
Chapter 26:

About Tao Xiaodong's dinner with Tangning, he first told Tang Suoyan that he had said hello in advance. On the one hand, he wanted a word from him, and on the other hand, he was thinking too much, and the one who thought less about things went straight away.

After I went there, no matter how I ate the meal or what I talked about, in fact, from Tang Suoyan's point of view, it was quite disrespectful. Without his knowledge, these two people made an appointment to meet, and the conversation must be related to him, but he didn't know it. So Tao Xiaodong had to tell him in advance that Tangning could think less, he had been spoiled for so many years, and Tao Xiaodong couldn't do whatever he wanted.

Now with Tang Suoyan's words, since the two of them can't get better, Tao Xiaodong will be much tougher when he really goes.

Tangning and Tao Xiaodong had a good relationship at first, and Tao Xiaodong was a comfortable person. Although I haven't contacted him personally, every time we meet when there are many people, Tangning always talks to him more than anyone else. Most of the time, he is called "President Tao", and occasionally he is called "Xiaodong" when they have a warm conversation. With this background, although the next few meetings were more awkward than the last time, the two always smiled and would not really say anything with a cold face.

This is the first time for the two of them to eat alone, and their mentality has changed a lot from when they first met. But there was nothing to be seen on the face, and he greeted him very familiarly, and then sat down and talked and ate harmoniously with a smile.

Tao Xiaodong is quite good at eating in front of outsiders. He said slowly that he could have a bite in half a day.

"Is your brother doing well recently?" Tangning asked.

"It's good, he's always been like that." Tao Xiaodong said.

"My brother is very beautiful." Tangning sincerely boasted.

Generally, boys at the age of sixteen or seventeen boast to be handsome, but Tao Huainan is indeed very beautiful, white and delicate. The cool tattoo artist sister in Tao Xiaodong's shop calls him "little pretty" every time she sees her.

"Beautiful since childhood, like my mother." Tao Xiaodong smiled, "Better than me."

"You're also handsome, your genes are so good," Tangning said.

Tao Xiaodong shook his head: "If others say that, I'll listen to it. You say that like I'm shabby."

Tangning was good-looking and had a temperament, while Tao Xiaodong felt that she was far behind.

Tao Xiaodong joked about Tangning, "When I was young, everyone said I was ugly, and I couldn't compare to my brother in every way."

"Really? Are you ugly?" Tao Xiaodong was quite surprised, "Doctor Tang still has a brother?"

"Yes, I don't come back often when I'm abroad." Tangning smiled slightly as she spoke. He looked young and looked small.

Tao Xiaodong asked, "When was Dr. Tang?"

Tangning mentioned her age, and Tao Xiaodong said, "Then we are the same age."

After asking around, Tangning was a few months older than Tao Xiaodong. Tao Xiaodong touched his face, a bit dumbfounded: "I always feel that I am older than you, and I look older than you."

"No, Xiaodong looks young." Tangning looked at him and said something.

Up until now, they were basically exchanging compliments. After the compliments, they finally got to the point. The topic suddenly changed. Tangning asked, "How is Brother Yan?"

Tao Xiaodong looked a little confused: "Dr. Tang asked me about this? According to your relationship, it is appropriate for me to ask."

Tangning poured herself a cup of tea and said calmly, "It's been a while."

"Both of you are too busy." Tao Xiaodong said.

Tangning said, "It's always been like this".

Now that the topic has come to this, it is inevitable to talk about Tang Suoyan. This Tao Xiaodong is quite chatty, but he can't say a few words. He doesn't know much about Tang Suoyan, even if he doesn't know much.

Tang Ning's Tang Suoyan was not quite the same as what he saw. After all, the two had lived together for more than ten years, and the Tang Suoyan he spoke of was very lively.

Tao Xiaodong said: "I have always felt that it is a pity that you two separated."

Tangning smiled, but said nothing.

