Wind Rises in Dragon City

Chapter 1297: family! !

In the banquet hall, seeing Bai Hongbo suddenly appear, the expressions of many people at the scene changed.

The one who reacted the most was Bruna. The moment the young chief executive saw Bai Hongbo appearing, he could no longer restrain his inner emotions.

The long-term depression, panic, and grievances all burst out like a tide. Bruna completely disregarded the image of her chief executive, and ran to Bai Hongbo in a little embarrassment, stretched out her hands, and hugged her lost and recovered husband tightly.

For people living in South America, their culture pays more attention to their family. Even if it is a kinship relationship, it will appear a little weaker in front of a real family.

Bruna's eyes were red, she touched Bai Hongbo's face, as if stroking the most precious treasure in the world, and said from the bottom of her heart: "Honey, the moment I heard that you were shot, my heart was already broken .At that time, I really didn’t know what to do. Our two children were still young. They always missed you very much. They asked me where you were every day, and I didn’t know how to answer…!”

As she spoke, Bruna could no longer control her emotions, and her tears continued to flow down: "You know, I have been avoiding these questions these days, and I even dare not go home, and dare not face the place that left us countless memories .But I will still think of the countless days and nights we had, and I can't fly to Dragon City right away to be by your side. These are gloomy days, I am really depressed and terrified..."

Bai Hongbo also hugged his wife tightly, as if he was afraid of losing her again.

Everyone in the banquet hall watched this scene with complicated expressions. While Fei Pingsheng and Jin Maohui were happy, they also secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Bruna's reaction reassured them a little.

On the other hand, the people in Bana City showed a kind of helplessness, even a little speechless, and some people couldn't help frowning.

At this moment, Bruna's performance is undoubtedly a qualified wife, but she is not a qualified chief executive. When she saw Bai Hongbo, she didn't hide her emotions in any way, she was a little excited, and even lost her composure.

This kind of performance is undoubtedly a bit helpless to the senior management of Pana City.

In fact, although Bruna is an extremely intelligent woman, she is not necessarily a qualified politician.

The person who knows Bruna best is her husband. At this time, Bai Hongbo hugged his wife tightly, and said softly in her ear: "Don't cry, I'm fine now... Besides, can we be a little lighter, my wound will be covered by you Broken."

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){} Hearing her husband's teasing, Bruna quickly let go of her hand, blushing slightly and said: "I'm sorry, dear, I'm so excited... "

Bai Hongbo wiped away Bruna's tears, and said softly, "I know, I know everything!"

Bruna nodded vigorously, took Bai Hongbo's hand and said, "We'll be home in a while, the child is still waiting for us."

The two looked at each other silently, and the warmth flowed silently between them.

The performance of the two of them made the atmosphere of the banquet very complicated.

Some people are sincerely happy for the two, while others' hearts have sunk to the bottom.

Especially on the side of the Bana City administrative faction, everyone originally thought that after the daytime negotiations, the matter was almost settled. But now that Bai Hongbo appears, this matter is likely to change.

"Let's toast again."

Fei Pingsheng stood on the stage, happily raising his wine glass: "Congratulations to President Bruna's husband, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Pana City, for her healthy return."

Even though many people were reluctant in their hearts, they all raised their wine glasses at this moment and drank the wine together.

"Papa papa..."

Immediately afterwards, led by some people who had a good relationship with Bai Hongbo, many people began to applaud.

Bai Hongbo took his wife to the stage and exchanged glances with Fei Pingsheng.

Lao Fei was very sensible, and immediately stepped off the stage and stood aside. Bai Hongbo held the microphone in a personable manner, and said gently: "When I was dying, what I missed most was my wife, my family, and this city, and every friend who met me in the city. I was able to survive because of the strength everyone gave me.”

As he spoke, Bai Hongbo swept across everyone in the venue, keeping everyone's expressions silently in his heart, and then said: "I hope my return can build a bridge of friendship between Longcheng and Bana City. For the two cities Friendship between us, cheers!"

Fei Pingsheng stood under the stage and shouted, "To the health of Foreign Minister Bai, and to the friendship between the two sides!"

Everyone raised their glasses again and drank a glass of wine together. Only Bai Hongbo was sick and drank tea.

No matter how many people have what thoughts in their hearts, the superficial atmosphere of this banquet has become much more harmonious and lively.

The banquet lasted for more than two hours, and finally ended in a harmonious atmosphere.

When everyone was leaving, Bai Hongbo took Bruna's hand and whispered in her ear: "Honey, you go first, I'll have a few words with Bo Ang."

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){}Bruna took a look at her husband's expression and understood what he meant, she nodded and said, "Okay, I'll wait for you in the car downstairs .”

After finishing speaking, Bruna turned her head three times and went downstairs first.

Bai Hongbo stayed behind, turned his head to look at Bo Ang who had just left the banquet hall and was about to leave through the other side passage. He stepped over and greeted, "Boang! Wait a minute!"

Boang heard the voice, glanced sideways, and waved to the officers beside him.

Several officers understood and left first, leaving only Bai Hongbo and Bo Ang in the corridor.

With a smile on his face, Bai Hongbo walked slowly to Bo Ang, and said softly, "Brother-in-law, I miss you very much."

Bo Ang nodded: "Of course, I miss you too."

Bai Hongbo bent down, and the two embraced gently.

After showing the affection between the two, UU reads www.uukanshu. com Bai Hongbo let go of Bo Ang, looked at him and said, "Actually, I arrived with the visiting group yesterday, but I pretended to be a member of the guard group and stayed in the reception for one night. This is a torment for me. .”

Bo Ang frowned, and couldn't help but ask, "Why are you doing this?"

Looking at him with big white eyes, he said in a solemn tone: "I did this to tell the Bana City side. I came back this time just to return to my family and will not interfere with the negotiations on sovereignty between the two parties. When your agreement is reached, I will appear, so that you will not be difficult to do. Similarly, Bruna will not be difficult on many issues."

Hearing this, Bo Ang was obviously taken aback, then nodded: "You are still thoughtful."

Bai Hongbo stretched out his hand and patted Bo Ang's shoulder vigorously: "To be honest, at the moment when my life was dying, I thought about it a lot. You, Bruna, and my two children, you are all people I miss .You guys are my family to me.”

Boang looked at him, smiled and nodded.

"Boang, I am the one who died once. The moment when the bullet of the female gunman entered my body: the moment when I was pushed to the operating table and my consciousness was blurred... I was so sad in my heart. The images that flashed in the movie were all people who cared. Only then did I understand that what rights, status, social status...that is not what I really care about." Dabai stretched out his hand and patted Bo Ang's shoulder: "Live well, you are here , the person you love is there, that's what matters."

"Of course!" Boang also patted Dabai's shoulder: "I'm really happy to see you come back safely, brother-in-law."

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