Wind Rises in Dragon City

Chapter 1303: no one in vain

In Bana City, in the underground safe room of the administrative building, Bai Hongbo slowly put down the phone, his expression much relieved.

Bruna hurriedly asked, "Who is calling?"

Bai Hongbo lowered his voice and said to her, "It's the Hua district..."

Bruna froze for a moment, then asked in surprise, "He's awake?"

Bai Hongbo nodded emphatically: "Yes, I'm awake."

"Huh." Bruna let out a long breath, and her heart was relieved.

Bai Hongbo thought for a while, and said urgently: "There is not enough manpower in the administration hall, if we wait for support..."

As soon as she said this, Bruna stretched out her hands, gently grabbed her husband's palm, and interrupted his words.

Bai Hongbo stared at Bruna, and found a trace of hesitation and pain on her face.

"Ever since I became the chief minister, I have been praying to God, hoping that this day will never come." Bruna said tremblingly: "But it... still came. I was prepared in my heart, Bernardo Every member of the family has political blood flowing in their bones..."

When Bai Hongbo heard these words, he was slightly taken aback.


At this moment, there was a password sound, and an access door in the safe room was opened.

The guards in the room did not move. They already knew who the person was through monitoring.

When the thick iron door was opened, the special service captain walked in with a few team members, walked directly in front of the chief, and said in a low voice: "Chief, all suspicious people inside have been arrested."

Bruna glanced at him and asked, "Is it as expected?"

The special service captain nodded: "Same."

Then Bruna ordered: "Okay, let's go."


The special service captain immediately took Bruna, stepped out of the passage, and walked to a basement under the safe house.

Seeing this, Bai Hongbo immediately followed.

The safe house they were in was very large, with three floors. In addition to some military supplies, there are living facilities, power generation facilities, water supply facilities, ventilation facilities, and a large amount of food that has been stored.

It can be said that as long as he lives in this safe house without going out for a period of time, it is not a problem at all.

Soon, a group of people came to a room on the bottom floor. In addition to some secret service members holding guns, there were more than 20 people kneeling in the room.

Bai Hongbo glanced at these people with a serious expression. As the foreign minister of Bana City, he knows everyone here, all of whom are high-level executives within the administrative faction.

At this time, these people lost the official prestige of the past, and all of them looked pale and looked at Bruna in horror.

One of them was a fat man in his fifties, his body was trembling, and when he saw Bruna, he hurriedly shouted: "Your Excellency, Your Excellency! Please believe me, I was also deceived by Bo Ang !"

Bruna stood in front of these people, staring down at them, her eyes sweeping over everyone's face. After a long silence, she slowly said: "I gave you a chance. You had enough time to come to me in the banquet hall before, but none of you came. I don't want to kill people, but I have no choice..."

Hearing these words, many officials bowed their heads in guilt.

The man in his fifties said in a crying voice: "Please forgive me, Chief Bruna... I have been serving the Bernardo family and have given almost everything... Please see my hard work for so many years superior…"

The man's legs shook into sieves, and he kept crying and begging.

A trace of unbearableness flashed in Bruna's eyes, but she gritted her teeth, and soon her eyes became resolute again. She took a deep breath and waved her hand directly.


As soon as the special service captain waved his hand, the special service members in the room directly raised their automatic rifles.


"I was wrong, I was really wrong!"

These officials instantly understood what was going to happen next. Some were silent and bowed their heads to wait for death;

"Da da da!"

What responded to them was rows of cheap bullets.

Blood mist continued to burst from these officials, and soon, everyone fell into a pool of blood.

Bai Hongbo tried to hold his wife in his arms, but Bruna stood there firmly, witnessing this scene with her own eyes.

After the shooting was over, the special service captain sent someone to count, and then reported to Bruna: "Report, kill them all!"

Bruna nodded.

"Crack, clap!"

Just then, there was a sound of footsteps on the steps.

The secretary of the chief ran down the stairs quickly, came to Bruna, and said to her: "Your Excellency, we have contacted the staff of the Blackwater Legion several times, but they have not responded."

Bruna was silent for a while, and said slowly: "Yes, I have done what I should do."

At the same time, in the command vehicle outside the administrative building.

Bagman, the chief of staff of the Blackwater Legion, received a message and whispered to Boang: "They called again, but we haven't responded yet."

Boang glanced at the administrative building

Direction, almost without any hesitation said: "Notify all troops, push forward with all your strength."


Under Bo Ang's order, the troops of the three regiments attacked the interior of the administrative building at all costs.

