Wind Rises in Dragon City

Chapter 1014: offer

St. Paul City, Administrative Office.

After Huo Dongsheng finished disposing of his son's body, he brought Huang Peishan and a dozen entourages from the Chinese Labor Union to the Municipal Administration Office.

At this time, there were still quite a few staff members in the administrative office. They were accustomed to Huo Dongsheng's arrival, and continued to lower their heads to deal with their work. There was only one clerk who quietly picked up the landline and made a phone call. Huo Dongsheng and the others took the elevator all the way to the third floor, and then rushed to the chief's office.

Huo Dongsheng personally brought people here, just to meet with Chief Gustav and talk about dealing with the royal family's armed forces.

The Chinese labor union is divided into two parts: administration and armed forces. The armed department has always been controlled by the Wang family, while Huo Dongsheng and the others are in charge of the administrative side. Although they also have a group of people, they are obviously not as many as the Wang family.

If you want to take over Wang Xiao's 5,000-strong army, you must rely on external forces, that is, the officials of Shengbao City. In terms of interpersonal communication and network energy expansion, the administrative faction must be stronger.

Chief Gustav, who also holds the military and political power of St. Paul City, is equivalent to a local warlord regime, and its volume is far greater than that of the surrounding armed regimes. But if you want to compare it horizontally, he is much inferior to the Bernardo family in Pana City, because it is relatively poor here, and the territory is relatively small. In addition, South America has been waging wars, so the development of Sao Paulo City is relatively relatively small. restricted.

But at this moment, as long as Gustav sends troops, it will definitely not be a problem to quickly suppress the royal family's armed forces.

But just now, Huang Peishan failed to find Gustav twice after looking for him twice, and the phone call to the office of the head of the administrative department also couldn't get through.

The situation in Shengbao City is complicated now, Huo Dongsheng can't afford it, so he can only make a trip by himself.

Just when they were about to reach the office, the secretary of the chief came over and blocked their way: "President Huo, our chief is not here, please go back first."

Huo Dongsheng frowned slightly, he understood what the old fox Gustav was thinking. So, he told the secretary directly: "You tell the president, I know why he avoids me. I came here with sincerity, no matter what price he asks, we can talk."

Unexpectedly, the secretary still did not give in, but smiled at Huo Dongsheng and said, "Sorry, Mr. Huo, Mr. Chief is really not here. He is receiving some distinguished guests. He will see you naturally when he finishes his work."

After finishing speaking, the secretary politely bowed to Huo Dongsheng, then turned and left.

Huo Dongsheng didn't leave, but stood there with his hands behind his back, lost in thought.

Huang Peishan thought for a while, and reminded softly: "Could it be... The quotation we gave doesn't meet Lao Gu's goal."

Huo Dongsheng nodded, he had already figured out Gustav's intention of keeping people away from him thousands of miles away. As a warlord in St. Paul City, Gustav is not too short of money, so he may not be able to provide what he needs.

Thinking of this level, Huo Dongsheng took out his mobile phone, walked to a secluded place, and dialed Gwen's number.

"Hello?" Gwen's voice came from the phone.

"The opponent is going to attack us soon." Huo Dongsheng said directly: "If we don't move, they will move. Now you have to find a way to get the military and political departments of Shengbao City to support me, let them send out troops, and take Wang The 5,000 people Xiao Xiao took over, so that the plate can be stabilized. This is very important to us...It is also very important to you."

"..." Gwen was silent on the phone for a while, then said, "I see."

Outside the city of St. Paul.

In the dense tropical jungle, the leaves are connected together, covering the sky.


There was a sound of footsteps, and Wang Xiao, with a disheveled face, led two of his subordinates, pushing aside the surrounding branches, and walking through the forest with difficulty.

Wang Xiao and the others also narrowly escaped death just now. If Jiangzhou's phone call hadn't come in time to remind him that Huo Dongsheng was about to do something, there would be no trouble. He would have been blocked at the airport by now.

A group of people abandoned the car and fled directly from the big field next to the airport, walking through the dense forest all the way to come here.

After walking for a long time, the mobile phone has no signal, and Wang Xiao can't get in touch with the outside.

The two brothers were very tired, but fortunately, this place is already some distance away from the city, and the surrounding area is full of tropical rainforest. Even if the other party wanted to search, it would be difficult to find three people in the forest.

After walking for a while, the subordinate next to him was holding a mobile phone, and suddenly shouted: "Minister Wang, there is a signal!"

Wang Xiao immediately took out his mobile phone and took a look. Sure enough, there was a weak signal. He hurriedly dug out Jiangzhou's phone number and tried to call.


When the phone was dialed, Wang Xiao held his breath.

"Hello?" Jiang Zhou answered the phone: "Where are you now?"

"I've already run out!" Wang Xiao turned his head and glanced around, frowned and replied, "We are in the dense forest on the south side of Shengbao City."

"Just as long as you are safe." Jiang Zhou also heaved a sigh of relief, and then told Wang Xiao: "They may attack your armed personnel, don't hide, you need to return to the army to take charge of the overall situation."

Wang Xiao was silent for a while, and then said: "I walk too slowly by myself."

"That's it." Jiang Zhou said: "You contact Su Tianyu immediately, he also has connections with Shengbao City, and he will send you back."

"Okay." Wang Xiao nodded, he hung up the phone and started to contact Su Tianyu.

Sao Paulo City, Office of the Chief of Administration.

The office is very spacious, with an area of ​​about three to four hundred square meters. The furniture in the room is made of solid wood, and the thick carpet on the floor alone is worth a lot.

On the wall next to it are the head specimens of wild it is a marsh deer or a puma, you can see them on the wall, and on the other side of the wall, there are all kinds of rare shotguns, Every time you take it out, you can sell it for a high price in the collection market.

Judging from the decoration of this room, Gustav's life details and taste are also full of warlord temperament, and he does not look like a politician at all.

Gustav was sitting on the sofa and was reading a book with a pair of reading glasses. He looked about sixty years old and had a thin figure. Somewhat out of place.

At this moment, the door was knocked open and the secretary walked in. He bowed slightly to Gustav, and then said: "Mr. Chief, people from District 1 have contacted us and want to talk to you directly."

Without raising his head, Gustav continued to read the book and asked softly, "Who?"

"The director of the Fifth Division of the Central Bureau." The secretary replied.

Gustav didn't even raise his head: "This person is not qualified to talk to me. Well, you can tell him directly that you want me to send troops, but... I want 500 million armaments."

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