
Chapter 47:

After working hard for a whole day, now holding the other party's hand and speaking softly, my heart softens. A few simple little things, one after another from morning to night, made my heart burn.

In fact, it's nothing, it's not worth treating each other coldly.

Tang Suoyan held Tao Xiaodong's hands in such a way that the axis force disappeared a little, and he comforted him: "Hands are fine, Brother Yan."

Tang Suoyan knew that his hands were fine, and Tao Xiaodong's doctor called him as soon as he left. Tang Suoyan said: "If you misplace it again, you have to reset it again. Don't take it seriously. You are a tattoo artist. If your hand is broken, you will not be able to do your art."

Tao Xiaodong nodded and said yes.

It was just a matter of this, and it was over after I said it.

Tang Suoyan asked Tao Xiaodong to come down and he drove. Tao Xiaodong went to the co-driver honestly and gave Tang Suoyan the driver's seat.

"I told you not to come, but you should tell me when you come, and I will try to get down as soon as possible." Tang Suoyan said helplessly, "It's so cold and you sleep in the car, you are really not afraid of freezing."

Tao Xiaodong just laughed and didn't speak. Tang Suoyan was angry that he didn't have no temper at all, and he seemed to be a bit competitive today, but he was actually a very stubborn person.

The two were talking, and Tang Suoyan drove the car out of the parking lot. Tang Suo said that he has to work overtime these days, and tomorrow is probably later than today.

Tao Xiaodong said it was all right.

After driving for a few minutes, the car turned a corner. Tao Xiaodong said, "I made a mistake and said Brother Yan."

Tang Suoyan looked ahead and said, "Go back to Xiaonan's place for two days."

Tao Xiaodong refused without even thinking about it: "No reply."

Tang Suo said, "You will come back when I stop working overtime."

Tao Xiaodong frowned: "I won't answer what I said."

Today Tang Suoyan worked overtime until 9:30, and the time later was uncertain. He could neither make Tao Xiaodong wait all day, nor let him go back by himself. If I meet someone who gets angry again, I will have to hurt my hand again.

"I don't see that person in good spirits, I can't let you go back by yourself." Tao Xiaodong looked at Tang Suoyan with a grim expression, "If it wasn't for this, I don't have to go. I can’t even sleep well when I go back by myself.”

Tang Suoyan glanced at the rearview mirror, and said differently: "The property is watching, he can't get in."

Neither of them can convince the other about this matter. In the final analysis, it is the same as what happened in the morning. They are used to being tough, and they have to protect someone when they are around, even if their identities are swapped.

Although Tao Xiaodong said he was unwilling, the car finally stopped at the gate of his community. The two of them hardly spoke in the second half, and were quite silent. Now that the car is parked, Tang Suoyan unbuckles his seat belt and helps Tao Xiaodong unbuckle his.

"Xiaodong." Tang Suoyan called him.

Tao Xiaodong didn't speak, nor did he respond to his voice.

"From the time your hand broke to today, I was afraid that it would not recover well. I saw him smashing your hand today, but I couldn't stop it." Tang Suoyan spoke in a deep voice.

"It makes me panic."

Tao Xiaodong glanced at him, and it could be seen from his eyes that Tao Xiaodong was in a bad mood now.

"I will tell you in advance when I get off work normally next week." Tang Suoyan asked him lightly, "Are you coming to pick me up?"

Tao Xiaodong didn't reply to his words, and called "Brother Yan" after a while.

Tang Suo said "Yes", waiting for him to say.

"Actually, you don't need me, right Brother Yan." Tao Xiaodong nodded after finishing speaking, and continued, "Before you said that you have a cold personality, I haven't felt it yet."

Tang Suoyan wanted to say something, but Tao Xiaodong continued: "I can't force you to go back with you now that we are like this, and I am really not qualified to carry anything with you."

The emotion in these words is obvious. Tao Xiaodong turned his head and looked out the window: "There's nothing to be afraid of. I just like you to see you, and I want to be with you. I will try my best. Sometimes I will be rash if I try my best. Be careful, then I will There's nothing wrong with just following you, it's so down-to-earth."

Tao Xiaodong didn't finish his sentence, he paused for two seconds, and then said: "Today I understand, I will always obey your arrangement when I am here, I can only move if you give me an order, and I have to come back if you point me back."

He gave a soft "chick", opened the door and got out of the car, and the door closed with a "bang".

