Wind Rises in Dragon City

Chapter 1037: Who will be the main attacker?


Canada City, the temporary base of the Blackwater Legion.

At night, in the conference room, Xin Xiaodong, Jin Maohui, Bo Ang and others were arguing endlessly. Regarding the position of the main attack, everyone has different opinions.

Xin Xiaodong pointed at the map with an excited tone: "It's not that I insist on taking on this job, but we have experience in attacking tough cities. Last time we fought Pana City, our troops were the fastest to infiltrate, and Booker in the dog trough is still the best!" I didn't understand...!"

When Bo Ang heard this, his expression was somewhat speechless.

As he said that, Xin Xiaodong glanced at Bo Ang who was sitting next to him, and said, "Brother, I'm not targeting you, I just want to talk about... the strengths of our third division."

Bo Ang smiled awkwardly, and responded politely: "Don't scold people, let's discuss rationally."

Xin Xiaodong grinned and didn't say much.

Sitting in a wheelchair, Bo Ang continued with his hands in his hands: "For the main attack, I suggest that the Blackwater Legion lead. Our heavy troops have tank regiments, which will be more efficient in attacking cities."

Jin Maohui didn't say a word, because he was very convinced that the Terrorist Bureau was a temporary armed force, and its combat power was not up to the main attack task.

Several other generals of the Blackwater Legion also wanted to help Bo Ang get the main attack position, so the quarrel continued in the conference room.

In a small room next to him, Su Tian was communicating with Gu Baishun.

Su Tianyu looked a little nervous, leaning against the window, smoking a cigarette, looked at Gu Baishun and asked, "Have you found out, will the first district be participating in the war?"

Gu Baishun pondered for a moment, then intervened: "According to the information I know, the probability of this is very small. The current attitude of the first district is not very clear, but many people in the interior are not the main fighters. With their influence, the first district should I will not end in person. In addition, the news spread out without knowing how. The square in the first district is full of anti-war parades, and the emotions below are also very strong. Therefore, the meaning of the upper level in the first district should still let Gusta Husband to come forward and unite with the armed forces around Shengbao City to fight against us. Isn’t this their usual method? Frequent firefights, if they really want to do it, they will shrink back instead.”

Gu Baishun said with a trace of disgust on his face: "And Gustav also has this purpose. After all, he is a warlord. He distributes war money. He doesn't care about people's livelihood, let alone the life and death of the people below. He just wants to drag us into the war." In the quagmire, you can continue to get wages."

Su Tianyu nodded, looking a little more relaxed: "If the first district does not participate in the war, this matter still needs to be done. If the first district joins the war, then we can only ask the Hua district for help and let them increase their support."

"Yes." Gu Baishun sighed endlessly: "This is a battle. It seems to be a power battle caused by the split of the Chinese labor union, but in fact it is a positive game between the Chinese district and the first district. We are all just pawns on the chessboard."

Su Tianyu came over and patted him on the shoulder: "This is not something we can choose. I guess even Huo Dongsheng didn't expect that things would develop into such a situation. At the end of the calculation, he is still a man who doesn't care about anything." A chess piece that can't be left or right."

Gu Baishun was thinking about this sentence, and Su Tianyu urged: "Pay close attention to the movements in the first district, and see if there are any powerful officials coming over there."

"Okay." Gu Baishun nodded. The two chatted for a while before leaving the small room and returning to the conference room together.

In the meeting room at this time, Xin Xiaodong was still fighting with the Confucians!

Su Tianyu coughed twice, and the crowd gradually stopped arguing. He glanced around the crowd, then turned to ask Hou Guoyu who was sitting beside him: "Where is Sun Wei, hasn't he come back yet?"

"Well, we are still rectifying, on the way back." Hou Guoyu said.

"Okay." Su Tianyu walked to the front of the conference table and said, "Then wait for him, the official military conference will be held tomorrow morning. Tonight, let's confirm the general situation first."

As he said, Su Tianyu pointed to the huge military map hanging behind him, pointed to the border line below and said, "Our attack point is mainly on the southern line of Shengbao City. Xin Xiaodong, you send the third division troops , move to this position in advance, plan the offensive line, and build a military defensive position."

When Xin Xiaodong heard it, he suddenly had a direction in his mind, and immediately saluted Su Tianyu, and said loudly: "Yes, I promise to complete the task!"

"Our supply point is set here..." Su Tianyu pointed to the map and kept marking one mark after another on it. The generals below carefully recorded it to prepare for the next war.

The meeting lasted for about an hour. After the meeting ended, the third division had set off overnight, leading more than 10,000 troops to the south line of Shengbao City.

At the same time, Dragon City, the resident headquarters.

An Zecheng took An Qiqi with him, and Yu Mingyuan left the headquarters.

In the meeting room, Tan Hengqiang did not leave, but his son Tan Mingchao and the Chief of Staff had just arrived and sat beside him.

Looking at Tan Hengqiang's expression, the chief of staff had guessed the general idea, so he asked softly, "Lao An still wants you to move?"

Tan Hengqiang nodded, but did not speak, and the room was silent for a while.

Tan Mingchao put down his cigarette, as if he wanted to talk, but saw the chief of staff leaning forward slightly, as if he was about to speak, so he picked up the cigarette again.

" Our current situation is actually very embarrassing." The chief of staff said solemnly: "Look, if we choose a district instead of Lao Li, or rather, not with Anze City Station We are on the same front. Once the war in Shengbao City breaks out, the balance of Dragon City will definitely be broken. No matter if Lao Li wins or loses, we will become a district to deal with Lao Li and An With a sharp knife, our position at that time will be the cannon fodder army. When we are almost done fighting, the upper echelons will come out to clean up the mess. The cunning rabbit is dead, and the lackeys are cooking!"

Tan Hengqiang's face was gloomy and he didn't say anything, but Tan Mingchao nodded secretly.

Since Commander Tan didn't interrupt himself, the chief of staff continued: "If we stand with Lao Li and the others, we will fight against the upper echelons together. This matter is risky, but it is also very likely that it will break our current situation. Such an embarrassing situation."

Hearing this, Tan Hengqiang raised his head, glanced at the chief of staff, and asked, " agree with Anzecheng's plan?"

The chief of staff pondered for a long time before saying, "Commander, what we do depends not on his attitude towards Anze City, nor on my suggestion, but on your final ambition!"

Tan Hengqiang took a deep look at the chief of staff and did not reply. He just walked to the window smoking a cigarette and looked at the scenery outside.

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