Wind Rises in Dragon City

Chapter 1082: strong pressure


The brigadier general hugged his legs, lay on the ground and howled.

The members of Gustav's delegation looked ashen, but they did not dare to act rashly.

Su Tianyu waved his hand, Fei Pingsheng, Sun Wei and the others walked in with a dozen soldiers.

"Take them away!" With a wave of Su Tianyu's hand, Sun Wei and the others immediately controlled the delegation and rushed out of the room.

After they all left, Su Tianyu turned around and said to Akadi who was standing aside: "Mr. Akadi, I didn't mean to offend you, and I didn't disrespect the Canadian side. But this war , We have already died too many people, I will not be afraid of any threats from them!"

Su Tianyu clenched his fists with a firm attitude: "Even if there is another war, I will not give them a chance to negotiate on an equal basis, let alone compromise, because those who are sorry for the sacrifice...!"

Akadi stared at Su Tianyu, thought for a long time and replied: "This is your choice, I wish you good luck, my friend."

The so-called peace talks broke up like this.

Su Tianyu didn't wait for a moment, took a plane that night, and personally escorted Gustav's delegation to Bana City.

At eight o'clock in the night, the plane landed slowly at the military airport in Bana City.

Wu Han and Jiang Zhou walked down first, and Su Tianyu quickly caught up with them: "Brother Jiang, Brother Han, wait a minute."

The two stopped and turned to look at him.

Su Tianyu said softly: "After you go back, take a good rest, don't worry about the next thing, I will handle it myself."

Jiangzhou looked solemn, and told Su Tianyu: "It must be dealt with. What the city said is reasonable. If their warlords continue to harass Pana City and Longcheng, it will cause us great harm. Trouble, there is no reason to guard against thieves every day."

"These warlords have no bottom line." Standing beside him, Wu Han also grinned: "Just playing with these dirty tricks! Xiao Yu, you should be more careful!"

Su Tianyu nodded: "I know everything, don't worry."

"Okay, then I won't say more." Jiangzhou patted Su Tianyu on the shoulder: "You can deal with it."

After the three chatted, they returned.

At ten o'clock at night, under a castle.

This is the dungeon secretly built by the Bernardo family, where countless politicians and enemies who opposed their family were imprisoned.

There are two floors of cells, each with two groups of guards guarding them day and night. It was very dark here, and there was a damp and rancid smell everywhere, and the conditions were very bad.

Gustav was held in one of the cells, and there was only a simple bed in the room.


The door of the cell was kicked open, and Su Tianyu walked in with a sullen face along with two guards from the Terrorist Bureau.

Gustav sat on the bed, watching him quietly.

The two looked at each other for a moment, and Gustav spoke first, saying in English, "Actually, we should have talked a long time ago."


Su Tianyu stepped forward, swung his arms round, and mouthed as he went up: "It's not too late for me to talk to you now."

Gustav stood up suddenly, clenched his fists, his body trembled slightly, and stared at Su Tianyu coldly.

Su Tianyu took out a tissue, wiped his hands, and at the same time shouted to the outside: "Bring him in."

After the words fell, two guards carried the brigadier general in. His face was pale and his body was extremely weak.

Seeing his subordinates, Gustav frowned: "What are you going to do?"

Su Tianyu patted the Brigadier General's face: "Come on, tell your chief what happened outside."

The brigadier general was silent for a long time, finally opened his cloudy eyes, and said in a hoarse voice: "Your Excellency...they...announced the news of your defeat to the outside world. Before I negotiated...the first district has notified terminate all military relations with us. Political cooperation. In addition...the armaments and financial support they promised...all have not been fulfilled..."

This result was expected by Gustav, but after hearing it with his own ears, he was still frightened and angry.

Su Tianyu waved his hand, and the guard carried the brigadier general out again, and then brought in a chair.

"Now, let me talk to you." Su Tianyu sat down on the chair, intervened and looked at Gustav and said.

Gustav took a deep breath and was about to bend over and sit on the bed.

Su Tianyu looked at him coldly: "Did I let you sit?"

Gustav's forehead had bulging veins, and he stared at Su Tianyu with gloomy eyes, but finally he didn't dare to sit down.

People who play politics have abandoned both good and evil, how could their mentality collapse because of a little humiliation?

"I will give two conditions now." Su Tianyu crossed his legs and said to Gustav: "First, I want one billion war reparations. I don't care what method you use to make money, you have to give me a cent A lot of them came together."

Gustav froze for a moment, and said, "Do you think that the city of St. Paul after the war is still capable of paying such a huge amount of war indemnity? So much money!"

Su Tianyu was expressionless: "I don't care if you can get the money together. But the number of one billion cannot be less. I can pay you in installments, first give 500 million, and the remaining 500 million, plus Interest, just pay it off within three years."

Gustav gritted his teeth and said, "You..."

"Don't talk nonsense, I don't want to hear you tell me any reason now!" Su Tianyu interrupted Gustav: "Second, I can let you go back. But there is a premise, I will give you a break." A list. Ask your people to send me all the people on the list to Pana City. I will take care of them with good food and drink, and let them live normally in Pana City. The time limit is five years, five Years later they can go home."

"Don't you think your conditions are too harsh?" Gustav stared at Su Tianyu.

Su Tianyu got up slowly, pointed at Gustav's face and said: "If you we won't talk about it. I don't want the money either. Anyway, the war is over, so I don't want to talk about it. Mind spending another 500 million to strangle every member of your family and kill them completely! Every time I kill a person, I will bring them to you for you to watch. At the same time, I will even support the people of Shengbao City Private armed forces, let them nibble away at the industries you have been running for many years, and let everything in the Gustav family disappear! I only give you two days, and you will not see people and money in two days. Will enter the city of St. Paul."

After finishing speaking, Su Tianyu left the cell with the guards without looking back.


The cell door was slammed shut, and Gustav sat on the bed with a thud, his expression dull.

After thinking for a long time, Gustav let out a long sigh, but he still compromised in his heart. He knew he had no choice.

A day later, the negotiations between the two sides ended. Gustav agreed to pay one billion war reparations in installments. The first phase of delivery is 400 million yuan, and the rest will be paid off with interest within three years.

At the same time, according to the list given by Su Tianyu, more than 30 members of the Gustav family were sent to Bana City. Among them are Gustav's five sons, six grandchildren, etc...

After the arrival of the men in Pana City and the payment of the first installment, Gustav was released.

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