When he first started the company, the other party sent people over several times to support him in the store. Tao Xiaodong always remembers this affection. Now that Tao Xiaodong has gained a reputation and is a world-class master, he spends a few days every year in a store in Italy to see old friends and communicate with him.

He met the people from the hospital at the intersection of the road from Lhasa to a certain city.

The hospital contacted Tao Xiaodong halfway, and Tao Xiaodong learned that they were on the same road, so he was thrown in Qushui. He waited in Qushui for more than an hour when the hospital convoy arrived.

A convoy of several buses and equipment vehicles, with two commercial vehicles at the front. One of them stopped right in front of Tao Xiaodong, and the driver came down to help him carry the suitcase. At the same time, the door of the business car slid open. Tao Xiaodong laughed at the sight, and said hello, "Doctor Tang."

Tang Suoyan nodded with a slight smile, and said to him, "Xiaodong."

It was a temporary stop on the side of the road, not a place to stop for a long time. Tao Xiaodong got into the car and sat in the middle with Tang Suoyan in the same row. There were five people including him in the car, and Tang Suoyan introduced him.

The driver is a local volunteer, the co-pilot is the anesthesiologist Director Xu, and the person in the back row is another chief physician of the ophthalmology department, Dr. Liu. After greeting each other, Director Xu in the front turned around and said, "Mr. Tao should have been in the other car, and there are colleagues who will receive you specially. He also planned to show you the scenery of Tibetan areas along the way and tell you something about it."

Tao Xiaodong waved his hand and said, "Forget it soon, you don't need to receive me."

Director Xu said with a smile: "Director Tang also said it's fine, let you take our car, so you can feel more comfortable."

Tao Xiaodong smiled at Tang Suoyan: "Well, I have known Dr. Tang for a long time."

Tang Suoyan also smiled, and asked him, "How is Xiao Nan?"

"It's good. You were on a business trip last time. Dr. Chen showed you that you have been stable." Tao Xiaodong said.

"Well, Xiao Nan's condition has always been good. During the Chinese New Year, he told me Happy New Year. I chatted with him a few times. He is still similar to when he was a child, very good." Tang Suoyan brought Tao Xiaodong a bottle of water and handed it over.

Tao Xiaodong took it and smiled: "He likes you."

This is a medical assistance project of the Third Hospital, and it can be regarded as a tradition of the Third Hospital.

This kind of medical assistance is carried out every year. For Tibetan and Sichuan areas and other poor areas with backward medical care, all departments have come out to provide assistance, including long-term and short-term projects. Since a few years ago, the state has called on all provincial and municipal hospitals to organize medical aid in underdeveloped areas. There has been a team of doctors stationed in Tibet for a long time, and there are also three hospitals.

This time, it is an ophthalmology aid project for Tibet outside of the group medical aid. Tang Suoyan is the doctor leading the team, and Tao Xiaodong is the equipment investor.

These areas lack not only doctors, but also equipment. This is not the first time Tao Xiaodong has invested in such a medical aid project, he has invested almost every year.

Spring is a period of high incidence of eye diseases, and the plateau itself is more prone to eye diseases. Some people in isolated mountainous areas may have never been to the hospital for medical treatment in their entire lives. This time, the local hospital made publicity in advance. It is said that there is already a long queue around the hospital, all patients with eye problems. In fact, the publicity is still not in place. In recent years, the overall level of medical treatment in Tibet has improved a lot, but there are still many retail investors and herdsmen who would rather go to pray to God and Buddha than go to the hospital for examination.

This time, the third hospital and the local government jointly organized a free clinic project, no matter whether it is an examination or an operation, it is free of charge. Many patients come from other cities in order to let experts see their eyes.

There was a photography team accompanying the film, and they followed it from the beginning to the end. The filming was spontaneously organized by the students of the medical school, and they wanted to make a series of documentaries. It is propagandistic, and I hope that more hospitals or other organizations in the society can participate in medical assistance projects in poverty-stricken areas.

The car they were sitting in also had a hand-held camera fixed in a corner, which Tao Xiaodong didn't notice at first.

In fact, Tao Xiaodong arrived many days earlier than the people at the hospital. He went to Linzhi first, where there was a friend he had promised a few years ago, saying that next time he would come, he would have scriptures tattooed on his back. The car of Tao Xiaodong and his companions broke down in no man's land, and they were finally met by this young man riding a motorcycle to herd sheep, and then took him back to his tent.

