Wind Rises in Dragon City

Chapter 1260: you are targeting me


In the dim interrogation room, Kong Zhengqi's injured calf trembled slightly, his face was a little pale, and there was an uncontrollable panic in his expression.

After a long silence, Kong Zhengqi suddenly sighed, looked at Gu Baishun slowly and said, "Give...give me a cigarette!"

Gu Baishun thought for a while, reached out and took out cigarettes and fire from his pocket, and threw them on the table.


Trembling, Kong Zhengqi stretched out his shackled hands, picked up a cigarette, lit one, and started smoking while sitting there.

The smoke slowly floated up towards the ceiling, and then slowly dispersed.

At the same time, in the interrogation room, Li Mingsheng folded his arms, looked at Kong Zhengqi, who was puffing out his breath, and frowned, but said nothing.

After a while, Kong Zhengqi had already smoked most of his cigarette, and his eyes gradually calmed down.

Gu Baishun intervened and looked at him, and said, "It's almost done, tell me, what is the relationship between you and He Yan? Tell us about your problems."

"I really don't know who the person who responded to him was."

Kong Zhengqi took another deep breath, and then said slowly: "He Yan and I have known each other for a long time, and our relationship has always been good. When he was still the superintendent of Daokou District, we had some financial I can chat with him, and we became friends over time. We often drink together when we have nothing to do, but the matter of the foreign affairs hotel really has nothing to do with me. This time, the reason why I want to help him , I gave him money, mainly because he has something to do with me... I really can't do anything about it."

Hearing this, Gu Baishun raised his eyebrows, and finally asked, "The reason? What reason does he have about you?"

Kong Zhengqi casually flicked the **** of his cigarette, and continued: "To be honest, I wanted to leave a long time ago, and I wanted to leave Dragon City. But because of my identity and some gray assets, I am definitely not able to leave so easily. Once I am If you find out, you can only be quarantined for a long time for inspection, and you can't even get out in the end, and you may...bring trouble to your family. On this matter, I am telling the truth. Didn't you investigate it before? ?"

Gu Baishun didn't have this topic, so he waved his hand and said, "Go on."

Kong Zhengqi sighed: "He Yan actually wants to leave, because he has made a lot of money over the years, and he also has overseas property. Because we are very close, we have talked about leaving several times in private. He told me that he knew several well-established overseas immigration companies, and they had certain power in terms of asset transfer and political relations. So, I talked to him about the details, and I felt pretty good, so I got in touch with them. He did introduce me to three senior executives of such companies, you should have checked them out before!"

Gu Baishun didn't believe these words, and asked directly: "Hehe, you call this a trick?"

Kong Zhengqi frowned and replied: "Because you investigated me. It just so happened that something happened to Bai Hongbo again, and He Yan became the main criminal again, which made me a little scared, because I had a lot of dealings with people under the table! Today, He Yan also gave me He called, and he said that his money was held overseas, and he couldn't get it out for the time being, so he asked me to give him two million. My first reaction was definitely to report him, but this kid threatened me, saying that he was going to be arrested, It has something to do with me. In addition, we have been in close contact during this period of time. Maybe... I can't explain. And... when he helped me with the transfer of assets, he also knew a lot of gray assets of mine. The source... To be honest, no one wants to be implicated because of this matter. Like the previous Sanguanghui case, a cup of exposure is useless, and the background is useless. In the end, I will definitely be sentenced. So, I thought about it, our Kong family originally I was targeted by you, and I don't want to implicate the family because of this matter. Plus, it's only two million, not too much, so I'll give it to him. This is my idea. "

Gu Baishun looked at him expressionlessly: "Recall, who would believe what you said? Just because of the transfer of assets, you are going to help a fugitive who is suspected of assassinating the foreign minister. What is the big deal here? , Which matter is so small, don’t you know yourself? Kong Zhengqi, do you think we are fools?!”

Kong Zhengqi gasped: "What I said is the truth, you can investigate it. But I can't talk nonsense about things that don't exist, and you don't want to frame me."

At the same time, in the interrogation room behind.

Hearing Kong Zhengqi's words through the loudspeaker, Li Mingsheng turned his head to look at An Zecheng, and said calmly, "When he was smoking, he was just thinking about what to say. This confession does not have any strong authenticity."

An Zecheng nodded, and after thinking for a while, he directly ordered: "Don't give anyone face, just go to the punishment."

Dragon City, outside the gate of the Kong family compound.

Kong Zhenghui stood at the intersection with a somewhat anxious face, smoking a cigarette, and looking at both sides of the street from time to time.

A few minutes later, a familiar black suv appeared in his sight, and Kong Zhenghui immediately waved to the car.


The car stopped in front of him, Kong Zhenghui threw away his cigarette butt, stretched out his hand and opened the passenger door, and hurriedly got into the car.

Yu Mingyuan sat beside him, frowning at him.


After closing the car door, Kong Zhenghui spoke first, explaining in a somewhat excited tone: "Ming Yuan, you have to believe me, Xiao Qi can't be a traitor! Gu Baishun is definitely trying to suppress us deliberately by doing this!"

"Suppress you?" Yu Mingyuan heard this, and the fire in his heart couldn't help but go up to his head, and he couldn't help asking: "He was arrested at the scene! Do you understand that everyone has stolen money? Did Gu Baishun force him to do it? You I said to myself, if Kong Zhengqi is fine, can he go to see He Yan?!"

"Seeing He is not necessarily related to the assassination of Bai Hongbo!" Kong Zhenghui squinted his eyes and shouted: "Can't someone else set him up? Ah?!"

Yu Mingyuan stared at his eyes and asked: "Is all the tricks set on your Kong family?! Everyone has to target you?! Don't you have any problems with yourself? Ok, I won't follow You are noisy, if you want to talk to me, you can't hide anything from me! You have to tell me the truth!"

"..." Kong Zhenghui stared at him, took a few breaths, and said firmly, "I have nothing to hide from you! I just want to leave, so I prepared to transfer assets in advance and let Xiaoqi do these things! So simple!"

Sitting in the car, Yu Mingyuan looked at this old friend who had been with him for more than ten years and experienced countless hardships together. For the first time, there was a hint of disappointment and distrust in the eyes looking at him.

Hua District, Southern Theater Hospital.

After Su Tianyu was seriously injured, he lay in the high-risk ward and never woke up.

Jiangzhou sat outside, and after thinking for a long time, he said to Wu Han, "Xiaoyu won't recover for a while, I'm always afraid that there will be troubles in Dragon City! Otherwise, who of us will go there?!"

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