Wind Rises in Dragon City

Chapter 990: By accident

St. Paul City, Paulian Hotel.

At this time, in the VIP private room, Huo Dongsheng was still chatting with Zhao Yan. The two have their own thoughts, testing each other's depth.

"President Huo's Huaxing Commercial Company is doing well," Zhao Yan expressed his kindness to Huo Dongsheng: "You have been a man of the hour recently."

"It's all comrades from various departments who have done a good job." Huo Dongsheng said lightly: "The company has only been established recently, so we still have to look farther."

"President Huo is really humble." Zhao Yan laughed: "With so many Chinese organizations, the only thing that interests us is your Huaxing Commercial Company."

Huo Dongsheng smiled without saying a word, looking at Zhao Yan.

"Xiao Liu, give me the document." Halfway through the conversation, Zhao Yan stretched out his hand, and the secretary next to him immediately handed over a document sealed in kraft paper.

Zhao Yan opened the kraft paper, took out a printed document from it, put it on the table, pushed it gently to Huo Dongsheng, and said in his mouth: "President Huo, some words are more scattered, and the text is more intuitive. In this way, we have issued a specific document, a series of relevant conditions, and the benefits that you and the Chinese labor union can get in the future have all been written on it, please take a look."

Huo Dongsheng took the document calmly, held it in his hand and read it. He was reading line by line, but there was no expression on his face, which made Zhao Yan, who was sitting across from him looking at him, mutter in his heart, it was hard to guess Huo Dongsheng's thoughts.

After reading for about three or four minutes, Huo Dongsheng raised his head and put the document aside.

He put his hand in and smiled at Zhao Yan: "Mr. Zhao, have some tea."

Zhao Yan subconsciously asked: "Hehe, President Huo..."

"Don't worry." Huo Dongsheng waved his hand and interrupted Zhao Yan's words: "Mr. Zhao just arrived in Shengbao City, and he hasn't had time to rest yet, right? How about this, have fun in Shengbao City for two days, and feel the customs here Favors. Old Huang, please help Mr. Zhao make arrangements, and don't neglect our guests."

"Okay President." Huang Peishan nodded, and then smiled at Zhao Yan: "If Mr. Zhao needs anything, just tell me."

Zhao Yan saw that Huo Dongsheng didn't want to talk about it in detail after reading it, so he wisely didn't bring up this topic again. Since the rhythm is in the hands of the other party, you should not be in a hurry, but be patient.

"Come on, Mr. Zhao, try this tea first." Huo Dongsheng said with a smile, "This is the tea sent from Hua District. They are all specially provided there. It has the taste of hometown."

"Hehe..." Zhao Yan picked up the teacup with a smile, took a sip lightly, and nodded repeatedly: "Well, it is indeed quite fragrant."

Near the Paulian Hotel, two black off-road vehicles stopped at different locations.

Underground Parking Lot.

Yu Mingyuan's team leader, Xiao Zhao, was sitting in the cab of the white car, and the bodies of two bodyguards were lying in the back row of the car. And the two young men stood behind the car, opened the trunk, and were quickly changing out of their blood-stained clothes and putting on spare clean baseball shirts.

Xiao Zhao decisively commanded the action team through the walkie-talkie on his ear: "Group three, you two go up from the VIP elevator, be careful of Huo Dongsheng's bodyguards, don't hesitate to shoot them immediately when you see them, don't give them time to react. The second group, you take the ordinary elevator on the other side, and cooperate with the first group to attack front and rear. The last group, you enter the fire escape stairs, cut off all possible evacuation routes for Huo Dongsheng, and at the same time take care of the second and third groups."

Xiao Zhao glanced at his watch and reminded him again: "Everyone, check the time. It is now 8:45. After the gunfire, the police will arrive at the hotel within ten minutes. Remember, you only have five minutes to act." Time, you must kill the target within five minutes, and evacuate immediately after success. Be alert, act quickly, and don't attract the attention of outsiders...Hurry up, let's go!"

The order was given, and the doors of the two black off-road vehicles parked nearby were pushed open at the same time, and eight men in black coats got out of the vehicle, and then quickly divided into two teams, one team went directly to the ordinary elevator, and the other team ran Go up the fire stairs.

In five months, they had already made full preparations. This operation was bound to kill Huo Dongsheng.

The two baseball guys also changed their clothes, carried the baseball bag again, walked to the VIP elevator, and pressed the up button.


The elevator came down quickly. When the elevator door opened, there was no one in it, but the camera installed on it was exposed.

The two baseball guys lowered their heads and lowered their caps to avoid exposing their faces to the surveillance. Then they walked into the elevator, pressed the button for the tenth floor, and stood against the elevator wall.

The elevator door closed slowly, and after a slight shake, it began to rise slowly.


As a result, the elevator stopped suddenly as soon as it reached the first floor, and the elevator door opened slowly. Three casually dressed men entered the elevator with cigarettes in their mouths. They were rough, and they didn't seem to be good stubble. Judging from their skin color, they looked like local people from Shengbao City. After entering, they didn't say a word, and stood silently at the back of the elevator. One of the bald men was carrying a heavy suitcase. He seemed to be very vigilant. Once he got into the elevator, he looked at the two baseball guys like eagles.

The two baseball guys subconsciously pressed their caps again.

The elevator door slowly closed again, and then slowly began to rise.

The elevator was very quiet, while the bald man was still looking at them, a drop of sweat slipped from the corner of one of the baseball guys' eyebrows, and slid down his cheek to his chin.

The bald man frowned slightly, and he quickly exchanged glances with his two companions. Then, protecting the suitcase with one hand, he turned around and yelled in Latin: "You two guys... are from Hope's side?"

The two boys in baseball uniforms were really weirdly dressed. They both lowered their heads and wore peaked caps. They were obviously avoiding video surveillance. This aroused the vigilance of the black gang because they brought goods in.

Neither of them replied, they just put their palms into the baseball bag, and took the lead in pulling out two black Remingtons from it.

Three seconds Bang bang bang! "

A burst of intense gunfire followed.


After a while, the elevator slowly stopped on the tenth floor.

The elevator doors opened slowly, and the lights flickered. Blood sprayed all over the elevator, and two baseball guys stood in the elevator covered in blood. And beside them, lay three corpses that had been beaten into a sieve. An open suitcase was scattered on the ground, inside were square bricks wrapped in kraft paper...

Meanwhile, underground parking.

Xiao Zhao pressed the earphones, and asked in a very eager tone: "What's going on, why did the gun go off early?"

"We were unlucky, and we met another group of people in the elevator." One of the boys, clutching the muzzle of his left arm, shouted hoarsely: "Let the other two groups do it now!"

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