"Da da da!"

"Boom boom boom!"

Bullets, grenades, RPGs, and various weapons crazily destroyed the defense line of the administrative building.

The Blackwater Legion is well-trained and extremely powerful. However, the number of secret service teams in the administrative building is not large, and the equipment is quite poor, so they are beaten back and forth.

In almost no time, the special service team's defense completely collapsed.

"Retreat! All retreat to the building!"

A commanding officer of the Special Forces, covered in blood, snarls on a walkie-talkie.

The remaining secret service members immediately put down the line of defense on the gate side, and all shrank into the administrative building.

At this time, many corpses were left in the compound outside the administrative building.

The soldiers of the Blackwater Legion rushed into the compound like a bamboo shoot, and at the same time, Boang's command vehicle also drove in with the large army. Sitting in the car, he was still telling Bagman: "Tell everyone, at all costs, we must catch Bai Hongbo!"


The Blackwater Legion has completely occupied the compound, and a large number of armed pickups drove over, adjusted the machine guns on them, and aimed at the direction of the building, preparing for the final attack.

"Shut up!"

At this moment, the surrounding buildings suddenly lit up with searchlights.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the entire compound was reflected like daylight. The soldiers of the Blackwater Legion were so shaken that they couldn't keep their eyes open, they hurriedly turned their guns and aimed around.

Bo Ang was also taken aback for a moment, why there are so many military searchlights, how could Bruna still have the army in her hand? !

Just as Bo Ang was thinking, there was a sound of dense footsteps, and a large number of soldiers suddenly poured in from all around. These soldiers were all wearing the uniforms of the Marine Police.

Looking at the coast guards, Bo Ang froze in place for a moment.

When Bruna was fighting for power, the force that secretly cooperated was the Coast Guard!

Looking at the scene in front of him, Bo Ang gritted his teeth and shouted: "The people of the Coast Guard are all hiding here, and they can't stop the attack of my three regiments! Don't stop, advance quickly!"

Hua District, Southern Theater Hospital.

Su Tianyu was lying on the bed, holding his mobile phone, and said in a hoarse voice: "If I dare to help him up, I won't be afraid of his rebellion. Brother Hu, I will give you a contact information, contact him, and open a channel for the old Mo officer... be quick!"

At night, along the Pana City Canal.

Copson led his own grizzly group and fired missiles regardless of cost, covering the canal waters indiscriminately.

Explosions sounded one after another, raging flames burned along the river, a large number of warhammer armed forces, and pirate forces continued to be buried in the sea of ​​flames, wailing resounded on both sides of the river, and a large number of speedboats turned around and returned.

On the other side of the river bank, Wolf held a binoculars and looked at the battered troops, with a layer of cold sweat on his forehead.

The officers below were also busy. Some were contacting the Blackwater Legion, some were contacting the first district, and some were directing the advance troops to counterattack.

Seeing the enemy's dense barrage, Wolf had no choice but to order the remaining advance troops to return temporarily.


In such a short time, more than a thousand people in the advance team and dozens of speedboats were damaged by one-third, and the rest started their motors with all their strength, retreated on the water, and escaped from the enemy's firepower radiation range.

In this way, the troops commanded by Wolfe are equivalent to holding back here. As long as the grizzly regiment is in the way, they will not be able to enter Pana City as planned.

Just when Wolfe was frowning, the messenger quickly ran into the temporary barracks on the port and reported to him: "Report, the Tsingyi Bureau of District 1 is calling!"

"Give it to me!" Wolf snatched the satellite phone from the communication soldier's hand.

Kang Dinghuang's voice came from the phone, and he immediately asked, "Captain Wolfe, how is the situation on your side?"

Wolf couldn't help cursing: "Damn it, the response personnel arranged by Boang have mutinied! They have almost 5,000 people, and they have covered the entire river with arrows and bombs. We can't get through now! My troops have suffered heavy losses. , heavy casualties! Someone must pay the price for this matter!"

Kang Dinghuang was silent for a moment, and immediately said: "Since a regiment of the Blackwater Legion betrayed them, it means that Boang does not have enough control over the interior. Captain Wolfe, you must fight me to the other side of the canal at all costs to disrupt the situation. Their support position! My bottom line is that even if the result of Boang's remonstrance is not ideal, the regime in Pana City must be separated! Let them mess up! Please move quickly, and I will give you some air support .As for your loss, please rest assured that I will compensate you accordingly."

Whether it's the Warhammer Armed Forces or the Pirate Forces, working hard for the first district is for the high profit.

