Wind Rises in Dragon City

Chapter 1008: little fox and old fox

Chuanfu, Hua District, in a certain hotel.

In the high-end box, a clean round table was filled with delicacies, and Jiangzhou was entertaining a few friends with a smile on his face. The dinner was already halfway through, and an empty white wine bottle was placed beside it, and there were several young beautiful waiters beside them, ready to pour wine at all times.

Jiangzhou is not a person who likes extravagance and waste, but the guests he entertained today are more important, so he has to do some extravagant work.

"Drip Lingling!"

The phone rang suddenly, Jiangzhou took a look, it was Lao Wang calling. He made an apologetic gesture to everyone, and then picked up the phone.

At first, Jiang Zhou was still smiling, but as the time spent answering the phone got longer, the smile on his face became less and less, and finally even became a little gloomy.

It seemed that the conversation had reached a critical point, Jiangzhou stood up, frowned slightly and said to everyone: "Sorry, you guys eat first, I'll go out for a while."

Everyone nodded, Jiangzhou turned and left the private room, took the phone, walked quickly to the side, pushed away an empty room and walked in.

After closing the door, Jiangzhou sat on the sofa in the private room, with a very gloomy face, and with a somewhat irritable tone, while loosening his tight neckline, he said to the phone: "Old Wang, what are you playing?! I said I want Wu Boxin, so I’ll give it to you? I said I can’t get along with the National Bureau of Statistics and the An Department, so let you set up Huaxing Commercial Company alone? You want privileges, give privileges, and ask for money. Now it’s a big plate, and only the Chinese Labor Union family Do it, the rest of the forces are all out of the game, and you can still cause me an infighting incident?! Playing? Is it because the attitude of the upper echelon makes you feel too polite, and you have to put the reins on you to be honest?"

Jiangzhou's style of dealing with things has always been relatively easy-going, soft on the outside and strong on the inside, so he can say these words clearly, which is enough to show the anger in his heart and his dissatisfaction with the Chinese labor union.

Lao Wang's voice was a little low, and he explained to Jiangzhou: "This matter has nothing to do with our Wang family. We have been cooperating with Huo Dongsheng from the beginning to the end. Now Huo Dongsheng is the first to attack us, and to start He's very ruthless, he's going to kill people when he comes up, and he doesn't show affection at all. Mr. Jiang, the seriousness of the matter has long exceeded your imagination. You must help Wang Xiao and deal with the civil strife as soon as possible."

Jiangzhou laughed angrily, kept his collar loose and remained silent, and didn't respond positively at all.

There was silence on the phone for a while, and then he said slowly, "Young Master Jiang, the lives and deaths of dozens of people in my royal family are all in your mind now."

With a dark face, Jiangzhou paused for a moment and said, "This is not a small matter, just wait for my call."

After hanging up the phone, Jiangzhou sat on the sofa, smoking a cigarette a little irritably.

After thinking for a while, Jiangzhou finally made up his mind. He poked the cigarette **** in the ashtray, picked up his mobile phone, found Wu Han's phone number, and made a video call to him directly.

The phone rang for a long time before it was connected. Wu Han was wearing a clean polo shirt, holding a mobile phone in one hand and a golf club in the other, and asked with a smile, "What's wrong, brother, miss me gone?"

Soon, Wu Han noticed that Jiangzhou's expression was a bit gloomy. He immediately put away his smile, threw the golf club to the caddy next to him, waved him away, and said with a bitter expression: "It won't happen again overseas. Bar?"

"It's like this..." Jiangzhou told Wu Han exactly what Lao Wang told him.

After listening, Wu Han also cursed with an extremely ugly face: "There is no time to stop! There are outsiders, fight against outsiders; if there are no outsiders, I start doing it again. Damn it, it's too embarrassing for them!"

"What do you think?" Jiangzhou lit another cigarette and asked softly.

"I think I can't listen to the Wang family's one-sided words." Wu Han thought for a while, and then said: "Our emperor is far away. How can we know everything about what's going on there? You are the leader, and you are at the helm. People, you can't just open fire just because of a word from the Wang family! This is too hasty!"

Jiangzhou agrees with the other party's statement that they are the operators behind the scenes of the Chinese Labor Union. As the helm, it is impossible to make arbitrary decisions just because of someone's phone call. This kind of behavior is too naive.

Wu Han went on to say: "My suggestion is this, if there is a contradiction there, then try it out."

"Are you here to try?" Jiangzhou asked.

"Okay." Wu Han is definitely a qualified dog-headed military adviser, and said with ease: "I'll call Wang Xiao and Huo Dongsheng respectively, and ask them to go to Canada for an interview. If someone doesn't come, then the matter will not be salvaged There is room. If we can talk, then the conflict between the two sides will not be to the point of life and death, and we still have to balance it."

Jiangzhou thought about Wu Han's words carefully, and felt that there was some truth to them. For the internal factions, they may have a life-and-death relationship with their opponents, but for the leaders, until the interior is completely broken and they have to choose a side, they must adopt a balanced strategy. Because once the internal fire is fired, the loss must be the power of one's own side.

Jiangzhou thought for a while: "Okay, you should show up and call them. I'll contact Longcheng here. If it really comes to the point of irreconcilability, we have to deal with the problem quickly."

"Okay, I'll contact them."

The two ended the call, and Jiangzhou found another number in the address book.

Yanbei, a certain golf course.

Wu Han was no longer interested in playing. He gently rubbed his cheeks and dialed Huo Dongsheng's number.

The call was quickly connected, and Wu Han asked bluntly, "President Huo, are you still asleep?"

"Not yet." Huo Dongsheng asked as if nothing happened: "Mr. Wu has something to do with me?"

"President Huo." Wu Han paused, and asked with a frown: "I heard that Wang An was arrested during the operation. There was a little misunderstanding between you and the Wang family?"

This question was very straightforward, which surprised Huo Dongsheng. He didn't expect Wu Han to say it clearly, so he still pretended to be confused and replied: "What's wrong with the Wang family? I also just received the news that Wang An had an accident... and I'm trying to rescue him. What's the misunderstanding? Wang Xiao didn't tell me. call?"

Wu Han also acted mature enough when facing this old fox. Since the other party didn't say it clearly, he took advantage of the **** to respond: "Wang An is a core member of the Wang family, and something happened to him, and Wang Xiao's mood must be fluctuating greatly. How about this, I happen to be in Canada tomorrow, you two come over Come on, let's talk face to face, clarify the and then plan to rescue Wang An together."

"Okay, then I will arrange it now, Mr. Wu." Huo Dongsheng agreed without hesitation.

"That's it, see you in Canada." Wu Han hung up the phone, and his face became gloomy again in an instant.

At the same time, Huo Dongsheng put down the phone and stood in front of the study window, hesitating in his heart. He could feel that the upper echelon still wanted to balance.

Wang An has absolutely no definite evidence that he wants to do something, at most it is speculation, so Huo Dongsheng is also considering whether he will go to this invitation or not.

This is a great time to procrastinate!

Dragon City, the General Bureau.

Su Tianyu was sitting at his desk, dealing with a pile of documents.

"Drip Lingling!"

The mobile phone on the table rang suddenly, Su Tianyu picked it up and saw that it was a call from Jiangzhou.

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