His fingers for pouring tea are long and slender, and his complexion is also very white in contrast to the dark teapot. These are the hands for surgery. Tao Xiaodong felt that this person was attractive from top to bottom, and he enjoyed watching it.

No wonder Tang Suoyan liked it so much.

Tangning put down the teapot, looked up, and asked softly, "Xiaodong, are you and Brother Yan okay?"

Tao Xiaodong immediately said, "No."

The denial was straightforward and clear: "Nothing."

Tangning raised her eyebrows slightly, "I thought you two were already together."

"Where is it?" Although Tao Xiaodong denied it, he didn't hide his thoughts, "I'm just a little interested now. I don't know if Dr. Tang is there. It's still a long way to go."

"Are you interested in him?" Tangning looked at him and asked.

"Yes." Tao Xiaodong nodded frankly, "It's not surprising that such an outstanding person is interesting, right?"

Tangning knew that Tao Xiaodong was a happy person, but she never expected him to be this happy. She would finish all this without talking about him. Last time, Tao Xiaodong dropped a broken table on the wine table. Tangning kept looking at Tang Suoyan while he was protecting Tang Suoyan with a cold face.

This is a very charming person. Now that Tangning had chatted with him, she felt that anyone who got to know him well should get close to him. The eyes are very sincere when speaking, and sincere people are always hard to hate.

"Actually, Dr. Tang also talked to me about you." Tao Xiaodong continued, "I didn't know you that well at that time. When we chatted, I talked about a lot of things about you when you were young. I thought it was good."

Tangning sipped her tea and listened to Tao Xiaodong's words. There was always a faint smile on her face, neither obvious nor cold.

"So since Dr. Tang has already asked, I will also ask." Tao Xiaodong asked bluntly, "What does Dr. Tang think? I will also listen to your point."

How can there be such a chat, no such chat.

For a moment, Tangning couldn't catch up.

"Are you reluctant to let go of Dr. Tang?" Tao Xiaodong smiled with the corners of his lips pulled up. There was no hint of sarcasm, just a joke among friends, "If I am, I can't let go. I can't let go of these ten years. .”

Tangning was silent, but suddenly smiled.

"Am I right?" Tao Xiaodong blinked.

Tangning still laughed, but she didn't answer his question directly after laughing, she just asked, "It's raining heavily recently, brother Yan's hand hurts, right?"

"I really haven't heard him say that, and we haven't seen much." Tao Xiaodong said.

Tang Ning said that he might have hand pain, his hand was injured, and his wrist was broken.

Tao Xiaodong frowned after being surprised: "Seriously?"

"Heavy." Tangning looked at her hands, "He replaced me with his hands."

Listening to stories from other people's mouths is not easy. Tao Xiaodong frowned more and more as he listened.

It's also an event, driving on a mountain road with two people in the car. Tang Suoyan was tired and sat in the passenger seat to rest. A heavy truck came from the opposite side. The driver was tired and rushed towards this side suddenly. Tang Suoyan reacted and stretched out his hand to push the steering wheel. The car turned forcibly and finally hit the right front side of the car.

"That's why his hands hurt when it's raining, and even when he's extremely tired." Tangning slightly covered her coat with one hand, and poured Tao Xiaodong a cup of tea with the other.

It doesn't take long to eat a meal, and it doesn't take two hours even counting the ins and outs. The two drove their own cars and came out of the restaurant to go home.

I can't help but say, halfway through the car, the rain started to fall.

The rain was not too light, and the wiper brushed repeatedly very frequently, and the rain blocked the sight a bit.

Tangning said that Tang Suoyan almost lost his right hand, which was the doctor's hand. For this reason, Tang Ning had been on her mind for a long time, and felt afraid. Tang Suoyan explained to him that his hands healed the eyes and Tangning's hands healed the heart. They are both important, but a person can live without eyes, but not without a heart.

