Wind Rises in Dragon City

Chapter 1258: 1 escaped, 1 arrested


In the park, Kong Zhengqi knelt on the ground and struggled to get up: "Brother Qiu, for so many years... I...we are absolutely loyal to the An Department, and have never changed our position. Look at us these years...!"

Looking at his appearance, Brother Qiu was both angry and somewhat resentful. He picked up his automatic rifle and slammed the **** of his gun on Kong Zhengqi's head: "Who is riding a horse and you are a family? It's a good life, but what are you doing? Who can save this kind of thing?" you?!"

Kong Zhengqi fell to the ground with a bang, his forehead was smashed, and blood gushed out.

"Qiu, brother Qiu... listen to me...!"

Kong Zhengqi's eyes turned black, enduring the severe pain, got up again, hugged Brother Qiu's thigh, and begged him again.

"Don't move." Brother Qiu panted and pointed at him: "You are on a horse... the whole An Department is put on the pillar of shame!"

"Brother Qiu..."

Kong Zhengqi shuddered into a ball, and was about to speak when, at this moment, there was a burst of dense and hasty footsteps near the rockery.

"Over here, hurry up!"

Amidst a burst of shouts, several members of the security department had arrived, and behind them, there were still many people from the Action Team of the General Bureau.

Kong Zhengqi looked around desperately, and when he saw the large army coming, he also knew that he would not be able to escape this time.

Everyone ran over quickly, and when the people from the An Department saw Kong Zhengqi lying on the ground, they all looked a little ugly.

"Catch it!"

Brother Qiu gave an order, and these people started immediately, pushing Kong Zhengqi down to the ground a few times and tying him tightly.

"Da da da!"

At the same time, the sound of revolving machine guns in the distance continued to ring.

Brother Qiu frowned, turned his head and asked an action member of the General Administration Bureau: "How is the situation over there at He Yan?"

The action team members shook their heads solemnly: "There were two enemy speedboats there, and there were machine gunners attacking them."


Brother Qiu frowned, and immediately ordered: "You three, put him in the car! Remember, if something goes wrong, I want your heads! The rest of you, follow me to support Lao Guo there."


A group of people stepped forward and rushed to the other side quickly.

"Da da da!"

"Bang bang bang!"

The sound of fierce firefights was getting closer, and Brother Qiu ran faster and faster.

After rushing out of this rockery, looking around, more than 20 people from the General Administration Bureau were still blocking, and one of the action team members had one arm broken, and was dragged to the bunker by other team members. shouted.

On the Long River in the distance, two speedboats had gradually moved away. There were about a dozen people standing on them, with machine guns on the stern, shooting at the shore.

Brother Qiu was drenched in sweat, and while shooting at the distant boat with his gun, he shouted, "Quick, find cover!"

"Da da da!"

The team members quickly found the bunker, squatted behind and fired at the river. But the speedboat was so fast that it was difficult for the bullets to hit the target, and only splashed water on the river.

"Xiaoqiu, this way!"

Guo Zhengdao crouched behind a low wall, beckoning to Brother Qiu.

Brother Qiu bent his waist and led the people to rush over. With a sliding shovel, he threw himself behind the low wall.

"Da da da!"

A row of machine gun bullets shot over in an instant, blasting the outer layer of the stone wall.

Brother Qiu covered his head and shouted loudly, "What's going on here?"

Guo Zhengdao's face turned extremely ugly, and he cursed through gritted teeth: "Fuck, they are prepared. Two speedboats came to meet us from the water, even equipped with revolving machine guns. We were caught off guard, and He Yan also ran away .”

Brother Qiu frowned when he heard the words, and after a long silence, he couldn't help but gritted his teeth and cursed: "He's from Mahler Gobi, why did someone give him a tip?!"

Guo Zhengdao didn't speak, and felt a little bit of resentment in his heart.

Kong Zhengqi had already missed it. This time he was arrested only to catch a current person. Everything was done in secret, and the people from the An Department also cooperated in the whole process. But this time the arrest was so tightly arranged, how did He Yan react?

Seeing that he was about to get all the stolen goods, but he escaped early, someone must have leaked the news to him.

That shows that Kong Zhengqi is definitely not the biggest insider!

The gunshots gradually faded away, and everyone glanced at the river, and the two speedboats had disappeared.

Guo Zhengdao thought for a moment, then took the walkie-talkie and ordered: "Attention all units, bring heavy weapons and arrest along the Longhe River. A small team, take Kong Zhengqi back with us first."


The crowd started to move quickly. Seven or eight people from the action team escorted Kong Zhengqi, jumped into the car, followed Guo Zhengdao, Brother Qiu and the others to **** him back to the Quantong Bureau.

There were also a few cars driving along the Long River, and the people from the General Administration Bureau searched along the Long River, but after chasing them far away, there was still no sign of the other party.

Finally, at a fork in the river, I saw two abandoned speedboats, and He Yan and the people who responded disappeared.

This time he failed to capture He Yan, not because there was a problem with the control of the General Bureau and the An Department, but because He Yan suddenly reacted to the time point when he was about to kick the door, it was too weird...

Meanwhile, on the way back in the car.

Guo Zhengdao also had a bruise on his arm, and while he was treating the injury briefly, he held his mobile phone and dialed Gu Baishun: "Gu Ju, Kong Zhengqi was arrested, but He Yan ran away...he reacted in advance , and there were people to respond. The other party dispatched two speedboats, a total of ten people, carrying heavy firepower. I request to increase the blockade and control along the way to prevent him from escaping."

Gu Baishun was silent for a while, then said, "I see, you guys should bring him back first."

"Okay!" Guo Zhengdao hung up the phone.

Forty or fifty minutes later, the overall situation.

Gu Baishun led a few guards and quickly walked through the long corridor to the infirmary.

"Gu Bureau!"

The two guards standing outside the door saw him and saluted.

"Yeah." Gu Baishun nodded and asked, "How is he?"

The guard replied: "The wound has been treated."

"Open the door, I'll go in and have a look."


Two guards opened the door, and Gu Baishun walked in.

In the room, Kong Zhengqi was handcuffed and lying silently on a hospital bed in the infirmary. His face was weak, his right leg was wrapped in gauze, and there was a blood-stained bullet in the medical tray beside Gu Baishun put his hands behind his back, looked him up and down, and said slowly: " It's really you."

Kong Zhengqi remained silent, turned his head away, and avoided Gu Baishun's eyes.

At the same time, in the Yu family's villa.

Yu Mingyuan was sitting on a chair in the study, checking the accounts of some trading companies on the table.

Because I have been busy with the affairs of Dragon City recently, I didn't go to the company for two consecutive days, so I can only bring some work to my home to deal with.

"Drip Lingling!"

Just as I was flipping through the account sheet and checking the amount owed, the phone rang suddenly.

Yu Mingyuan picked up the phone, glanced at the name on it, and connected the call: "Hello?"

A man's voice came over the phone, and the other party said in a serious tone, "The ghost has caught it, it's Kong Zhengqi."

When Yu Mingyuan heard this, there was a buzzing in his head, and he was immediately stunned.

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