“Ahem… Old man, who is your mayor? As long as you give this girl a lot of snacks, I will help you drive away that Longyang man, what do you say?” ”

“Little girl, don’t joke, I’m the mayor of this town, if you can really drive away Long Yang, don’t talk about dim sum, you can put forward any request, as long as we can meet it…” The old man shook his head, his face worried.

Feng Jie rubbed his chin with one hand… Ships are indispensable to sail in the future, if there is a forbidden point ship now, then it will not be a problem to reach the water capital in the future, and then build a new ship with his own Adam, the more Feng Jie thinks about it, the brighter his eyes are, this is exactly what he needs now, Feng Jie clapped his hands: “Old man, we took this matter, I want a boat that can be started by two people afterwards” “There are also a lot of snacks” Wei’er saw the opportunity to interject

“As long as you can defeat Long Yang, we will promise anything…”

At this time, Feng Jie and Wei’er were walking on their way to the Longyang Pirate Group’s station…

“What do you say we’re going to do… Violet? Is it just typed up? ”

Wei’er leaned into Fengjie’s ear and muttered a few words, “Hey… How can you let the great Lord Fengjie do this kind of thing, I think it’s better to hit it directly, it’s good…”

“What, I think my previous proposal is very good” Feng Jie suddenly turned back: “It’s not good at all!!” “Violet stuck out her tongue and stopped talking….

5 minutes later… An arrogant voice sounded on the Longyang Pirate Group, “What kind of Longyang for the little master to get out…” The Longyang Pirate Group immediately exploded as if it were a pot, Urala’s poured out hundreds of people, surrounded Feng Jie and Wei’er, and listened to a sissy voice said: “That kid don’t want to be hurt, Lord Long Yang wants to…” Feng Jie suddenly had a feeling of wanting to vomit, but he still endured it alive, these people are really looking for death! “Do it!” Feng Jie drank lightly, Wei’er rushed out, like a bulldozer, there is no living mouth wherever it passes, and Feng Jie here is also very strange, just look at everyone froze, and then everywhere Feng Jie passed, there was a crackling explosion, and when Feng Jie passed, everyone was silent, and died tragically… Fengjie, who had a light and breezy face, boarded the pirate ship and looked at the sissy in front of him: “What kind of dragon ocean are you guys?” The sissy finger pointed to the cabin, and Feng Jieli ignored it and walked to the cabin, only to hear a sound of bones squeezing behind him, and a scream overwhelmed the audience….

“Long Yangnan, hurry up and get out and die…” Feng Jie crossed his hands at his waist, and his words were also imposing.

“Oops… Who is it, so annoying… I haven’t had enough of it…” A coquettish voice came from the cabin, but the voice was very rough…

Feng Jie hurriedly jumped back a few steps, and the cabin to open the distance, so as not to provoke the ‘demon qi’, a figure slowly appeared in the cabin, and when the person came out, Feng Jie really dropped his jaw to the ground, I saw Long Yang male two meters tall, full of bulging muscles, especially the chest muscles, really fierce muscles! It is estimated that they can pinch people to death, and the black coal-like face is covered with a beard, which is such a manly looking person, but with an orchid finger upturned, walking and twisting… Feng Jie finally couldn’t help it, it can be said that Feng Jie has never wanted to beat someone so much since he was so old, but this time he really wants to beat this guy! A space was confined, Feng Jie rushed forward, grabbed Long Yangnan’s hair and slammed it on the deck, the muffled sound of “bang” continued, and all those who were still alive had already entered a petrified state….

It wasn’t until Feng Jie knocked the deck out of the crack that he stopped and pulled Long Yangnan: “How is it… Yes? “Oha… “Looking for death, Feng Jie put Long Yangnan down again and kicked him in the face with his foot… It wasn’t until he didn’t know Long Yangnan’s appearance at all that he stopped, and at this time Feng Jie felt that he was sweating, “How is it, haha” “Hao… Hao Shuang (so cool)…” A slight voice sounded under Fengjie’s feet, so… Long Yang Nan was beaten to death alive… All minions surrendered… Looking at the kneeling man in front of him, Feng Jie frowned, “Kill all!” “Wei’er didn’t hesitate to stab them to death one by one, no matter if you were a good person or a bad person before, in short, getting on Long Yang’s ship is a capital crime…”

Feng Jie held the head of Long Yang, who had been beaten by him, and when he thought about the situation just now, he felt that his stomach was constantly tumbling, no way, who let Wei’er live or die… In the end, he had to take it by the master. When they arrived in the town, everyone gathered in the square, looking forward to it, and when they saw the two of Fengjie, they suddenly burst into thunderous cheers, and everyone cried, accompanied by a month’s nightmare, and finally ended….

The old town mayor walked out with excitement trembling and held Fengjie’s hand tightly, “Xie… Thank you…… Let’s go and prepare the best snacks, just eat them… But…… But the matter of the ship still needs to wait a few days…” Feng Jie didn’t care, it was just a few more days, waving his hand “It’s okay, then we’ll stay a few more days” A town-wide party was held in the square… Five days later, Fengjie and Wei’er finally boarded their new ship, which can accommodate at least five or six people, and most importantly, there is a cabin to sleep in, and there will be no need to open air in the future… So, the two of them headed for their next destination, “Moses Village”.

At the same time, a naval fleet “Rear Admiral, we are about to reach the village of Moses, according to intelligence, Nicole Robin, the son of the devil, is hiding…”

“Well… Full speed ahead, target: Moses Village! ”


PS: Ball flowers! In the tank!

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