Wind Rises in Dragon City

Chapter 1105: keep pushing


At around ten o'clock at night, Longcheng Military Hospital.

More than a dozen military vehicles from the Riot and Terrorism Bureau stopped at the entrance of the hospital. Wang Daolin jumped out of one of the vehicles with more than 20 police officers.

At the same time, the back door of the military vehicle was pushed open, and two guards carried the seriously injured Noah on a stretcher, and followed Wang Daolin and the others.

Just after they showed up, a large number of reporters rushed down from the cars parked on both sides of the street. They had been waiting for a long time, as if sharks smelled blood, they rushed over and surrounded Wang Daolin and the others.

"Excuse me, is this the officer Noah involved?"

"May I ask why he was injured?"

"How did you catch him, can you tell us in detail...?"

These reporters asked questions in a hurry, and the microphones were directly directed at Wang Daolin's face.

Pushing away the microphone on his face, Wang Daolin said, "Everyone, don't crowd, don't delay our normal work. The officer involved in the incident was captured by us while escaping, and was wounded by the police in self-defense because he shot and resisted arrest. We are currently sending him to the hospital for treatment, and we will hold a press conference later to discuss this matter."

As he said that, Wang Daolin waved his hands: "Now is not the time to receive reporters, everyone give way!"

Upon hearing the instructions, the guards immediately stepped forward and formed a cordon to keep the reporters out.

How could these reporters miss such a good interview opportunity, one by one desperately squeezed forward, holding a camera, and took pictures of Noah lying on the stretcher.

Noah was lying weakly on the stretcher. Facing a large number of reporters, he was a little panicked, and subconsciously raised his hands to cover his face.

In crackling flashes, Noah was carried into the hospital.

At one o'clock in the morning, the garrison building of the 10th Infantry Division.

Parker sat in his office, stopped drinking coffee, stopped listening to music, and didn't shave his beard. He looked anxious and kept tapping his fingers on the table.

"Drip Lingling!"

The phone rang suddenly, and Parker hesitated for a while before answering the phone cautiously.

"You idiot! You bastard! Why would I send an idiot like you to garrison Dragon City..." Immediately, a series of dirty and irritable insults came out from the phone, which made Parker's scalp tingle.

Parker didn't dare to talk back, so he just sat there obediently, wiping the cold sweat from his forehead while listening to the other party's continuous swearing.

After cursing for five or six minutes, the other party stopped and said sharply: "Remember, don't have any conflicts with the local people again! Let your troops obediently stay at the station and wait for orders from the higher-ups!"

Parker put down the sweaty towel and asked softly, "Then how should I deal with this matter now?"

The other end of the phone immediately scolded: "You can handle a fart! Wait for me, and I will inform you of the result after the upper management has a meeting! You idiot!"

"Yes, yes..." Parker repeatedly agreed, and then hung up the phone.

After putting down the phone, Parker was restless. He stood up and turned around the room twice anxiously, his head was in a mess.

After a while, Parker felt the urge to urinate, so he walked into the bathroom, stood in front of the urinal, skillfully unbuckled his belt, and took off his pants.

Obviously there is a urge to urinate, but the drain seems to be blocked by something, and the muzzle of the gun is aimed for a long time, but not a drop of water can be released.

Parker frowned, and the operation was successful and the power was brewing, but after a full ten minutes, he still couldn't pee.

An evil fire shot straight from the crotch to the forehead!

"Damn it, I'm going to cut you off!" Parker's eyes were red, he raised his fist, and slammed it hard against the wall.

At around 7:00 the next morning, on Weibo, a very well-known current affairs commentator of Longcheng News posted a new post.

The title of the post is: In-depth discussion on the issue of the Dragon City garrison, how to avoid various disputes in a multi-ethnic background?

The content of the post is roughly extracted, and there are only four questions. First, Dragon City has its own Chinese corps, why should the first district be garrisoned?

Second, the word-of-mouth issue of the source of soldiers in the first district has always been criticized by everyone, and all kinds of crimes have been committed. Why has it not been strengthened?

Third, is the highest officer in the station also unshirkable for the soldiers committing such a crime?

Fourth, how should the innocent people in Dragon City avoid the harm brought to them by the soldiers stationed in the first district?

After the release of these four questions, the following immediately received a large number of comments and reposts. At the same time, the public also expressed extreme dissatisfaction with the deployment of troops in the first district, and there was a lot of criticism and cursing on the Internet.

Driven by this post, what was originally a criminal case involving soldiers and civilians quickly turned into a sensitive topic of "whether there should be garrisons of different ethnicities in Dragon City".

Netizens started a heated discussion around this point. Open the Weibo page now, and you can see overwhelming opposition.

At ten o'clock in the morning, the garrison building of the 10th Infantry Regiment.

Parker was lying on the bed in the office, with a slight snoring sound coming from his nose. He stayed up all night and barely fell asleep until dawn.

"The raped criminal! Get out of Dragon City!"

"Shameless! You are not worthy of being soldiers!"


There was a sudden thunderous shout outside, waking Parker out of bed.

"Adjutant!" Parker sat up from the bed and shouted at the top of his voice.

The office door was pushed open immediately, and the adjutant stepped in and saluted Parker.

Parker looked at him and asked, "What's going on outside?"

"Report to the general..." The adjutant reported with some nervousness: "It's protesters... a large number of protesters..."

"Help me Parker was a little dizzy, and reached out his hand to the adjutant.

The adjutant hurried to help him, walked to the window, and opened the curtain.

On the street outside, dense crowds of protesters were standing, holding banners, surrounding the gate of the garrison on three floors inside and three floors outside, constantly attacking the soldiers who blocked them.

What beer bottles, rotten eggs, and rotten vegetable leaves were thrown into the garrison continuously, pouring out the anger of the people.

Watching this scene, Parker's body shook slightly, and a lot of cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

"General!" The adjutant suggested from the side: "They are obviously organized and have been attacking our garrison. Do we need to resist and suppress?"

After hearing this, Parker's body was no longer weak, and his head was no longer dizzy. He turned around with a big mouth, which made the adjutant turn around in half a circle.

Parker pointed at the adjutant's nose and scolded: "Why are you as stupid as Noah? Don't you want me to live? Tell our soldiers to restrain, be rational, and reason with these people, and don't have anything to do with them Any conflict!"

As he spoke, Parker kicked the adjutant's ass: "Go and deliver the order! You idiot!"

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