
Chapter 73:

The cigarette belongs to Tao Xiaodong. Sometimes he would stand on the balcony and smoke a cigarette when he was stressed. He doesn't smoke much and has no addiction.

Because of his eyes, he hasn't smoked for a long time, and he doesn't do anything harmful to his body.

Tang Suoyan smoked a cigarette on the balcony. The last time he smoked was probably when he was in school. He has always been a self-disciplined person, good at controlling himself, and nothing is addictive in him.

Getting out of bed at night to smoke a cigarette didn't really sound like something he could do.

Tao Xiaodong sometimes feels that his appearance broke the balance of Tang Suoyan's life and added many uncertain factors to him, even though this was not his intention.

Before they got together, Tao Xiaodong never thought about today. He originally wanted to give Tang Suoyan a better life, make him more stable and happier.

The next day went to work as usual, Tang Suoyan said to Tao Xiaodong before getting out of the car: "Pay attention to your eyes, don't get tired."

"Okay, I know." Tao Xiaodong assured him, "I must be obedient."

Tang Suoyan smiled, touched his hand on the gear lever: "Pick me up after get off work."

"Okay." Tao Xiaodong said.

Tang Suoyan got out of the car and went upstairs to the office in silence. Tang Suoyan who greeted him along the way nodded. After changing clothes, the phone rang twice before going out.

Tang Suoyan picked it up, and it was the dean's voice on the other side of the phone, asking him to come over at noon.

Tang Suoyan said he knew.

Professor Xu was not in the country, and the dean directly asked Tang Suoyan if he had something to do.

The dean took a cup to fetch hot water for Tang Suoyan, and called out, "Suoyan."

Tang Suoyan already knew it without him opening his mouth, and said, "I guessed it, Dean."

In front of the water dispenser, the dean sighed and said, "I know you are in a hurry."

Tang Suoyan frowned lightly: "Not one of them was approved?"

There was a deep line between the dean's eyebrows, and he didn't answer anything.

Tang Suoyan nodded: "Understood."

Tang Suoyan applied for three clinical trial projects this year, aiming at the gene editing project of the three disease-causing genes of retinitis pigmentosa. Set a target point in the mutation area, edit and remake the gene on the target point, and repair the mutation point.

This is a project he has been working on for these years. The progress of the team of the Third Hospital in recent years is still obvious, and the experiments on the eyes of mice and pigs have achieved remarkable results.

However, clinical trials have never been approved, and experiments on animal eyes cannot replace humans, and the effects of editing treatments on humans are still unpredictable.

The Third Hospital has always supported their projects. In recent years, the Department of Ophthalmology has introduced a large number of scientific research talents for this purpose. Once the project is completed, it will be able to be applied clinically one day, which will be a leap forward for the whole world. Although Tang Suoyan has been working on it for several years, it is still in the early stage of scientific research, and it will not enter the clinical trial stage so soon. It cannot be approved domestically, nor can it be approved internationally.

"Is there enough funding?" The dean put the teacup on the table in front of him and asked standing beside him.

"Enough." Tang Suoyan pinched the center of his brows, "It's not short of funds, Dean."

"I know you want to enter the experiment quickly, and the courtyard is trying its best to apply for approval." The dean patted him on the shoulder and comforted him, "Take your time."

Tang Suoyan still had two operations in the afternoon, so he didn't stay with the dean, and went back after talking.

The purpose of all scientific research is to apply clinically, and no amount of achievements will be worthwhile without clinical application. Retinitis pigmentosa is the eye disease with the highest blinding rate in the world. There are more than 50 blinding genes. So far, only two or three of them have been effectively clinically applied abroad. Treatment costs hundreds of thousands of dollars a time, which is sky-high for most ordinary families.

This eye disease has plagued scholars all over the world for too many years, and it should be overcome. Genes are one direction, and retinal transplantation is one direction. Tang Suoyan's research direction is still on genes, and diseases carried in genes can still be treated by genes. The direction of the retina cannot be realized in a short time, and the effect of the artificial retina is too small even if it can be realized.

Back then, Tang Suoyan touched Tao Huainan's head and told him, "No one will give up on you." Tao Huainan had a total of two genetic mutations, one of which happened to be within his research scope, and it was also one of the clinical trials declared in the past two years. one item.

If he can enter the trial period, Tao Huainan is on his list of volunteers.

Before Tao Xiaodong did the genetic test this time, Tang Suoyan hoped to see the same genetic mutation in his report.

However, I don't know whether it is luck or misfortune, Tao Huainan inherited two blinding gene points from his father, and Tao Xiaodong only has one.

This one is not the ABCA4 that Tang Suoyan has already achieved obvious results, but another one that is not within the scope of Tang Suoyan's research.

Fortunately, one gene is bound to be easier to cure than two genes. Unfortunately, Tao Huainan can be treated as a volunteer once he enters the experimental stage. Although the effect is unpredictable, there is still hope. However, the gene carried by Tao Xiaodong has no scientific research results, and even the experiment cannot be done.

Tang Suoyan took out Tao Xiaodong's various reports from the drawer again in the office and read them again.