Hearing this, Wolfe's eyes became firm, and he immediately said, "Okay, I will cooperate with your air force and attack together!"

The two ended the call. Wolf threw the satellite phone to the communications soldier, turned to the chief of staff next to him and said, "Notify all troops and regroup! Let the troops carry diving equipment and prepare for armed swimming!"


The chief of staff quickly picked up the walkie-talkie and began to assign tasks.

These pirate armed forces and Warhammer armed forces were originally from sailors, and armed swimming and landing battles were no problem. In addition, this canal is not too long, and it is not too difficult for them to swim armed.

Soon, the troops below moved, and the soldiers took off their outer uniforms and began to wear underwater equipment.

Twenty minutes later, a flickering light suddenly appeared in the sky.


Immediately afterwards, there was a violent roar from above!


"Quick, evade!"

As soon as the soldiers of the Grizzly Regiment looked up, they saw a row of Warhammer-armed light bombers flying over from the sky. These bombers lined up and dropped the next bomb in their direction!


"Boom boom boom!"

The sudden aerial bombardment set fire to the Grizzly map defense area on the opposite bank. The violent explosion shook the banks of the canal, and gravel and corpses continued to fall into the river.

At the same time, in the opposite port.

While the Grizzly Regiment was pinned down by the bombers, a large number of troops and soldiers carrying military supplies silently sneaked into the icy river, carried out armed swimming, and prepared to forcibly land.

Hua District, in a special ward.

There was a faint smell of disinfectant in the air. Su Tianyu was lying on the hospital bed, staring at the ceiling, thinking about something.

Beside him was the accompanying nurse, An Qiqi and Jiang Zhou were also sitting on the sofa beside them, chatting about the current situation in a low voice.

Although he has woken up, Su Tianyu's condition is very bad, his body has lost a lot of weight, and his complexion is also sallow. As early as yesterday, he had already woken up once and made two phone calls, but at that time he was too weak, and under the doctor's strong advice, he took some medicine and fell asleep again.

Lying on the hospital bed for a long time, Su Tianyu felt a little uneasy, turned to the nurse next to him and said, "Trouble...please help me up."

The nurse was about to get up, but An Qiqi stood up first: "I'll do it."

Saying that, An Qiqi quickly walked to Su Tianyu's side, and carefully helped him up.

Jiangzhou looked at Su Tianyu who was getting up slowly, and couldn't help asking: "Isn't everything over there?"

Su Tianyu waved his hand and said, "No, I'm still a little worried. Kang Dinghuang must have kept a lot of people behind after planning for such a long time. The situation in Bana City is even more related to the situation in Dragon City..."

After sitting up straight, Su Tianyu took a few breaths, and said to Jiangzhou: "Please help me get a laptop, preferably a professional military computer."

"Okay." Jiangzhou agreed.

Soon, a military laptop was sent over. An Qiqi helped to set up a small table on the bed and put the computer on it.

Su Tianyu gently covered his still painful wound, sat on the bed, and skillfully operated the computer with the other hand.

After consulting some information, Su Tianyu took out his mobile phone and directly dialed Zhao Weihu's number.

The news of his waking up has already been notified to Zhao Weihu. So, after the call was connected, the other party directly asked, "Hey, Liu Zi, what's the matter?"

Su Tianyu asked: "Where is the support from the old Mo's army?"

"We have arrived at the outskirts of Bana City." Zhao Weihu immediately replied, "According to the route you gave, we are now entering."

Su Tianyu said softly: "Change the strategy, let one of the main forces turn around and go along the canal to support Copson's Grizzly Regiment. Not only do I want to stabilize the situation in Bana City, but I also can't cause their military and political division. What a sight! The city of Bana must put down the civil strife within three days!"

Zhao Weihu agreed without hesitation: "Okay, I'll let the commander of Lao Mo's Seventh Army contact you."


After the two finished explaining, they hung up the phone very simply.

Soon, near the border of Pana City. Military vehicles, tanks, and armored vehicles advanced towards the city at an extremely fast speed.

Pana City, Administration Building.

The coast guard team who came to aid once again launched a defensive line to resist the invasion of the Blackwater Legion.

In just half an hour, the Blackwater Legion organized three attacks at all costs!

Fierce gunfire, gunfire one after another, people kept falling in a pool of blood, and new soldiers stepped up!

After three desperate attacks, the Blackwater Legion stepped on the corpses of enemies and comrades-in-arms, and hit the downstairs of the administrative building!

