Wind Rises in Dragon City

Chapter 1087: integration plan


after one day.

Su Tianyu returned to Longcheng early and met Li Mingsheng in the administrative building.

Lao Li was sitting at his desk drinking tea, saw Su Tianyu coming in, and said with a smile: "Oh, Commander Su, now you are shining brightly, shining all over the north and south."

Su Tianyu sat down in front of Li Mingsheng with two dark circles under his eyes. Hearing this, he quickly waved his hands and said, "Oh, leader, how can I shine! After this battle is over, many people It's all gone."

As he said that, Su Tianyu sighed, his eyes were a little sad: "When it comes to this matter, I feel very uncomfortable in my heart."

Li Mingsheng looked at Su Tianyu's face, and couldn't help sighing: "I heard that the old black under your command is gone. Sigh... There is no one who is undead in this struggle and war. However, the price has been paid. , the result is still as everyone wished. This is the greatest consolation for both the living and the dead."

Su Tianyu nodded, the old leader's words somewhat comforted him.

Secretary Li Yuan came over, poured a cup of tea for Su Tianyu, reached out and patted his shoulder lightly, then turned and sat aside.

"Thank you, Brother Li." Holding the teacup, Su Tianyu turned his head and chatted with Li Mingsheng again: "Leader, I have already written a plan on how to cut the cake, and it's all on it."

With that said, Su Tianyu took out a large stack of documents from his bag, and gently pushed his plan to Li Mingsheng.

Li Mingsheng took the stack of documents, and couldn't help being a little surprised: "Good guy, there are so many?"

Su Tianyu nodded: "Yes, it's very detailed. Everything in it is covered. We have too many influences in various aspects here. If you write clearly and detailedly in the early stage, you will have less trouble later."

Li Mingsheng weighed the document and said, "I won't be able to finish reading this in a while."

Su Tianyu turned his head and looked around, his eyes fell on the bedroom beside him, and he said, "It's okay, I just happened to go to your room to sleep, and you can call me whenever you finish watching."

Li Mingsheng glanced at Su Tianyu's dark circles, and knew that he was very tired recently, but he still responded jokingly: "You sleep, I read the report, and I don't know who is the leader now. "

Su Tianyu hurriedly said: "I must read the document, the one who will stamp it is the leader!"

"Okay, let's go to rest." Lao Li smiled and waved his hand.

Su Tianyu got up, went into the small bedroom next to him for rest, and fell directly on the bed.

This sleep lasted until night, but was finally woken up by Li Yuan.

Su Tianyu looked sleepily at Li Yuan who was standing beside him, and asked, "What time is it?"

Li Yuan pointed to his watch: "It's past ten o'clock."

"I've been sleeping for so long?" Su Tianyu sat up and stretched slightly.

Li Yuan said to Su Tianyu with a smile: "You are so awesome now, you dare to sleep on the dragon couch casually?"

Su Tianyu stretched out his hand and patted the warm blanket: "Come on, let's sleep together?"

"I've been so stubborn lately, I scratched the wall in pain, forget it." Li Yuan quickly waved his hand: "You should also get up quickly, I'm looking for you for dinner."

Su Tianyu asked while putting on his shoes, "Are you inviting me?"

"The leader invites you." Li Yuan replied.

Su Tianyu got up quickly, left the office with Li Yuan, and rushed to the municipal restaurant for dinner.

Li Mingsheng is a very frugal person. No matter where he eats, he avoids extravagance and waste, and only needs some ordinary home-cooked dishes.

Seeing Su Tianyu and the others come in, Li Mingsheng smiled and waved: "Come and sit, let's chat while eating."

"Then I won't be polite to the leader." Su Tianyu was really hungry, so he picked up his chopsticks and started eating.

After the three of them ate a little, Li Mingsheng put down his chopsticks and said, "I've read your document, and there's nothing wrong with it. The association's intentions are pretty good, and the addition of some personnel is also in place. It can be seen that, You put a lot of effort into it, and I have basically no problem."

Su Tianyu breathed a sigh of relief: "It's okay if there is no problem. I will talk to Jiangzhou later and ask what the Hua District means. If the problem is not serious, let's finalize it as soon as possible. When the time comes, we will deal with Huo Dongsheng first, and we should start when we are done." First regular meeting."

Li Mingsheng took a sip of tea, sighed and said, "Oh, I'm not worried about the association. The only thing I'm worried about is Lao Tan's side. He has been tossing around for so long, and he took advantage of us, and finally It still got his wish and made him the deputy commander-in-chief."

Su Tianyu wiped his mouth with a tissue and said, "Have you heard about Commander Tan?"

Li Mingsheng nodded: "Yes, his position as deputy commander-in-chief is basically stable. This move is aimed at us."

Su Tianyu pondered for a while and said, "Oh, you have to come sooner or later. But from this move, it can be seen that the first district does not want to use force at present, but still wants to use political means to solve the crisis in Dragon City."

Li Yuan helped them to pour tea, Lao Li raised his teacup and said slowly: "I hope, after this step, we finally see some sunshine."

The two looked at each other and smiled, and continued to eat.

Su Tianyu then stayed in Longcheng for two days, during which time he went home to take a look, bought some things, and had a meal with his second uncle.

The daughter is married, and the two sons are not at home all year round. The old man seems a little lonely, and the gray hair on his head has become more unknowingly.

Although he felt sorry for his second uncle, Su Tianyu didn't have time to stay longer. After arranging everything, he returned to Bana City without stopping.

The reason why he had to run back and forth between the two places was because Su Tianyu couldn't work in Longcheng all the time. With the special identities of Jiangzhou, Wu Han and the others, it is definitely not convenient for them to come to Dragon City.

Two days later in the afternoon, Su Tianyu's small plane landed slowly at the airport in Bana After getting off the plane, he didn't go back to rest, but drove directly to the hotel and rang the Jiangzhou door.

"Boom boom boom!"

Not long after the knock on the door, Jiangzhou opened the door, looked at Su Tianyu outside the door and said with a smile: "You just came back, so you don't know how to take a rest."

"It's the life of hard work." Su Tianyu said with a smile: "After all the work is done, then have a good rest."

"Okay, come in!" Jiangzhou stepped aside and said, "It happens that Hua District sent some special products over there, let's try it together."

Su Tianyu entered the room and saw that there were indeed some spicy snacks from Sichuan Province on the table.

The two sat at the table, Su Tianyu took out the newly printed plan and handed it to Jiangzhou: "Brother Jiang, this is the plan I made, take a look."

Jiangzhou took it over, flipped through it briefly in his hand, then looked at the "Security Department Division Plan" a second time, and finally put the plan aside, smiled at Su Tianyu: "Don't worry , Let’s talk later. Come, try the specialties of Sichuan Province..."

Su Tianyu is a person who is good at observing. Looking at Jiangzhou's expression, his heart skipped a beat, and he said to himself, many things will inevitably happen.

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