When people have accidents, they are all instinctive, who would think of so many things. Such moments have no value or value, they are all excuses for caring.

Tao Xiaodong didn't go home, he went back to the shop first. I went to another shop of his, and there were only two tattoo artists working in the shop. This is the place where Tao Xiaodong picks up private work. When he came, people thought he was doing some work.

I came here because of the proximity, the rain was too heavy, and the car was noisy.

Tao Xiaodong sat in a corner of the store and sent a message to Tang Suoyan: Brother Yan.

Tang Suo said back to him: What's wrong?

Tao Xiaodong: Does your hand hurt?

Tang Suoyan asked: Is it my hand?

Chatting with smart people is like this, you start and he knows what you want to say.

Tao Xiaodong: Ah.

Tang Suoyan: A little bit, not bad.

Tao Xiaodong sat there thinking for a long time, and then said: I have medicine.

Tang Suoyan stood up and looked in the cabinet. He had never used the medicine Tao Xiaodong took before. Tang Suoyan was more educated in Western medicine and did not rely too much on Chinese medicine. His parents had taken many similar medicines, but Tang Suoyan had never used them.

Finding the bag that Tao Xiaodong brought over, there was plaster inside. Tang Suoyan took out a sticker, only to see that there was a piece of paper in the bag.

Inside are two sentences written by Tao Xiaodong: After sticking it, iron it with a hot towel, and it will work quickly. It is best to use plastic paper to keep your hands from getting wet.

At that time, they were not familiar with each other, and they had just had an event together. Tao Xiaodong probably also guessed that he probably didn't know how to use this medicine, so he didn't say it to his face.

Tang Suoyan opened a sticker and stuck it on his hand, took a photo and sent it to Tao Xiaodong.

Tao Xiaodong: I still have more. Let me know when you feel pain.

Tang Suo said back to him: good.

The rain stopped on Monday, and Tao Xiaodong arrived at the ophthalmology department on time with a lunch box at noon.

"Mr. Tao is here?" Someone asked.

"Here, Director Tang is here?" Tao Xiaodong greeted with a smile.

"No, Director Tang went out to the clinic today and hasn't come back yet, why don't you wait a while." The other party said.

Tao Xiaodong stood at the door of the office and waited. When Tang Suoyan came back, Tao Xiaodong leaned against the wall of the door with a lunch box in his hand.

Tang Suoyan smiled and said, "Go in and wait, standing here seems like you've been **** off."

When the door was opened, Tao Xiaodong followed behind and went in, also smiling: "I'm not embarrassed, that's a bit outrageous, what is it like?"

"President Tao is quite particular," Tang Suo said to him, "Then it seems like you come here every day to deliver meals?"

"That's right, I'll be the food delivery boy." Tao Xiaodong sat down and opened the lunch box, pushed it to Tang Suoyan, "Have you washed your hands?"

"Washed." Tang Suoyan opened the chopsticks and lowered his head to eat.

Tao Xiaodong kept staring at his hand while he was eating, Tang Suoyan glanced up at him, and shook his wrist: "It doesn't hurt."

Tao Xiaodong nodded, "Ah".

He didn't speak after that, Tang Suoyan ate very slowly, Tao Xiaodong leaned on his arm and looked at him, looked at other places, looked at this and that.

As soon as Tang Suoyan finished eating here, he stood up and put away the lunch box, picked it up neatly, and wanted to leave.

Tang Suoyan talked to him: "Sit down for a while."

Tao Xiaodong smiled and said, "I have something to do."

"So busy?" Tang Suoyan asked him.

"Busy." Tao Xiaodong said, "The weather forecast says it will rain tomorrow, why don't you post it tonight, I still have some, and I'll bring them for you tomorrow."

Before he finished speaking, the door opened, and one foot stepped out immediately.

Tang Suoyan looked at him and said, "Stand there."

Tao Xiaodong turned around: "Huh?"

Tang Suo said, "I'll let you stand there."

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