
Chapter 30:

It's almost a question.

Tangning herself felt that the gesture of pointing at the person was too much, so she lowered her hand and asked Tang Suoyan, "Are you two together?"

Tang Suoyan didn't want to have this kind of scene. In this kind of scene, none of the three people was not embarrassed. But since Tangning turned around and came back, it was impossible for him to leave easily.

Tang Suoyan sighed, stood up and said, "Come in and talk."

He entered the study room. Tangning stood there without moving, only looking at Tao Xiaodong. Tao Xiaodong breathed steadily and did not move under his gaze.

Tang Suoyan called him again.

Tangning followed in. Tang Suoyan closed the door and said to Tangning, "Sit."

He stood by the window himself, leaned there and said, "If you have something to say, say it here."

Tangning had approached him so many times, so she must have something to say. Tang Suoyan could probably guess it, so he didn't want to talk. Tangning's temper tantrum was not a joke. Once Tang Suoyan wanted to understand his emotions, give him time, call him, and want to chat, but Tangning didn't want to say it.

But now Tang Suoyan wanted to leave Tangning's emotions to time.

"Are you two together?" Sitting there, Tangning looked at Tang Suoyan with a lot of emotion in her eyes.

Tang Suo spoke the truth: "Not yet."

"No?" Tangning laughed sarcastically, "It's up to you? Would you take it home if we weren't together?"

"I said no, but not yet." Tang Suoyan said calmly, "You know I don't lie."

"Then what's the relationship between you two?" Tangning still had the ironic smile on her face, "Come on..."

Tang Suoyan interrupted him warningly, and called "Tangning" coldly.

"What are you not allowed to say?" Tangning asked persistently with sharp eyes, "Because I won't do it with you, so you find someone who can do it with you, right?"

These words are too harsh, Tang Suoyan frowned: "Speak well."

"I said, why are you avoiding me? I thought you were losing your temper with me." Tangning stared at Tang Suoyan with red eyes, "You didn't know I would come today? You brought him home on purpose I read it?"

Tangning did lose her composure today, and Tang Suoyan felt like she couldn't catch her right now. Tang Ning was not familiar with his eyes and demeanor.

Tangning rubbed her knuckles, and her Adam's apple slid up and down, "What's the matter with you, you let him sleep here?"

It could be seen that Tangning was a little panicked. He and Tang Suoyan have been on and off for so many years, and it was always just the two of them, no outsiders.

This time Tao Xiaodong was suddenly mixed in, and he even frankly said to himself that he was interested in Dr. Tang. This was the first time that something like this happened, and Tangning felt more and more at a loss as to how to deal with it.

Tang Suoyan leaned his arms back on the window sill. He was standing and sitting with Tangning. Although there was a distance, he still looked down at Tangning slightly.

Tangning was very fair, so every time she got excited, the corners of her eyes would turn red, making her look very emotional, which was unbearable. In the past, Tang Suoyan didn't talk much to him when he had quarrels, and he was used to letting him go. This time, Tang Suoyan looked at the redness in the corner of his eyes, and what he said made it even harder for Tangning to accept.

"Xiaodong has always respected you. He called you 'Doctor Tang' from the beginning to the end, and never said a word of contempt for you. You can decide for yourself whether the words you just said are appropriate or not."

"Do you think my words are harsh?" Tangning sneered, her eyelashes trembling slightly, "What did I say that made you unhappy? Are you so protective of him?"

"Tangning." Tang Suoyan called him and said to him, "If you have something to say, tell me, you stab me, don't look at who stabs whom, it's rude."

The phrase "unrefined" made Tangning stand up from her chair in an instant, a little unbelievable, "...what did you say?"

"It's time for you to mature." Tang Suo said, "You can't always be like this, you can do whatever you want, you are living too selfishly."

Tang Ning opened the door again today. Tang Suoyan didn't expect, not even at first, that he would come directly. Tang Suoyan didn't want him to make trouble here, so Tao Xiaodong slept on the sofa outside. Tangning didn't care about the trouble, and Tao Xiaodong probably wouldn't say anything if the trouble came.

"Are you educating me?" Tangning asked.

Tang Suo said, "I'm telling you."

"I don't need it. You can't listen to me because others say it." Tang Ning had been let down by Tang Suoyan for so many years, and she was used to being proud. It was really hard to accept.

Tang Suoyan said nothing, nothing to say.