The cool air brought in by opening and closing the car door rushed towards the person's face. Tang Suoyan closed his eyes.

Tao Xiaodong walked into the community without turning his head once.

Re-realizing that now that they are one year younger, the two have never lost their temper and have always respected each other. This time it was true.

Tao Xiaodong slammed the door of the car and left. When he returned, Tao Huainan was still still asleep. Chi Cheng was doing a problem. When he heard the door opening, he came out and took a look. When he saw it was him, he called "Brother" in surprise.

Tao Huainan was in the room: "Brother is back?"

Tao Xiaodong said, "Sleep with you."

"Why are you back?" Tao Huainan came out after putting on his slippers, and went to touch them after hearing the sound.

Tao Xiaodong went to wash his hands first, and then gave him his hand: "What are you doing out here?"

"Why did you come back at this time? Dr. Tang is on a business trip?" Tao Huainan asked persistently.

Tao Xiaodong smiled: "I'll be back when I'm done."

Tao Huainan frowned, he was wearing thin pajamas for sleeping, Tao Xiaodong pushed him back: "Sleep with you quickly, it will freeze you."

Tao Huainan climbed onto the bed, kicked off his slippers, and lay down quietly, blinking his eyes, not knowing what to think about. Tao Xiaodong said to Chi Cheng, "Go to bed early too, don't do problems until midnight every day, it will hurt your eyes."

Chi Cheng said, "Understood, brother."

Turning off the light and lying on the bed, Tao Xiaodong closed his eyes, feeling quite sleepy, but he didn't fall asleep for a while.

My mind is too chaotic, I can't calm down, my heart is very irritable, and the relationship is too emotional. When they are not playing with emotions, they are all wise and clever. Once they get involved in emotions, no one can think about being free and easy.

These few sentences today were not quite like what Tao Xiaodong could say, but when the mood came, the words were on the verge of his mouth, and he couldn't hold back. Tang Suoyan has always been too calm. Compared with him, Tao Xiaodong is much more emotional.

It all feels irritating.

During this time, I wake up with Tang Suoyan's biological clock every morning, and wake up when the time comes. While the two younger brothers were cleaning up, Tao Xiaodong even prepared breakfast for them with one hand.

The two of them finished eating and went to school. Tao Xiaodong washed his hair and washed himself with water. While wiping his hair, a message came on his mobile phone.

Tang Suoyan: I'm at the hospital, don't worry.

Tao Xiaodong looked at the message and replied: OK.

No one mentioned what happened last night. After the emotions passed, I couldn't bring it up, and no one would take the initiative to bring it up.

Tang Suoyan called Tao Xiaodong twice during lunch break and dinner, and the two chatted briefly. Tao Xiaodong kept working, and the little assistant held the phone for him and talked for a while.

This phone call was not too sticky, nor was it soft as before.

Someone whispered something later: "This little couple is getting cold too quickly."

It was a little joke, no one took it seriously. Di also looked back at the tattoo artist, bowed his head and continued working without saying a word. If he wanted to calm down, he would definitely have to answer and make fun of Tao Xiaodong.

Tao Xiaodong's hair was tied by a little assistant. The child has never touched anyone else's hair except his own, so he doesn't know how to do it. The tie is too tight. Tao Xiaodong didn't say anything, just let him tie it up. After a day, two pieces of strangulation would make his scalp hurt.

Tao Huainan was sitting on the sofa listening to TV, Tao Xiaodong was lying on his lap, and Tao Huainan was giving him a massage. The fleece pajamas on his body were warm against his skin, and Tao Xiaodong lay comfortably on his lap.

The variety show on TV was lively and lively. Tao Huainan couldn't see the picture, so he was very happy just listening to the sound.

After massaging for a while, he touched his brother's eyes. Tao Xiaodong blinked in his palm, and Tao Huainan laughed itchyly: "Did you sleep? I thought you were asleep."

Tao Xiaodong said he was going to sleep soon.

"Where does it hurt?" Tao Huainan asked.

"It doesn't hurt." Tao Xiaodong said contentedly, "It's comfortable."

"You lie on your stomach and I'll press your neck." Tao Huainan moved, pulled his legs out, and patted the sofa: "Come on. Have you worked today? I'll loosen your muscles."

Tao Xiaodong simply lay down and let him press. Tao Huainan's hands were not strong, his fingers were white and thin. Although he didn't use much strength, it was still very comfortable to gently stroke the tendons on his neck and shoulders.