The young man's name is Sangbu. Tao Xiaodong went to find him specially this time. He is a nomad and a devout Buddhist.

Sangbu said that he took a bath last summer, but the winter was too cold and the river was frozen. The exposed skin is dry and chapped by the plateau wind all the year round, but the skin is not as vicissitudes as the hands and face when the clothes are taken off. His six-year-old son grinningly brushed his back with a cloth towel, brushing off the layer of oil, exposing the most primitive and cleanest layer of skin, to bear and accept the pain of engraving scriptures on his back.

Tao Xiaodong has been to Tibet a few times, and he didn't have any altitude sickness the first few times, but this time he had a serious reaction in the first few days. He copied scriptures on his back for others while enduring chest tightness and headache. The other party barely spoke extremely substandard Chinese, and said with a shy smile, "Don't shake your hands."

Tao Xiaodong smiled at him and said no.

"I don't know when you will come. I'm afraid you won't find me, so I often ride a little farther around." It took Tao Xiaodong a long time to understand what this man said.

Tao Xiaodong asked him, "Why didn't you call me?"

He said: "The note has been lost long ago, and I can't find it."

In the tent, their daily necessities were piled up in a mess, and a few winter coats were hanging outside to dry. A simple fence encloses a large circle, inside which are their tents and more than a hundred sheep. The yaks are relatively free to scatter outside, and they will move to another place when the grass is almost exhausted.

Tao Xiaodong engraved the scriptures he gave on his back completely. During this process, the other party kept smiling, shyly, but also exuding the joy of getting what he wanted. His son also laughed, thinking that the sound of the buzzing machine was very novel, and painting on the skin was also very interesting. He even wanted to paint a few strokes on his own hands.

The child couldn't speak Chinese, so his father scolded him in Tibetan, presumably forbidding him from touching the guests' things.

Tao Xiaodong smiled and asked, "Aren't you going to teach him to speak Chinese?"

"Teachable, I can't teach. I still can't pronounce 'aoe' correctly." The father said.

"Where's his mother?" Tao Xiaodong asked.

He said a place name, Tao Xiaodong heard it clearly, and the other party continued, "Her eyes are not good, and there are dark shadows in front of her eyes. There are many doctors in the hospital over there. They come from far away. They don't need money for surgery." Eyes, I told her to go too."

Speaking of this, the shy Tibetan man seemed to be very happy. He half turned his head and said to Tao Xiaodong: "It is said that he is a very powerful doctor. He can heal if he can't see it. In recent years, doctors often come from far away. Treat everyone, they are fine."

Tao Xiaodong was a little surprised, then smiled and said, "Yes, they are really nice."

Tao Xiaodong never denies this, and when he is in the middle, he agrees even more.

The medical staff from the third hospital are tacit and skilled. It is not the first time they have come out. The local hospital had never encountered so many patients gathering, and it seemed a little rushed. On the contrary, these foreign medical personnel and volunteers quickly organized and everything went on in an orderly manner.

They are so professional and bring order to the chaotic scene very quickly. Tao Xiaodong was just an ordinary volunteer when there was a shortage of staff, and when there were too many things, he didn't care about his status. Some volunteers didn't know who Tao Xiaodong was, so they were rude to order. Tao Xiaodong is quite easy to use, and he does things quickly and steadily. After all, he is well-informed and has more experience than young people.

At night, Tao Xiaodong was carrying two boxes of things and was seen by a doctor who knew him, and he hurriedly said, "Why are you still working? Mr. Tao, please rest soon."

Tao Xiaodong moved his lower body to the side, and said, "Hurry up and do your work, Mr. Tao."

The other party hurriedly left again, and the patient seemed to be endless, unable to finish reading.

The first three days were just sitting in the clinic and doing checkups. There are a lot of cataract and glaucoma surgeries, and eye diseases are common in plateaus. In fact, these diseases are not difficult to treat, but many people have been living a life of blindness because of these problems.

Tang Suoyan has been seeing a doctor, seeing hundreds of patients.

The student photography team was divided into several groups to shoot, and one with a handheld camera followed Tao Xiaodong all the time. Tao Xiaodong later said: "I have something good to shoot, let's shoot more of others."