Tangning calmed down for a while, then sat back down, lowering her head. When she spoke again, she wasn't as prickly as before. Looking up at Tang Suoyan this time, he only asked, "What's on your mind?"

"which aspect?"

Tangning said, "With me."

Tang Suoyan replied, "We're separated."

Tangning blinked, "Then what about him?"

Tang Suoyan: "The stage of mutual understanding."

"What about after understanding?" Tangning asked.

Tang Suoyan: "We are together when it suits us."

Tang Suoyan answered him three short sentences, each sentence was straightforward, leaving no room for it. Tangning clutched the armrest and suddenly smiled.

After laughing, he said: "I said I need time...you can't wait to find the next one?"

"I also said that I won't give you time this time."

In fact, they had already said what they had to say before they parted this time. Tang Suoyan said that this time he would just let it go, but Tangning didn't seem to take it to heart.

What Tang Suo said was always meaningless to him.

"Are you short of love?" Tangning looked at Tang Suoyan suspiciously, "Is it because you are not allowed to do it in such a hurry? So you are determined to separate from me this time?"

Tang Suoyan's face was ugly: "Don't mention this, emotional matters have nothing to do with it. It's not because of me and you, or me and Xiaodong. You mentioned the separation, you said you were tired, remember? ?”

"But I said I need time." Tangning was a little anxious.

He obviously couldn't communicate like this, he was holding on to one point of himself, and couldn't listen to others. He asked Tang Suoyan: "What am I with you? You used to say you loved me, but you forgot quickly enough."

Tang Suoyan was silent for a moment, and then asked, "What am I with you?"

Tang Suoyan fell in love with Tangning at first sight at first sight. The dazzling primary school boy fell in love with him immediately. Afterwards, they pursued and became together. When the first few years were good, it was a pretty good story. The story would be perfect if it just stopped there. At that time, no one could have imagined that the ending after many years would be like this.

However, after returning to China, the two of them just spent their relationship together. When Tangning separated, he said that he was tired and felt that their lives were like empty shells. Tang Suoyan will only be more tired than him.

Now that the conversation has reached this point, Tang Suoyan simply let the conversation go through. He asked Tangning, "Actually, I haven't understood you all this time. Why do you feel dissatisfied?"

Tangning didn't speak.

"Many times you can't hide the disgust in your eyes."

"I didn't." Tangning immediately denied.

Tang Suoyan waved his hand, without arguing with him: "You feel that living with me is torture, and I'm sorry about that. You asked me just now, what are you with me?"

Tang Suoyan thought for a while and said: "Leaving aside the unpleasant things, I am very grateful for the years we have been together. This is your youngest ten years, and it is also my youngest ten years. You and I are the first It’s the first time I’ve been with people, I’m inexperienced, and I may have made a mistake from the very beginning.”

His voice was deep and deep. Tangning used to like him talking like this. It made people feel safe and calm.

"Since you are not happy with me, then find a suitable person to live a good life." Tang Suoyan said to him, "I hope you have a good life."

These words were from the heart, but now Tangning was full of emotions, he couldn't listen to them at all. He has long been used to Tang Suoyan being here, and he will be here when he turns around, but now he can't accept if he is gone when he turns around.

Tangning was very stubborn at times, and he had never really experienced the idea of ​​Tang Suoyan leaving. He shook his head at Tang Suoyan, not accepting his words.

"Are you driving me away?"

Tang Suoyan had finished what he wanted to say, and now he didn't speak anymore.

Tangning stared at him for a long time, then suddenly turned her head, her voice hoarse: "...you are quite free and easy."

Tang Suoyan didn't say a word, and Tangning couldn't sit still.

When he left, Tao Xiaodong had already rolled over in his sleep.

Tangning's eyes were still red. He looked at Tao Xiaodong's back and disliked the current scene very much, but he still couldn't hate Tao Xiaodong from the bottom of his heart.

Tang Suoyan went to see him off at the door, and Tangning changed her shoes and left.

Before closing the door, he glanced at Tang Suoyan again, the emotions in his eyes were too complicated, and he couldn't keep them in his sockets.

The two didn't even say goodbye. Tang Ning entered the elevator and Tang Suoyan closed the door.

He closed the door and sat on the sofa, turning on a small light. Tao Xiaodong fell asleep on the other side, and Tang Suoyan looked at one side in silence.

After a while, Tao Xiaodong suddenly sat up.

Tang Suoyan asked him, "Stop pretending for a while?"