Bo Ang sat in the command car, looking at the surveillance screen with a stern expression. Obviously, he has been planning this matter for more than a day or two.

The troops sent to attack the administrative building this time are all directly descended from Bo Ang! These fearless fighters are all young and strong soldiers, and they are absolutely loyal to him!

"Boom boom boom!"

These soldiers were all wearing black cloths on their arms, brainwashed by the radicals' political ideas, and Han Yong stormed the administrative building incomparably.


The wall of the administrative building was blasted by artillery fire, and a group of soldiers from the Blackwater Legion roared, rushing into the building like a tide! The defense lines of the Coast Guard and the special service team were penetrated again, and they could only continue to shrink in the direction of the safe house.

Seeing this scene, Bo Ang sat in the car with a calm expression.

At this moment, an officer next to him put down the phone and hurriedly reported: "Your Excellency, the renegade Copson troops have engaged in a firefight with the Warhammer armed forces! The reinforcements in the first area are already preparing to land on the beach under the cover of the air force. Already!"

Bo Ang asked calmly, "Where is the old Mo officer?"

The officer shook his head helplessly: "Due to the mutiny of the Grizzlies, we have temporarily lost control of the periphery. The location of the old Mo officer army is still unclear."

Bo Ang thought for a while, and then ordered: "Call Kang Dinghuang and urge the Warhammer Armed Forces to take down the canal beachhead and defeat the Grizzly Bears within half an hour! At the same time, call the Flying Bears in the city and ask Ogg to lead his troops Go steal Copson's **** and help the reinforcements in District 1! Make sure to let the reinforcements enter the city as soon as possible!"


The officer nodded, and quickly took the walkie-talkie and began to assign tasks.

At this moment, Bo Ang was sitting on the chair, staring straight at the monitoring screen, the whites of his eyes were a little red, and his forehead was covered with sweat. The fist on the leg could not help but clenched tightly.

Meanwhile, in the safe room in the basement.

Most of the officials of the administrative faction are hiding here, with a hint of panic and anxiety on their faces.

Bruna was sitting behind her desk, using this place as a temporary office, and was having an emergency meeting with several core officials to discuss the follow-up strategy.

The special service captain brought people back into the room again, and said to Bruna anxiously: "Your Excellency, our side can't handle it anymore! There are about seven or eight thousand rebels in the Blackwater Legion, and they are very well equipped. ! And we plus the security force of the Shanghai Police Force, there are only more than 2,000 people in total! Under the attack of the opponent regardless of cost, our defense line has repeatedly collapsed, and now it has shrunk into the building!"

Bruna Meidai panicked, turned her head to Bai Hongbo and asked, "Minister Bai, may I ask where the reinforcements from the old Mo's army are?"

"Okay!" Bai Hongbo immediately took out his mobile phone and started to contact Zhao Weihu.

On the first floor, in a dark hall.

"Da da da!"

"Bang bang bang!"

Fierce gunfire continued to be heard outside, the building was shaken from time to time, and dust from the walls fell down.

Many people from the special service team and the coast guard team squatted here to form a line of defense to resist the attacks of the enemies outside.

Fei Pingsheng led a dozen guards and squatted behind a bunker, guarding one of the entrances. Behind them, there are many administrative officials, all in their forties, and all of them are fat and strong.

For various reasons, these people did not have time to enter the safe house, so they could only hide here.

Fei Pingsheng didn't bring a gun himself, so he could only reach out to the guard next to him for a pistol.

Behind him, a guard came running over, crouched beside Fei Pingsheng and said, "Mr. Fei, Foreign Minister Bai called just now. Just in case, I want you to evacuate quickly! If you can't hold this place, immediately break out and leave the administration." Building!"

Hearing the gunshots coming from all directions, Fei Pingsheng grinned and said, "Listen, horse riders! Wherever you go to break through now, they are all outside!"

The guard couldn't help but said, "Mr. Fei, the building is also very dangerous now..."

Fei Pingsheng waved his hand: "Isn't it dangerous now?"


With that said, Fei Pingsheng cocked the breech, as if ready to go.


At this moment, two loud noises suddenly came from not far ahead!

A hole was blown out of a wall by a shell, and several vapor bombs were thrown in along the hole!

"Crack, clap!"

"Hoo hoo!"


The raging flames ignited, and many soldiers guarding there were instantly ignited, making miserable cries.

Fei Pingsheng was stunned for a moment, and the next second, Jin Maohui was stumbling towards them with flames on his back!

"Fuck! Put out the fire!"