Tao Huainan's family has the conditions, and the life his brother gave him is good enough, so he doesn't have to worry about his future survival. After changing the blind children from other people's homes, more than half of them will go to blind massages in the future.

Tao Huainan smiled to himself, and said, "I'll give you a blind massage experience."

Tao Xiaodong didn't speak, and Chi Cheng, who was doing the problem in the room, said "shut up" in a cold voice.

Tao Huainan secretly shrank his shoulders, and smiled indifferently.

It's Tao Xiaodong's birthday, Xia Yuan booked a place in advance, it's a big deal if it's a whole birthday.

"Where's the whole thing?" Tao Xiaodong said with his head down as he worked, "I'm busy, I don't think about it."

"Every fifth day is your big birthday." Xia Yuan said on the phone, "You are already thirty-five, you must pass it."

"Then let's have a meal together." Tao Xiaodong signaled the little assistant to change the needle for him.

"You have to eat." Xia Yuan laughed out of shape, "I'll definitely make arrangements for you."

Tao Xiaodong said: "Don't make arrangements blindly, don't make a mess."

"You are a single young man, what are you afraid of messing around?" Xia Yuan sneered, mocking him, "If I don't make arrangements for you, you're going to get sick."

Tao Xiaodong ignored him, and just said, "I'm tired of this."

"I know, just to tease you." Xia Yuan laughed, and asked him again, "Just our group? In addition to Rhubarb and the others, is there any more? Let me see if there is enough space."

Tao Xiaodong paused, thought for a while, and then said, "It's gone."

"Okay." Xia Yuan said, "Understood."

"There may be another one," Tao Xiaodong added, "I'm not sure."

"Who is it?" Xia Yuan asked casually.

Tao Xiaodong didn't say anything, but reminded again: "Don't mess up those messy things."

Xia Yuan is a smart person, and it doesn't make sense to hear this: "Yo."

"Who is this?" Xia Yuan followed up and asked, "It sounds like something is wrong, this is it."

Tao Xiaodong ignored him and hung up the phone.

As soon as Xia Yuan hung up, he called again: "Is someone there, Dong?"

Tao Xiaodong was so annoyed that he didn't want to speak up.

A person flashed through Xia Yuan's mind, and he tentatively asked, "Doctor...? I know him?"

Tao Xiaodong said that he knew each other, and then said: "Hang up, I'm busy."

In the current state, Tang Suoyan might not be able to go for his birthday, because he doesn't have time. Moreover, the lukewarm relationship between the two of them is really embarrassing.

Tao Xiaodong's good temper has been honed over the years, and he has worn away all the sharp thorns in his character. He doesn't have a soft personality in his bones, and he can't suppress his emotions when they really come up.

Tang Suoyan sent him home that night, Tao Xiaodong really lost his temper.

Tang Suoyan's calmness even reminded him of that embarrassing embarrassment before. It seems that it is irrational to even show emotions in front of him, ugly and eager.

When my mind got hot, I said a few inspiring words, all of which were emotional at the time, and felt that the words were a bit exaggerated when the emotions faded later. Tang Suoyan has always been that kind of person, and his intentions are good, so talking is boring.

However, this is already the case, and it would be unnatural to say something formally.

This matter is quite uncomfortable, and the relationship that was slowly warming up suddenly turned cold. If Tang Suoyan was someone like Tao Xiaodong, they might have had a quarrel, but if Tao Xiaodong had a calm temper like Tang Suoyan, he wouldn't have had the kind words that night. It's better than the current state of being unable to go up and down.

Every morning when Tang Suoyan went to the hospital, he would send a message when he got home at night, and Tao Xiaodong would reply with "OK". I wanted to say a few more words, but I couldn't find any suitable words. Tang Suoyan was busy, making a phone call or sending a message was a waste of time, and it was impossible for Tao Xiaodong to take up his time with the trivial matter between the two of them.

An unsettled relationship is just a layer of crispy skin, and you can't stand anything, as if it's far away.

The author has something to say: As soon as you feel sorry for Dong, I also feel sorry for Dong. If you feel sorry for him, you will be biased. I didn't feel very good at writing yesterday's chapter, so I still have to follow the original plan.

Don't feel distressed, are you in a relationship? When you are old, you don't need to feel distressed at both ends, it's nothing.

Revisit the memories you watched yesterday. Don't be reluctant to use the dried stalks next time.

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