Tao Xiaodong was also very helpless, and touched his ears: "I... I'm in a panic."

He came here after drinking and wanted to go to the toilet a long time ago.

"Go." Tang Suoyan smiled lightly.

Tao Xiaodong went to the toilet and washed his face while washing his hands. I didn't wipe it with a towel after washing, I wiped it with my hands twice, wiped my hands with paper and went out.

It has been such a long time, and Tao Xiaodong woke up early from that drink. Tang Suoyan was still in the same posture as before, Tao Xiaodong went to sit next to him, and the two sat next to each other, very close to each other.

Tang Suoyan asked him when he woke up.

Tao Xiaodong said it was from Dr. Tang.

Tang Suoyan said "Yes", saying that he guessed it.

Tao Xiaodong really didn't want to listen to their conversation just now, but the sound insulation of the study door was not that good, so he heard it even if he didn't want to. Except for a few words in a low voice, he could hear the other words clearly whether he wanted to or not.

Tao Xiaodong touched Tang Suoyan's leg and asked him, "Do you feel uncomfortable?"

Tang Suoyan nodded frankly, there was nothing to hide: "Uncomfortable."

It was a relationship of thirteen years, and Tang Suoyan drew the full stop again and again. No matter how willful or unreasonable Tangning was, he was someone who had been pampered by Tang Suoyan for so many years. Many behaviors and words had even become habits. Tang Suoyan would be lying if he didn't feel uncomfortable saying something today.

The water on Tao Xiaodong's face was not dry yet, so he waited quietly for it to dry.

When his face was dry, he suddenly thought of something, and squatted in front of Tang Suoyan, with one knee on the ground, not too far away from Tang Suoyan, looked up at his face from bottom to top, moved closer, and deliberately asked : "Doctor Tang...he won't let me do it?"

Tang Suoyan met his eyes, raised his hand and gently pushed his face away, with a helpless expression on his face: "I'm afraid you heard this."

"Why?" Tao Xiaodong followed his strength and sat directly on the ground, with his knees bent and his long legs bent, and asked with a smile, "Why are you afraid of me listening? Are you not good at technology?"

Tang Suoyan turned his face away, with the intention of laughing a little.

"I can." After Tao Xiaodong finished speaking, he felt that it was too straightforward, so he took it back, "There is no other meaning, just say it casually."

"What can you do?" Tang Suoyan asked him.

Tao Xiaodong stopped talking, and laughed in a low voice: "There are so many things I can do."

Tao Xiaodong is not a serious person at all, so relax and let him say that he can always say something serious. Today was also intended to break up Tang Suoyan's emotions, and he couldn't help wanting to coax him.

He leaned forward again, smiling a little shamelessly, raised his head and asked, "Just now I heard you said it was suitable to be together, right? Did I hear correctly?"

"I heard wrong." Tang Suo said.

"Then the original words?" Tao Xiaodong knew that he said that on purpose, so he asked along the way.

Tang Suo said, "Forgot."

"That's what I heard." Tao Xiaodong put his hands on his knees, rubbed them back and forth, and discussed, "Dr. Tang will consider me. I can make money with my skills to support my family when I go out, and I can also rely on my skills when I go home."

In the middle of saying this, Tang Suoyan looked down at him: "What do you want to do with your skills when you go home?"

"Shall I stop talking?" Tao Xiaodong said "tsk", "I can do a lot."

The more he talked, the more out of tune he became, Tang Suoyan smiled and turned away from talking to him. He stood up and reached out to Tao Xiaodong. Tao Xiaodong stood up with his hand.

He didn't pause after getting up, and directly raised his arms to hug Tang Suoyan.

"...don't feel bad." The two of them pressed their chests together, and Tao Xiaodong lay warm for a long time, and his whole body was full of warmth.

Tang Suoyan was slanted around his shoulder with one arm, which was a gesture of being held in his arms.

Tao Xiaodong hugged him tightly, rubbed his back, and said in his ear: "I'm sorry. I also feel sorry for you and Dr. Tang, but I can't say anything more now, I hope you can get better, and it's okay to say it." lie."

His voice was very low, but he spoke firmly: "Don't be sad, just be together when it's right, and I will make you have no regrets in the future if we are really together, trust me."

Tang Suoyan has never been hugged and comforted like this since he was an adult. When he was a child, his parents would occasionally hug him and pat him like this. Tang Suoyan is always a strong man, and there is no time when he needs to be coaxed like this.

