
In a dark cell.

Huo Dongsheng sat on the bed, looked at Su Tianyu who was standing in front of him, looking down at him, and said calmly, "I don't know why, but before I died, I wanted to see you."

Su Tianyu put his hands behind his back and said with a sneer, "Aren't you cheap? Originally, you didn't have to die."

With that said, the guard moved over a chair, Su Tianyu bent down and sat down, then stared at Huo Dongsheng.

There was no trace of panic or fear on his face, a dying person, but he was very calm.

Both sides suddenly fell silent, Su Tianyu subconsciously took out a cigarette case from his pocket and lit a cigarette.

"Can you give me one?" Huo Dongsheng said to Su Tianyu with a calm look.

Su Tianyu didn't answer, but just looked at him coldly.

Huo Dongsheng put his hands on his thighs, and said slowly: "If I am defeated, I will pay the price for it. The death of so many people from the Chinese Labor Union is not enough to appease your hatred?"

Speaking of this, Huo Dongsheng suddenly chuckled, and said in a joking tone: "Well, you give me a cigarette, and when it's time for the public trial meeting, I will scold myself harder! You make me bark like a dog. Row."

Su Tianyu looked at Huo Dongsheng coldly, thought for a moment, and threw the cigarette and lighter together.

Huo Dongsheng reached out to take the cigarette, then knocked the cigarette case backwards, took out a cigarette to light it, and took a deep breath.

At that moment, Huo Dongsheng seemed somewhat satisfied. The president of the Chinese labor union who was once ambitious and insatiable, now just because of a cigarette can make him feel happy.

Su Tianyu didn't speak, just looked at Huo Dongsheng quietly, trying to see what he was going to say.

Huo Dongsheng puffed smoke from his nostrils. After a long silence, he suddenly asked, "In your opinion, are you all so correct?"

Su Tianyu asked unceremoniously: "Then who is right? Did you cut you off halfway, or did you betray your teammates?"

Huo Dongsheng shook his head, and replied with a cigarette between his fingers: "Even if I don't make trouble, as long as I don't listen to you, or even if there is an important decision, I don't agree with it. Then you will still beat me. There's no right or wrong thing to talk about. It's all about winners and losers."

Su Tianyu intervened and looked at him: "Huo Dongsheng, don't argue here. No matter how you explain it, you can't get rid of the fact that you want to be a traitor! It's not clear that you want to use Chinese resources to realize your dream of becoming a high-ranking official." ambition."

Huo Dongsheng didn't get angry when he heard this, and nodded very calmly: "Yes, I admit what you said."

Huo Dongsheng took a puff of cigarette, sighed and said: "Actually, before I joined the Chinese Labor Union, I was a captain in the Chinese Corps in District 1 and was a civil servant for eight years. Afterwards, I worked hard for another five years before I was able to Promoted to a major, and finally assigned to a logistics department to manage the station's combat supplies. I also know your dad, but he is much higher than me, hehe."

Su Tianyu didn't answer.

Huo Dongsheng continued without hesitation: "You are right, I have always had a breath in my heart. It is also this breath that hurt me."

As he said that, Huo Dongsheng was holding a cigarette, his eyes became a little erratic, as if he was recalling the past: "In those years, I looked up to others, worked hard to climb up, and tried my best to do all the work well. But it’s useless. After more than ten years of suffering, I have seen through the essence and my own mediocre ending. I admit that I like power, but I can’t change anything. Until the emergence of the Chinese labor union, I waited for a chance. For Instead of continuing to live this kind of mediocre life, I left the Chinese Corps, joined the Chinese Labor Union, and climbed to the position of president step by step. I don’t hide my thoughts, I just want to be Song Jiang, and use politics The way of replacement is to find a good future for myself.”

"You can be regarded as a relatively honest and shameless person." Su Tianyu intervened and replied.

"You don't like power, why do you risk your life like this?" Huo Dongsheng asked with a smile, "You don't dare to admit this, do you?"

"I like it, but there is a way to get it." Su Tianyu replied lightly.

"Hehe!" Huo Dongsheng smiled and shook his head in response: "You won, and you got it right."

Su Tianyu didn't express his opinion, he only held his chin and looked at him with deep eyes.

Huo Dongsheng flicked the cigarette ash, and continued: "I understand that you look down on me, but this is my true opinion, no different from ordinary people. However, my contact with the first district is not the most important factor. I am In essence, I feel that my political ideas are different from yours. What you think is to find a way home, but I think about attachment and survival, and I think there is nothing wrong with my political ideas. You can’t because A few of you want to be the Emperor of Qin and Han Wu, and want to be famous in history, so you lead a group of people to war, to the abyss! Yes, I admit, you are the winners, but many people have lost."

Huo Dongsheng said, pointing to himself: "We people have already taken root here. Whether you admit it or not, we have entered the stage of integration. Our responsibility is also to give these people a solid and stable life. Live, not think about resistance! You think I am a traitor, but have you ever thought about the true thoughts of most overseas Chinese? Do they want bloodshed, do they want war? Why is my chance so small, there are still a large number of people Support me. Because no one wants to die!"

Su Tianyu frowned and didn't answer.

Huo Dongsheng took a deep breath of cigarettes: "Your road won't work! Su Tianyu, you already have the ability to plan the overall situation~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I hope you can calm down and think about my words carefully Think about it carefully, where is the way out for the tens of millions of Chinese people overseas. It is not for individual people, or for the wishes of a certain person, to tie all the Chinese to your chariot. As long as there is resistance, you will be crowned In the name of traitors, how many people died once they returned to Shengbao City? Once you are successful, if you continue to do it, you will walk forward on the mountain of corpses and **** seas paved by these people! Think about it carefully, Do you really want to go this way?"

After smoking a cigarette, Huo Dongsheng's tone calmed down again, and he looked at Su Tianyu and said: "I have failed, and I will confess my crimes in public according to your requirements. But, I really hope you can Take my words seriously. You are the one who can change course now, and you have the responsibility."

Su Tianyu looked at him, but didn't respond. Huo Dongsheng said a lot, and he didn't agree with it in his heart, and even sneered.

But there were also some words that caused him to be confused...

Yes, for this sake, how should we go forward?

District 1, Washington.

A group of people from the Tsingyi Bureau went to the five places with the approval documents, and without Gwen's approval, they took Wang An away privately.

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