Wind Rises in Dragon City

Chapter 1039: Nothing more than 1 death


Dragon City, the mayor's office.

Li Mingsheng sat behind the desk, listened to Ouyang Zhen's shouting and questioning, and didn't say a word, just lowered his head and drank the tea, calmly.

Ouyang Zhen looked at him, and shouted with his hands on his hips, "Speak up! Why don't you speak anymore, dumb?!"

Li Mingsheng looked up at him, stretched out his hand and said, "Don't shout, you sit down first, let's talk slowly, in this situation..."

Ouyang Zhen looked at Li Mingsheng, and interrupted with a wave of his hand: "Don't step on the horse and come with me! I just want to ask you, can you let Su Tianyu withdraw?!"

Lao Li slowly put down his teacup, looked at Ouyang Zhen with a frown and asked, "Do you think I can control the current situation? Can Su Tianyu control it? The situation has already been formed. How many people are involved? Tangible benefits? Even if you don't want to fight now, Gustav won't necessarily stop!"

What Lao Li said was not an excuse, but the truth.

As far as the current situation is concerned, it is the result of the joint promotion of multiple parties. It is not a group of forces or people who can completely control the situation.

The warlords want to make war fortunes, and it is impossible for the Hua District to accept the result of the Chinese labor union being split in this way. Su Tianyu will not compromise with Huo Dongsheng's team, and Chi Jun, Bana City, and the An Department are even more so. There are a lot of people fighting.

Withdraw now, easier said than done?

Ouyang Zhen also understood the current situation in his heart, but he still couldn't help pointing at Lao Li's nose and scolding: "You can't control the situation if you're on a horse, so why do you want to sit in this position?!"

These words are a bit too much, and they seem to be very political, but this is a true portrayal of Ouyang Zhen's inner feelings. It is the conflict between his friend and work relationship with Lao Li.

If it was normal times, Lao Li would have been furious when he heard this, at least he would have quarreled with the other party, but now he is very gentle, not angry because of these words, and he doesn't even intend to refute.

Ouyang Zhen was trembling with anger, and while patting Li Mingsheng's desk, he asked angrily: "The last time I hit Pana City, this time I'm going to hit St. Paul City again. If St. Paul City is defeated, it will take two days." Are you going to attack Washington again? When will you attack the first district? What do you want me to do, what do you want those people who support you to do?!"

Li Mingsheng was silent.

Ouyang Zhen's voice was trembling, and his face paled as he roared: "How can I explain to the people above? That my insistence has been repeated, and the end result is to raise a white-eyed wolf? This is an extremely stupid decision of a team, or even a party! Doomed You will be nailed to the pillar of shame in the first district, and will be remembered forever! Because you are now clearly calling for independence, and my arguments in various meetings before were all secretly sending you rebellious resources. ?"

Li Mingsheng looked at Ouyang Zhen, feeling full of guilt in his heart, because the other party had indeed helped him a lot, and it could even be said that he had saved him many times at critical moments.

"Speak up! Don't you always have a lot of reasons, why are you silent now?" Ouyang Zhen asked angrily.


Li Mingsheng let out a long sigh, got up slowly and responded: "As far as the Erhan faction is concerned, from the moment I entered Dragon City, I, Li Mingsheng, have been positioned as just a puppet in charge of fighting for power. My personal honor and disgrace, my life is in danger. Compared with this goal, they are all insignificant. Of course, the upper management did give me a lot of support and protected me when I was surrounded by enemies. But these years, the political rewards that Dragon City has given back to the Erling faction are also Quite rich. The politicians in your head are showing off every day with the report of the dragon city’s economic and tax increases; with the rise of Chinese social groups and various under-the-table confrontations, there are sufficient reasons to criticize Yiyi faction The stupidity. Within five or six years, how much of Dragon City's minerals, real estate, light industry and heavy industry has been replaced by the capital of the Erlong faction to take charge of the overall situation? Old Ou, let me tell you, I gave a lot less?"

"These are two different things!" Ouyang Zhen emphasized this angrily: "You can't...!"

"For me, the Erlian faction is my boss, and I'm just a worker. When it comes to faith, it's not enough; when it comes to cooperation, it's fair." Li Mingsheng looked at him: "I don't corrupt, I don't love money, and I don't mess with women. .I am willing to devote my energy, even my life, to Dragon City, so what am I going to do?!"

Ouyang Zhen was startled when he heard this.

"Old Ou, for you, I am grateful, even guilty." Li Mingsheng sighed: "Oh, but again, I still have to go this way."

"Then what do you mean?" Ouyang Zhen stared at him blankly, clenched his fists and asked, "You are determined..."

"Yes, it is determined to do it." Lao Li looked directly at him, and replied bluntly: "The fire is already burning, and everyone will have their own choices. Lao Ou, in a lifetime, we must leave some Things. Rather than running errands for the **** politicians of the Erlong faction, using the people's livelihood and suffering in my main Chinese city as a bargaining chip and argument for political games, it's better to go on a horse, let's make a fuss and do something Big deal!"


Ouyang Zhen looked confused, gritted his teeth and scolded: "Li Mingsheng, Li Mingsheng, you are not only trying to rebel against yourself, you also want to instigate me?!"

Lao Li looked at him and didn't answer.

Ouyang Zhen was silent for a long time, and said in a hoarse voice: "Have you ever thought about it, you are already standing on the cliff at this moment. Once you fail, your result will not only be as simple as being smashed to pieces. You are going to lead a group of people, Jump off the cliff...!"

While pouring tea, Lao Li said calmly, "It's nothing more than death... Didn't I die once many years ago?"

St. Paul City, the southern line of the border.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, densely packed drones are rapidly passing over the southern front positions. Soon, the information was sent to the headquarters of the third division stationed here.

Xin Xiaodong stood in the temporary tent, looking at the information delivered to him.

According to the drone's investigation, Gustav has sent two divisions to station on both sides of the southern line, and has already built a defensive Xiaodong took a look at the arrangement of troops on both sides on the map, and thought for a while , Said to the several officers in front of him: "We have fought against the rebels on Laomo's side, and also against the mercenary regiments in Bana City, but we haven't fought against this side yet, so we don't know their defensive strength. What is it like. How about this, at eight o'clock tonight, we will launch a night battle and try the intensity first."

After making up his mind, Xin Xiaodong mobilized two mechanized infantry regiments and piled them on the front line.

At eight o'clock, the helicopters and artillery units of the Blackwater Corps immediately began to bombard the enemy's garrison area.

Rows of arrows lit up the night sky, sweeping across the enemy's defense zone with the force of thunder.


Violent explosions resounded one after another, and the ground trembled accordingly. The artillery fire lasted for a full twenty minutes. At this time, a sea of ​​flames had risen on the enemy's position, and broken wreckage was everywhere.

Looking at the sea of ​​flames in front of him, Xin Xiaodong put down the binoculars and immediately ordered: "Let's fight, attack!"

With one order, hordes of armored vehicles and light pickup trucks broke through the flames and attacked the enemy's positions.

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