Fei Pingsheng suddenly came back to his senses,

Several guards rushed over first, trying to help put out the fire.

But the flame of the bomb was hard to be extinguished by clothes, and Jin Maohui rolled all over the floor in pain.


Fei Pingsheng reacted quickly, he kicked open the door of the fire hydrant next to him, picked up the fire extinguisher from inside, and sprayed wildly at Jin Maohui!

Ten seconds later, the flame was finally extinguished, and Jin Maohui lay on the ground with black smoke still rising from his back.

Fei Pingsheng threw the fire extinguisher aside, rushed over and asked, "Old Jin! Lao Jin, are you alright?"

Jin Maohui was in a panic, his face was blackened, the clothes on his back were burned, and his skin was a little festered. Enduring the severe pain, he cursed with red eyes: "Fucking horse! This kid won't live long after being beaten like this! Six or seven of my guards have all died!"

Fei Pingsheng gritted his teeth, turned his head and said to the guard next to him: "Don't think about leaving, everything is dangerous now! Are soldiers still afraid of death? Everyone pay attention, plant a booby trap in the corridor in front of me!" Let those **** take every step, someone has to lie down! Gather all the ammunition and prepare to stop them! You must not give up until the last moment! If you don’t risk your life at this time, when will you risk your life?”


The guards immediately began to execute orders, began to lay booby traps, and prepared their weapons!

The officials of the administrative faction behind heard what Fei Pingsheng said, and they also shouted.

"We are all staunch supporters of the chief executive. If they come in, we can't survive!"

"Yes, do it with them!"

"Even if they die, they will be dragged to **** with them!"

With that said, these officials also began to distribute guns, each with red eyes, ready to fight.

Immediately afterwards, many soldiers of the Blackwater Legion entered the passage along the hole in the wall.

"Call me!"

Fei Pingsheng roared, and led his troops to shoot at the enemy!

Ten minutes later, the Blackwater Legion had advanced into the building, only halfway to the safe house!

The security forces inside the building struggled to resist, but they were still losing ground.

The soldiers of the Blackwater Legion dragged out boxes of explosives, ready to blast them at fixed points.

At this moment, a dull cannon sound suddenly sounded outside!


Behind a bunker, Fei Pingsheng, who was ashamed and disheveled, was relieved when he heard the sound of the cannon: "Fuck, Lao Mo is finally here!"

Pana City, inside the administrative building.

Hearing the sound of cannons in the distance, a large number of soldiers of the Blackwater Legion accelerated their pace and launched a crazy attack.

Bullets, grenades, and bombs were poured into it frantically, trying to clear a path to the safe house.

But the garrison troops in the building also gritted their teeth and defended with all their lives, struggling to resist their attacking rhythm and dragging the opponent's footsteps.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

"Boom boom boom!"

The gunfire outside became more and more intense, and Bo Ang finally changed his expression. He turned to ask the officer beside him, "What direction is the gunfire coming from? What happened?"

The officers below are already busy, and an intelligence officer said anxiously: "Your Excellency, the Legion Commander, we have not received relevant information yet, and we are investigating..."

Before the words were finished, the door of the command car was pulled open with a bang.

Everyone turned their heads and saw Bagman, the chief of staff of the Blackwater Legion, ran in in embarrassment, and shouted at Boang: "Your Excellency, Legion Commander! The garrison troops at the airport are gathering with the old Mo officers and soldiers. Attack our troops. There are about five or six thousand of them together."

Bo Ang asked in disbelief: "The airport?! Don't we have eyeliners over there? Why didn't we find this army? Where did these four or five thousand people come from?"

Bagman's eyes were very complicated: "I don't know, it may be that the troops transported by passenger planes were directly hidden in the airport, so that they can avoid our eyeliner...Your Excellency, Legion Commander, this shows that yesterday your sister and When you talked, she was ready to wipe us out..."

Bo Ang couldn't help feeling cold in his heart. After a long silence, he gritted his teeth and said to Bagman: "Let the flanks go up, no matter what price you pay, you must block the opponent's army! At the same time, notify the troops in the building to speed up the pace and concentrate firepower to attack .As long as we take down Bai Hongbo and control the chief, all this will be over."


As soon as the two finished talking, a communication soldier sent a satellite phone: "Your Excellency, Legion Commander, the Feixiong regiment is calling!"

"Give it to me!" Bo Ang grabbed the phone and asked, "What's wrong?"

