Wind Rises in Dragon City

Chapter 1074: Old Huang bounces back


In a dilapidated building in Shengbao City.

Huo Dongsheng looked at the ferocious young man in front of him, his forehead was covered with sweat.

The little granddaughter, who was still naive, cried loudly in the young man's arms, and the surroundings were in chaos. Many cadres who were loyal to Huo Dongsheng also pulled out their guns and aimed at the young man.

"Let people go!"

"Zhang Yan, are you crazy? Do you know what you are doing?!"


Everyone shouted, and the young man named Zhang Yan strangled Huo Dongsheng's granddaughter, pulled his neck and shouted angrily: "Don't force me, everyone, get out!"

When the two sides were confronting each other, Huang Peishan suddenly stood up and held Huo Dongsheng's three or four-year-old son hostage with a gun: "Don't move!"

At the same time, two of Huang Peishan's subordinates suddenly grabbed Huo Dongsheng's daughter-in-law and wife.

The sudden actions of the few people shocked everyone.

"Old...Old Huo, go out and carry it!" Huang Peishan held the gun and strangled Huo Dongsheng's son's neck: "If you don't go out, everyone will die; if you go out, we can still have a way out. Will you Chief, this thunder, you have to carry it..."

Huo Dongsheng turned his head and looked at Huang Peishan in astonishment with a dull expression.

The room was silent.

"Don't blame me for stepping on the horse!" Huang Peishan's lips trembled: "I can't help it, I... I don't want to die when I step on the horse!"

Huo Dongsheng's eyes were red, and his voice was trembling: "Old, Lao Huang, we have been brothers for 20 or 30 years, and we have already come to this point. Is there still a need for this? Let's make a fuss and live together. , die together, okay?!"

Huang Peishan gritted his teeth and said, "Why should I die with you? You are the president, you make the decision, and I'm helping you. Do you want to risk your life if you help in the end?"

Huo Dongsheng frowned, as if he had aged ten years for a while, he bent his waist, and asked softly: "Then what do you want...?"

"The higher-ups will stay, and I will leave with my family." Huang Peishan said coldly: "They want to arrest you and use you as a model, so you go talk to them."

The two looked at each other.

Huo Dongsheng was completely desperate. He slowly let go of his fist and nodded numbly: "Okay, if you want me to die, I will die; if you want me to talk, I will talk. Let's not argue... There is no need."

"Old Huo!" Mrs. Huo cried out in tears, and the children also cried loudly.

"Shut up, everyone!" Huang Peishan yelled, and at the same time opened the safety of the pistol.

"Don't move!" Huo Dongsheng pulled off his shirt and looked at Huang Peishan stretching out his hands: "Grenades, give me all the grenades, and tie them around my waist. I'll go out and find them."

Several cadres walked over silently, hung the few remaining grenades around Huo Dongsheng's waist, and stuffed two more in their hands.

Just like that, Huo Dongsheng took a deep look at Lao Huang and his family, and then, holding two grenades, he walked downstairs alone and walked outside the building.

"Da da da!"

At this time, outside the building, gunshots were still heard. Brigadier Yang personally led the team, suppressing the remaining less than a hundred officials from Shengbao City to fight.

"Stop fighting! Cease fire!"

At this moment, a hysterical shout suddenly came from the building.

Soon, Huo Dongsheng, who was covered in dust, slowly walked out from the shadow of the building with two grenades in his hands: "Stop hitting me! Don't you just want to find me? I'll talk to you!"

While speaking, Huang Peishan held Huo Dongsheng's family hostage, and slowly appeared in the hall on the first floor, observing the situation outside.

Brigadier Yang frowned, and instead of giving orders in a hurry, he stared at Huo Dongsheng.

"I've surrendered, can't I just surrender?" Huo Dongsheng roared loudly.

"Stop the attack!" Brigadier Yang waved his hand and stopped the attack of his subordinates: "What do you mean by doing this? Are you still delaying time?"

Huo Dongsheng held the two grenades tightly, and his voice calmed down: "I surrender, but only if you let a group of people go. Get me five cars and let Huang Peishan take his family away. After they leave, I will surrender. .”

Brigadier Yang glanced at Huo Dongsheng coldly, and asked, "Do you think you are qualified to negotiate terms with me now?"

While talking, Brigadier Yang waved his hand lightly. The adjutant behind him understood, and quietly stepped back and left.

Huo Dongsheng yelled hysterically: "You arrested me, didn't you just want to use me as a model that has been infamous for thousands of years? If I, Huo Dongsheng, die here, what kind of model do you still have? Who will sing for you, who will read your lines for you? !Ask Su Tianyu, does he need me to speak? I can guarantee that as long as the family members are released, I am willing to cooperate with you. If you ask me to say anything, I will say anything, and when you finish speaking, you will shoot me!"

Brigadier Yang thought for a while and said, "I will give you three cars at most."

"Is it worth three cars for me to step on a horse?" Huo Dongsheng stared at Brigadier Yang: "Those people are useless to you! Those who leave are all family members. They don't know anything, and they didn't participate in anything. All the backbones will Stay and let their wives and children go, okay?!"

Seeing that Brigadier Yang didn't speak, Huo Dongsheng held up the grenade again: "In a word, five cars, okay?"

"Okay, just five cars." Brigadier Yang agreed.

Huo Dongsheng breathed a sigh of relief, but he still didn't put down the grenade: "After they left for twenty minutes, I surrendered."

Brigadier Yang scolded directly: "Are you riding a horse and dreaming? Can people like me wait for you for twenty minutes? Ten minutes at most!"

Huo Dongsheng didn't insist this time, and nodded: "Yes."

After the two parties reached an agreement, Brigadier Yang waved his hand, and soon got five pickup trucks and parked them on the side of the road.

Huang Peishan escorted Huo Dongsheng's family members, plus about 20 family members of high-level Chinese labor unions, out, and got into the car one by one.

"Don't shoot! Don't worry, I will definitely not leave, I will stay here." Huo Dongsheng was still shouting.

A group of people entered the vehicle, and some cadres in the building couldn't sit still, especially the chief of the security section, who was about to rush out with a They left, we have to go too! "

"You horse rider, why did you leave us here!"

"Quick, rush out!"

A group of people rushed towards the door like crazy.

"RPG!" Brigadier Yang waved his hand, and two soldiers behind him stepped forward, and immediately fired two RPG shots.


The cannonball exploded in front of the door, setting off a large amount of earth and rocks. The cadres who had just gone mad just turned pale with fright, and all ran back.

At this time, Huang Peishan and the others had already boarded the pickup truck. The moment the door was closed, Huang Peishan turned his head and looked at Huo Dongsheng.

Huo Dongsheng pinched the grenade and looked at Lao Huang, speechless for a long time.

The two looked at each other briefly, Huang Peishan closed the car door, and said hoarsely, "Let's go!"


The doors closed, and the five cars sped away.

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