He has flipped through these paper reports too many times, and the first and last pages are even curled, but he can't do more.

Tao Xiaodong was talking to people recently, and he spent two or three hours a day talking with his voice, holding a pen and paper while chatting with his voice while unconsciously writing and drawing.

In the past few years, Tao Xiaodong's momentum has been too strong, and gradually he has the meaning of being a leader in the circle. In Tao Xiaodong's own words, he "plays tricks and is good at gaining business", and he is very good at socializing and business. With top technology and his interpersonal relationship, he is a leader.

The domestic tattoo circle has been developing. It used to be unpopular internationally, but now it has received attention and can start exhibitions.

If it was in the past, Tao Xiaodong, the organizer, would definitely accept it. He has never been afraid of this. Since the status is here, people usually hold you up and respect you, but at critical times, you have to look good.

But this year Tao Xiaodong really didn't want to pick it up, he really didn't have the energy.

It takes at least a month to hold a major exhibition, and I am so busy and exhausted. All the content and procedures have to be experienced in person, from the layout of the venue to the reception of personnel, to the design of clothing and admission tickets.

Although money can make a lot of money, Tao Xiaodong doesn't want to make any money this year. He only wants to be safe now.

There are not many who can accept this kind of exhibition and have the ability to run it well. Tao Xiaodong has pushed many people. He has many brothers in his circle, and he also wants to push his own friends. The association only recognizes him. The final meaning is that if he doesn’t want to do it. Then go to Japan.

In fact, foreign countries have always looked down on domestic things. It would be too useless if there is no one who can accept the exhibition. Tao Xiaodong finally accepted.

The domestic circle is developed by all tattoo artists working together. There are many excellent tattoo artists and works, which are not inferior to outsiders, and even stronger. It's just that some old guys don't like to stand out and are used to keeping a low profile, so it's time to shine.

Of course, I applied at home before agreeing, and asked the doctor's opinion at home.

After all, I listen to other people's orders in everything I do now, and I feel so beautiful to be controlled by others every day. Not only do they not find it annoying, but they are not happy if people leave them alone, saying that they have a sense of belonging if they are taken care of like this.

Tang Suoyan did not restrict him from accepting the exhibition, and told him: "Do what you like, there is no pressure."

"Going on a business trip will be very busy." Tao Xiaodong lay on Tang Suoyan's lap and looked at him, "Is that okay?"

"Pay attention to your eyes, don't be too tired." Tang Suoyan touched his head while reading a book, "If I don't work overtime on weekends, I will fly over to accompany you."

"Really?" Tao Xiaodong first asked with a blink of an eye in surprise, but then felt uncomfortable after asking, and said, "Don't, it's too much trouble."

"Don't worry about it." Tang Suoyan scraped his palms with his hair, and said, "You can do what you did before, don't feel that there is something abnormal about you, do exhibitions if you want, go out if you want. Just pay attention to your eyes. Well, remember to make up what you usually need to make up."

Tao Xiaodong nodded and said "OK" while lying down.

Recently, I have been honest and obedient, like a child.

Tang Suoyan suddenly smiled and asked him, "Do you think you and Xiaonan are getting more and more like each other?"

"What is it like? Personality?" Tao Xiaodong asked.

"Yes." Tang Suoyan put his hands on his eyes, the light was a bit dazzling as he lay like this, "Close your eyes, don't look at the light."

Tao Xiaodong closed his eyes in the palm of his hand: "Does it look like it?"

"They are very obedient." Tang Suo said.

"I'm really listening, but he's lying." Tao Xiaodong chuckled, "He will hold back his energy to irritate people."

"Angry at you?" Tang Suoyan pressed the acupuncture points around his eyes casually, and kept looking at the book with the other hand, "Why are you angry?"

"Sometimes it doesn't make sense to go into a dead end." Tao Xiaodong said, "I'm not too angry with me, but I'm often angry with his little brother."

Tang Suoyan didn't speak for a while, then put more strength into his hands and said, "Same as you."

Tao Xiaodong knew what he was talking about, and felt guilty. Grabbing his hand, she turned over and kissed the back of his hand.

There is still some time left for the tattoo exhibition, so there is no rush. But now that the matter has been finalized, Tao Xiaodong will definitely not be able to relax, and he starts to babble all day long. He accepted the exhibition on behalf of the entire company, and all the tattoo artists in the shop produced works, and Di Ye waited for the lazy tattoo artists to look unwilling every day, thinking it was troublesome.

"Why are you lazy at such a young age?" Tao Xiaodong said to them incomprehensibly.

Tao Xiaodong was at their age when he was full of strength, and he didn't know where to use his strength. All of them don't care about being famous, they just guard Tao Xiaodong's big tree, and they don't pursue it at all.

For a while, the store started to look at each other and hate each other from time to time. The lazy ones thought Tao Xiaodong was tossing, Tao Xiaodong thought they were not motivated and did not pursue.

When people are busy, they look energetic, and when they are struggling with something, they appear energetic.

Tao Xiaodong's tenacious vitality was stimulated again. He was such a person, unbeatable and invincible, rolling up his sleeves all day long. Tang Suoyan liked it.

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