There was a burst of intense artillery fire on the phone, and Ogg, the leader of the Flying Bear Corps, shouted at the top of his voice: "Your Excellency, Commander, we have reached the bank of the canal, but the situation here has exceeded our expectations. Copson guards the defense line of the canal." Afterwards, another opening was opened to allow an army of old Mo's officers to enter through here."

"Boom boom boom!"

Another burst of gunfire interrupted the voice of speaking.

There was a buzzing sound on the phone, and Bo Ang shouted anxiously: "Hello, hello?"

Soon, Ogg's voice came from the phone again: "Damn it! They have a full army and have blocked the support in the first area, and the main force is also advancing into the city. Your Excellency, Commander, we don't have Can't stop the opponent's attack!"


There was another violent explosion on the phone, and the communication lost signal.

Putting down the phone, Bo Ang's head was buzzing.

At this moment, he felt a deep sense of powerlessness. This battle has been fought until now, and it has explained too many problems.

Obviously, Bruna has always been wary of him, and Dragon City has already made plans around Bana City.

Especially after Bai Hongbo came back, the response ability of the entire Dragon City has obviously improved several levels. All resource allocation, as if rehearsed, was all aimed at his Blackwater Legion.

In this way, the coup d'état carefully planned by Bo Ang just took the lead at the beginning. The ensuing war seemed to be falling into a quagmire, getting deeper and deeper.

Boang gritted his teeth, clenched his fists, and was thinking about something quickly.

Meanwhile, inside the administrative building.

At a defensive point not far from the safe house, the special service team and the remaining effective forces of the Coast Guard are relying on the bunker to resist wave after wave of attacks from the Blackwater Legion.

"Boom boom boom!"

Outside the building, the gunfire was getting louder and closer.

Fei Pingsheng hunched over, leaned against a window, glanced outside, and saw artillery fire in the distance.

After estimating the distance, Fei Pingsheng was shocked, and couldn't help shouting loudly: "The one next door stepped on the horse, and counterattacked! Inform all troops, mobilize all firepower, rush out for me, cooperate with our reinforcements, and spread out!" Counterattack!"


"Boom boom boom!"

The troops inside the defense line were also excited, and started to counterattack with red eyes. Bullets, grenades, and all weapons greeted the enemy.

Outside the administrative building, Bo Ang sat in the command car, hesitating in his heart.

When Bagman saw the old Mexican army approaching, he couldn't help shouting: "Your Excellency, Legion Commander! We can't fight anymore, we must retreat immediately! Otherwise, when the enemy locks us in and pinches us back and forth, we will be finished." .Now take the main force to the southern border and join the armed forces in District 1. Maybe we still have a chance!"

Bo Ang looked at the administrative building that had not been captured for a long time, and heard the sound of gunfire that was close at hand, his eyes were red. At this moment, he seemed to be a gambler who gambled heavily. All his fortune was bet on it, and he was unwilling to let him quit.

"Your Excellency, Legion Commander!" Bagman urged again

Prompted: "Retreat!!"

Bo Ang beat his unconscious legs, gritted his teeth and said, "Retreat! Retreat to the southern border!"


Half a minute later, the sound of retreating sirens resounded over the administration building.

When the soldiers of the Blackwater Legion heard the sound, they immediately gave up their attack on the line of defense and began to retreat to the outside of the building in an orderly manner.

In the underground safe house, Bai Hongbo was sitting in front of the monitor, seeing the soldiers of the Blackwater Legion evacuating in large numbers, his heart sank. He hurriedly took out his cell phone and made a call.

The phone was quickly connected, UU Reading www. Su Tianyu's weak voice sounded: "Hey, how's the situation over there?"

Bai Hongbo immediately said: "Our reinforcements have come in, and Bo Ang is retreating with his Blackwater Legion."

Su Tianyu said slowly: "That's good..."

"Xiao Yu..." Bai Hongbo thought for a while, and couldn't help asking: "About Bo you want to give him a call?"

Su Tianyu asked back: "What call?"

Bai Hongbo said in a low voice: "I think, in his current situation, if he can be persuaded to surrender, he can avoid a lot of losses..."

"It's not a loss to kill all those who can follow the rebellion." Su Tianyu had already guessed Bai Hongbo's thoughts, interrupted him directly, and said very resolutely: "Extraordinary times, extraordinary measures, and now is not a matter of human feelings." Time. The situation in Dragon City is so severe, I don’t have time to play with the children. If Bana City wants to be stable, Boang must die!!”

at the same time.

In Hua District, Qin Yu sat in the mansion, holding the phone and said calmly: "He's awake? Let him come, I'll see you."

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