"No, my task this time is to follow you, and you are worth photographing." The student said.

He can shoot as much as he wants, and Tao Xiaodong doesn’t talk to him anymore. Sometimes he can put down the camera and do some work first if he can’t do enough work.

In the afternoon of the third day, the patients were finally seen, and the doctors could rest earlier. In fact, some people in the team have severe altitude sickness, but they have been overcoming it, so when the work is over for the time being, some people don't even eat and go back to rest.

Others ate at the restaurant, and the local government had prepared for a long time in advance, but these people went straight to work as soon as they arrived here, and only then did they have time to sit down and have a good meal. Because everyone was too tired, they didn't go far, just at the hotel where they were staying.

Tao Xiaodong sat at a table with several interns from the hospital, with Tang Suoyan on his right.

Several leaders of the local government and several directors of the hospital were sitting at the same table. Tang Suoyan came late just now. She understood immediately, and came over and sat down next to him.

The leader over there enthusiastically asked them to sit there. Tao Xiaodong said, "It doesn't matter where you sit. If the other side is full, we can just sit here. You're welcome, you're welcome."

The two went over to say a few words, and then came back here to have a down-to-earth meal.

During the day, the doctors seemed to be in a state of battle, and every nerve was tense. After resting for a while, they finally relaxed their tense nerves, and all of them showed a tired and lazy state.

Although Tang Suoyan didn't look too lazy, he was really tired.

Fortunately, sitting at the table of the little doctor in the hospital, there is no need to talk and socialize, and the shoulders don't have to be so straight. I have been talking to the doctor for three days in a row, and I really can't speak. The polite and entertaining conversations are too tiring at this time.

If Tao Xiaodong hadn't called Tang Suoyan over to sit down before the leaders, Tang Suoyan would have had a couple of occasional bites of food while socializing next to the city leaders. He's the lead doctor in the ophthalmology department, and that's his job.

Tao Xiaodong asked him, "Are you tired, Doctor Tang?"

Tang Suoyan was not tactful, nodded and said: "Tired, every time I come out like this."

Tao Xiaodong said: "You are working too hard."

"The hard work is behind, and I can still sit these few days." Tang Suoyan smiled at him, like a little self-mockery, "From tomorrow onwards, you will see Superman."

Tao Xiaodong poured him a cup of tea: "The operation is about to start, right?"

Tang Suo said "Yes" and said, "Seeing a doctor is easier than performing an operation."

They sat close to each other, and the dining room was noisy, so they could only be heard clearly when they were chatting in such a low voice. Tao Xiaodong ate fast, but Tang Suoyan was too tired to eat much, and after eating, the two sat and talked like this.

It's quite interesting to say that before this, they didn't really know each other that well, they just got to know each other through Tian Yi and had a meal together. After that, except for Tao Huainan's inspection every time, he had almost no contact. Tang Suoyan had more contact with Tao Huainan than them.

But they are now like a pair of friends who have known each other for a long time.

It was a bit cold at this time of night. Tang Suoyan was only wearing a shirt, and he didn't know where he left his coat. He rubbed his hands and said, "It's cold."

Tao Xiaodong said, "It's getting cold at night."

Several messages came to Tao Xiaodong's mobile phone. He looked down and said, "It's Tian Yi, ask me where I am."

Tang Suoyan said "junior brother", he didn't know Tian Yi that well either. Ask Tao Xiaodong: "Have you known each other for a long time?"

Tao Xiaodong nodded and said, "We are in the same class in junior high school, I will be the first and he will be the second."

Tang Suoyan was a little surprised and raised his eyebrows.

Tao Xiaodong smiled: "Is it amazing? The junior high school graduates from your medical university are actually ranked second."

Tang Suoyan also smiled and said, "It's really amazing."

"At that time, we were hanging on the tail of the class and fighting every day. The school leader saw that we were not bothering others. I thought this was a good brother who was destined for me. Who knew that when we entered high school, we would suddenly become super gods. , I'm still number one, this kid is going to go to the top ten."

Tang Suoyan was amused by his words, and laughed twice.

Another message came in from the phone, Tao Xiaodong looked at it and said, "I said you were there, Tian Yi said go back and have dinner together. He is your fanboy and has always admired you."

Tang Suoyan didn't say anything about modesty, just nodded and said, "Okay, we'll make an appointment when we get back."

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