Wind Rises in Dragon City

Chapter 986: the Hangover

half an hour later.


In the bathroom, Yu Mingyuan pressed the flush button of the toilet, then walked to the mirror and washed his face with cold water.

He looked at himself in the mirror, his face was flushed, and his eyes were flushed.

Yes, Yu Mingyuan was not reconciled.

For the association, he paid too much. The father died, the father-in-law went in, the marriage was divorced, and he was also burdened with a lot of infamy...

All the way to today, Yu Mingyuan has done too many things against his will, so he can't stop, otherwise it will be tantamount to denying his previous life.

After a while, Yu Mingyuan walked out of the bathroom shaking.

Next to the coffee table, there were two empty red wine bottles. Su Tianyu was lying on the sofa beside him, his cheeks were purple, looking at the ceiling above his head, he felt that the ceiling was spinning.


Yu Mingyuan moved a chair. He originally wanted to sit in front of Su Tianyu, but he tilted his body and the chair fell over. He sat down on the ground and knocked over the scattered wine bottles.

A wine bottle rolled out and hit a corner before stopping.

Yu Mingyuan simply lay directly on the ground, looked up at the sky, and shouted softly: "Little Yu!"

"...Huh?" Su Tianyu replied in a daze.

"Listen to me, pack up and leave." Yu Mingyuan's voice was a little hoarse: "I've already figured it out... There is no point for us to stay. It's already torn apart. Even if you are given a few management positions, at most Comforting, it will not really let you touch the core power. If we insist on staying, we will become the target of Huo Dongsheng's internal unity. You think, with external pressure, the Chinese labor union will have to unite. But we want Withdrawal, how to divide the cake will become more complicated..."

"I understand what you said," Su Tianyu rubbed his face: "I have considered it too, but I feel that once I compromise, I will just fulfill Huo Dongsheng's wish..."

The two were silent for a long time.

"Forget it, don't worry about it..." Yu Mingyuan spoke suddenly, his eyes fixed on the ceiling: "Leave this to me, and I'll help you... There are some things that are inconvenient for you... Then I will do it, I will do it Be the villain!"

Su Tianyu slowly sat up from the sofa, looked at Yu Mingyuan who was lying on the ground, and said after a while: "Let me do it..."

Yu Mingyuan turned his head, looked at Su Tianyu, and then grinned: "Hehe, you can't... You are still fit to be a good person."

He said, leaning on the chair that fell beside him, and stood up unsteadily.

"Little Yu!" Yu Mingyuan pointed at Su Tianyu and said forcefully, "I owe you my life...I will pay you back in this matter."

Su Tianyu was stunned when he heard this, he didn't expect Yu Mingyuan to speak clearly at this time, and asked with red eyes: "What do you owe me?"

Yu Mingyuan waved his hand and didn't say any more: "I'm sleepy... I'm going back to sleep."

After speaking, he staggered towards the door.

"You haven't said that yet," Su Tianyu sat on the sofa and shouted at the top of his voice, "What do you owe me?!"

Yu Mingyuan's hand was on the doorknob, he was silent for a while, and then said softly: "I don't want to kill him either... but I can't help it..."

He unlocked the door and left the room.

Su Tianyu sat on the sofa, staring blankly at the slowly closing door, as if something was stuck in his throat, after a long time, he couldn't say a word.

next morning.

Su Tianyu woke up from the sofa with a splitting headache. He shook his head, got into the bathroom, and took a hot shower.

After taking a shower and feeling refreshed, Su Tianyu lifted up the chair that fell on the ground, then walked to the window and sat down, taking a look at the leftover side dishes on the table.

Su Tianyu recalled the conversation with Yu Mingyuan yesterday. Although he drank a lot, he remembered everything yesterday clearly. Including every word Yu Mingyuan said was printed in his mind.

After smoking a cigarette, Su Tianyu started to contact An Qiqi and the others.

Su Tianyu expressed his desire to withdraw, and he also got the support of An Qiqi and the others. Things have come to this point, it really doesn't make sense to continue to stay. What Yu Mingyuan said was right, they left and let the Chinese labor union lose external pressure, which may cause some chain reactions instead. No matter how bad it is, it is not completely impossible for Su Tianyu to reorganize the plate by himself.

Temporary failure must be admitted, otherwise you are deceiving yourself.

Su Tianyu decided to scratch his head and wait patiently for changes.

However, when returning home, you still have to say hello.

Sao Paulo, street cafe.

Su Tianyu and Wu Han sat at the dining table outside the store, and the young waitress brought two cups of coffee and put them in front of them respectively.

"You two, please use it slowly."

The waitress spoke in Latin and turned to leave.

Wu Han intervened and looked at Su Tianyu, and asked with a smile: "Little Yu, it seems that you have considered it? It's okay, if you have any requirements, just ask me! Except for the aircraft carrier, I can't do it. I will try my best to satisfy you .”

"Think about it." Su Tianyu smiled and said: "Brother Han, after I went back, I also talked with everyone, and we decided to withdraw."

Wu Han frowned, stared at Su Tianyu and asked, "Have you really thought it through?"

"Yes." Su Tianyu put his hands together: "It's meaningless to spend it like this. Friends don't embarrass friends. If we withdraw, you will be much more relaxed. But you don't have to worry, even without us, with Wu Boxin's influence Strength, together with the energy of the Chinese Labor Union itself, can also slowly expand this plate."

"Ah..." Wu Han couldn't help but let out a long sigh: "You said this is a big mess... I was thinking about going to talk to Lao Huo and Lao Wu again and see if we can match this up again What's the matter...after this...!"

"One yard is one yard." Su Tianyu said with a smile: "You also tell them that I am not so narrow-minded, and I will not take any retaliatory actions against the Chinese trade union industry in Bana City. This time, it is There is no cooperation anymore, but the public-to-public relationship remains the same.”

"Really don't think about it anymore?" Wu Han still wanted to redeem himself.

"I don't want to, it's already decided."

Su Tianyu stood up, and then patted Wu Han on the shoulder: "When will Brother Han come to Bana City, I will make arrangements for you. I will find the little brother who will help you open a room for you. I guarantee you satisfy."

"Think again...!" Wu Han still wanted to persuade.

Half an hour later, Su Tianyu left the coffee shop by car, looked out the window at the ever-reversing streets of Shengbao City, remained silent for a while, and then took out his cell phone.

He took out An Qiqi's phone and pressed the dial button: "Let's go home."

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