Wind Rises in Dragon City

Chapter 1071: Causal loop


The entire headquarters building was engulfed in a sea of ​​flames, and thick smoke billowed into the sky. The scene was horrifying.

The building was largely empty, with charred bodies everywhere. Some people managed to escape from the headquarters and fled from the direction of the backyard.

Brigadier Yang personally led the team and led more than 500 people to pursue the fleeing Chinese labor union cadres. Finally, in a small warehouse, a group of people, probably dozens of people, were blocked.

"Da da da!"

The opponent was holding a weapon, hiding in the warehouse, using the doors and windows, and still shooting at Brigadier Yang and the others.

The troops continued to advance, and the two soldiers who were at the forefront were immediately knocked down by bullets and lay in a pool of blood.

"Steamer." A young company commander saw his soldiers fall, and immediately cursed with red eyes: "Get on the flamethrower and sweep into the warehouse!"

More than a dozen soldiers wearing explosion-proof suits and carrying boxes on their backs came out.

"Don't move." Brigadier Yang hurriedly waved his hand to stop him, and then comforted him: "It's this point, they have nowhere to go."

The soldier stopped.

"Machine gunner, suppress the opponent." Brigadier Yang ordered, and the two machine gunners pulled the triggers and kept firing.


As soon as the gunshot rang out, screams erupted in the warehouse.

"Stop!" Brigadier Yang stretched out his hand, stopped the attack, pulled his neck and shouted: "Still resisting on horseback? Are you stupid? You are all wearing a piece of skin, what kind of vengeance can you have! I want to help Huo Dongsheng Go to hell? Put down the guns for me, nothing will happen!"

Hearing Brigadier Yang's shout, the people in the warehouse were still a little hesitant and did not act. However, no one continued to shoot back.

"Bang bang bang!"

Brigadier Yang raised his arm and shot three times: "Come out for me! Hurry up!"

Finally, someone couldn't bear the pressure, put down the gun, raised his hands, and walked out of the warehouse trembling.

"Get down! Get down on the ground!" Brigadier Yang yelled loudly.

The other party obeyed obediently, lying on the ground and not daring to move.

With one person taking the lead, everyone's psychological defense gradually collapsed, and more people came out with their hands raised, lying on the ground.

Soon, all the people in the warehouse came out. The soldiers stepped forward to control them, sent someone to check again, and finally reported to Brigadier Yang: "Report, Huo Dongsheng and his family are not inside!"

Brigadier Yang stepped forward, pulled one of them up and asked, "Where's Huo Dongsheng?"

"Hundreds of Gustav's soldiers covered them and ran over there..." The other party replied honestly.

"Fifth company, leave a platoon for them to take away from the battlefield. The others, follow me." Brigadier Yang waved his hand and led the troops to continue to chase.

They kept arresting people along the way, and at the same time continued to inquire about Huo Dongsheng's whereabouts, and finally determined that they were hiding in a row of buildings nearby.

"Quickly, push it over!" Brigadier Yang waved his hand: "Block them in for me."


Meanwhile, in a dilapidated building.

Huo Dongsheng and his executives, plus dozens of family members and soldiers, all hid in this dark and damp building.

Surrounded by the stench of rot and urine, the smell is extremely pungent. The crowd was a little restless, and the cries of children could be heard from time to time.

Mrs. Huo's face was also ashen, and she was in a panic. Huo Dongsheng's daughter-in-law put her arms around her young granddaughter, hiding aside tremblingly, constantly comforting the little girl in her arms.

Huo Dongsheng glanced out the window, and found that there were hundreds of soldiers in green uniforms outside, and they had already pushed over.

"President Huo, what should we do?"

"They've found us!"


The house was chaotic, with shouts and inquiries everywhere.

"Stop arguing!" Huo Dongsheng turned around and shouted.


At this moment, there was a sudden gunshot in the building, and everyone was startled.

"Let my daughter go!" The daughter-in-law wailed, Huo Dongsheng hurriedly turned his head, and saw a strong young man holding his granddaughter in one hand and a pistol in the other, with a hideous look on his face on the granddaughter's head.

The young man kicked away the woman who was holding his thigh, and then cursed at Huo Dongsheng with red eyes: "You jump on your horse and surrender!"

Huo Dongsheng was stunned, looking at the young cadre in front of him who had been single-handedly promoted by himself, his heart felt cold.

"If you don't surrender, we will all die!" The young man continued to roar: "My wife and children are here too, do you want to drag us to die together? Ah! You must fight! Tell me, what should we do now?! "

The granddaughter was terrified and cried even harder.

Huo Dongsheng's hair was disheveled, he kept waving his hands, and swallowed his saliva: "Calm down, we have something to talk about, okay..."

The crowd was very chaotic, and someone yelled at the young man: "Don't be naive! Our horses are all backbones. President Huo is dead. Can they let you go? Can they? Put down the gun!"

The Gustav troops on the periphery are still resisting, but the high-level Chinese labor union inside the house has already been infighting.

On the dark street, Gwen changed out of his military uniform and wore ordinary labor uniform with black mud smeared on his face. With only two of his men, he walked quickly and silently along the street.

At this moment, Gwen saw a large number of military vehicles and soldiers in green clothes rushing towards the intersection in the distance.

Gwen stopped quickly, looked left and right, then picked up the pistol, and smashed the glass of a store with a bang: "Go, go in!"

The three stepped on the broken glass and got in together.

The store is not big, the interior is dark, there are a few shelves outside, and there is a door inside.

In order to avoid being discovered, Gwen opened the door inside and hid in with his men.

"Go further in." Gwen didn't dare to relax, and walked in along the corridor.

After a while, the three leaned against the wall, gasping for breath.

"This damned place!" Gwen couldn't help cursing in a low voice, "I swear, I'll never come here again..."


Before he finished speaking, a flashlight suddenly lit up in the distance, shining on Gwen's face.


Gwen was taken aback, and subconsciously pulled out his pistol, and the two men also took out their mobile phones, using the flashlight function to shine forward.

The three of them looked up, only to see densely packed black people squatting in this small corridor, including men and women, old and young...

They were all skinny and torn, and they had been hiding here for a few days, and they smelled bad. They are all residents in the south of St. Paul City. They were forcibly expelled when the war started.

It is said in the city that a refugee camp was But in fact, when the guns fired, no one cared about these things at all.

The two sides looked at each other for a while, Gwen's scalp felt a little numb, he slowly raised his hand, swallowed and said, "We are also refugees..."

"He has yellow hair!" A man stood up.

"He is from a large area!"

"He's the one who brought the war!" cried a woman, crouching on the ground.

Gwen shouted urgently after saying this: "I have dyed hair! I'm not...!"

"...kill them!"

The black people couldn't sit still any longer, and stood up huffing, with hatred and resentment in their eyes, stepping forward to oppress them.

"Don't, don't come here..." Gwen felt chills down his spine, raised his pistol, and threatened them.

"Kill them!"

With a roar, these black men rushed over like a tide, drowning the three of Gwen in an instant...

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