Now being hugged by Tao Xiaodong like this, I want to laugh a little, but my heart is also very hot. He didn't speak, and after about three minutes, he said with a smile: "I'm a little embarrassed that you hug me like that."

"Then how to fix it?" Tao Xiaodong kept his hands in their original shape, "If I could do it all over again, I wouldn't hug like this, it makes my arms sore."

"Then you can take it off." Tang Suoyan smiled softly.

"You don't move or talk, you're embarrassing me here." Tao Xiaodong scratched Tang Suoyan's clothes lightly with his thumb, "I let you go without making a sound, so that it won't look too uncomfortable Is it okay?"

"Then how can you feel that I am round now?" Tang Suoyan asked him.

Tao Xiaodong said, "I don't know either."

This person is simply a treasure. Tang Suoyan's emotions have long since faded away, and now he just wants to laugh. Knowing Tao Xiaodong's considerate thoughts, and because of his words for the first time, I have a very fresh feeling.

Tang Suoyan raised his hand and placed it on his narrow waist, then asked him, "How about this? Are you still embarrassed?"

"I'm much better this way." Tao Xiaodong could now smell Tang Suoyan's body, which was fresh and comfortable. He secretly took a breath, and then let Tang Suoyan go.

After hugging for a few minutes inexplicably, there was an inexplicable heat in the atmosphere for the rest of the time. Tao Xiaodong's brain just had a twitch at the time, and it would be impossible for him to do it again now.

Tang Suoyan cut a plate of fruit for him to eat, Tao Xiaodong honestly ate it clean.

"I asked my friend to make a cake for him. He is a pastry chef and specializes in making desserts." Tao Xiaodong said to Tang Suoyan after eating the fruit, "But now there are all here, let's eat it?"

Tang Suoyan glanced at him, shook his head and said, "Eat yours."

"Don't waste this, eat it." Tao Xiaodong smiled, "Whoever bought it didn't want to eat it, my friend will also send it over later, we both ate it."

Tang Suo said what he said.

The cake Tangning bought was also a small one, and the two of them finished it in a few mouthfuls. Originally, they planned to go out to eat at night, but after all this trouble, they didn't want to go out, and Tao Xiaodong was still a little bit reluctant to part with the current atmosphere. This kind of solitude is not the same as being alone in a private room in a restaurant or in an office. This kind of solitude is really no one else, and I don't worry about who will open the door suddenly.

Even though Tangning had already done so before.

When he opened the door, he just wanted to see if Tang Suoyan had changed his password, and when he did, he simply came in.

Regarding the password, Tang Suoyan never thought of changing it, there is no need. There are many people who know the password of his door, and he has had this password since the first day he lived here. His parents knew it, including Chen Lin. No one would open the door without saying hello, even his parents would only open the door if they were sure he was not at home. The last time Tangning came back to pick up her things, she stood at the door and waited. She didn't come in by herself.

Never thought about it at all.

"The password is 826400, add two 0s to the nine-key 'tang'." Tang Suoyan said to Tao Xiaodong, "Next time you can enter by yourself."

Tang Suoyan and Tangning's surnames are both "tang". Tang Suoyan asked, "Do you mind? If so, I'll change them later."

Tao Xiaodong immediately shook his head: "Don't worry about it, it's just a number, and I don't need it."

Tang Suo said, "Let's change to another one."

Tao Xiaodong stopped him: "If you change uncle and aunt, you have to remember it all over again, so it's easy to use."

It's such a trivial matter that Tao Xiaodong can't even mention it.

The two people didn't look at each other very much after hugging for a few minutes before, they immediately turned away when their eyes met, and they didn't look at each other's eyes when they talked.

They are all in their thirties, and now they are innocent, and they are inexplicably embarrassed to go up.

"My face is always hot." Tao Xiaodong said while covering half of his face.

Tang Suoyan asked him: "What?"

"Shame." Tao Xiaodong scratched his hair, "How to do it? I haven't done this in many, many years. I feel like I am seventeen or eighteen years old now, and my heart is pounding."

This is an exaggeration, Big Brother is cute.

"Fight poison with poison?" Tang Suoyan raised his eyebrows.

"Farewell." Tao Xiaodong didn't know what to think in his mind, but it wasn't something clean. After he lowered his head to think about it, he quickly repeated, "Farewell."

The author has something to say: Dong, you are quite Su.

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