Wind Rises in Dragon City

Chapter 1335: Are waiting for 1 result!

Latest URL: At 7:30 in the evening, the entire Dragon City has fallen into chaos.

There are people protesting in almost every street in every region, and the streets and alleys of the city are filled with gunshots one after another.

The shops, restaurants and other shops along the street were closed one after another. Ordinary people did not dare to go out at this time. They all hid at home and watched the news and various related live broadcasts, constantly suffering in fear.

At the same time, several military vehicles were speeding along a street. This street is relatively remote, but shouts and gunshots can still be heard in the distance.

Shang Shixun was sitting in the car, his face was a little anxious, and he called on the phone urgently: "Dad, there must be an inner ghost here! This side is not fully ready yet, and Gu Baishun has already liquidated the liquidation just as he started working hard! Now The situation is a bit out of control, we can only wait for the actions on the periphery of the first area! You are ready, I will pick you up right now, we have to hide for a while. If it is impossible, we can only find a way to get out of the city!"

The person Shang Shixun was contacting was his father, Shang Yao, the former director of the Longcheng Police Department.

At this time, Shang Yao was staying in Longcheng Prison. Since he was taken down by Su Tianyu last time, Wang Changli and other officials sent some old people to protect him, so he was saved from death, but he has been under house arrest.

Because of the short time, Shang Yao's case has not yet been fully sentenced, but considering his special nature, he was transferred to Longcheng Prison for "house arrest".

After all, he was once a meritorious minister, and a politician still needs to be decent, so even if he entered Longcheng Prison, he was locked in a separate small building. The living facilities in the house are complete, and the cleaning is very clean, and there is a special person to take care of Shang Yao's life.

During this period of time, Shang Yao also kept a low profile, drinking tea and watching the news every day.

Shang Yao didn't say anything, there was a silence on the phone, and Shang Shixun tugged on his collar a little irritably. According to his original plan, he wanted to wait for Dragon City to rise and become completely chaotic, and then rely on a large number of his own people in the prison to take the old man out in a smooth manner.

But he never expected that Gu Baishun would have already been cleaned up before the commotion broke out. As a result, he is now in a very difficult situation, and all the plans he had imagined before have all come to naught.

Why didn't you get the old man out before?

In fact, it is very simple. If Shang Yao disappeared from the prison before, then with the occurrence of a series of incidents, Dragon City will immediately identify the merchant as an insider.

Therefore, this is a big gamble, although there are great risks. But for Shang Yao, who has been under house arrest, and the entire suppressed business, this risk is obviously acceptable.

Shang Yao sat in the bedroom, and after thinking for a long time, he said slowly into the phone: "You don't need to come, and don't let Neilian pick me up. Whoever you ask to pick me up now is harming someone. Gu Baishun can fully Liquidation means they have locked us up."

Shang Shixun couldn't help being taken aback, and hurriedly said: "Dad..."

Shang Yao interrupted him: "Don't be in a hurry, listen to me. You go to the garrison right now, find the person I asked you to contact, and he will arrange for you. Next, don't be impatient, and don't worry about it." I, Anxin, wait for the result of the military control of Dragon City in the first district, Lao Tan has not expressed his position yet, Dragon City is extremely variable, temporary gains and losses can't decide anything, we still have a chance."

Shang Shixun was going crazy: "But..."

Shang Yao interrupted again: "Okay, Xiaoxun, I am already a useless person now, and there will be no worse situation than now. You don't have to worry about me, just do as I say."

Shang Shixun gritted his teeth and clenched his fists. After being silent for a long time, he finally squeezed out a word: "Okay..."

The two hung up the phone, Shang Shixun turned his head and told the driver to let the convoy drive in the direction of the garrison.

Half an hour later, Longcheng along the coastal road.

The entire road has quieted down, and a large number of military vehicles are parked around, cleaning up the scene.

In one of the military vehicles, Gu Baishun, who had just finished handling the incident in Fugang District, was holding a walkie-talkie and asking about the situation in the other five districts.

"Drip Lingling!"

At this moment, there was a rush of phone ringing. Gu Baishun picked it up and glanced at it, and found that it was Guo Zhengdao calling, and immediately connected the phone: "Hello?"

Guo Zhengdao immediately said: "Gu Ju, something is wrong with me."

Gu Baishun frowned and asked, "What's the situation?"

Guo Zhengdao explained: "Originally, I wanted to release the line, and wait for him to contact more people, and lead him out of the prison. Unexpectedly, Shang Shixun suddenly changed his way halfway, and did not go to his father. .”

Gu Baishun thought for a while and asked, "Do you know where he is now?"

"I know." Guo Zhengdao said hesitantly: "It's just... this place is a bit tricky."

Gu Baishun asked: "What kind of tricky method?"

Guo Zhengdao said in a solemn tone: "He went to the compound of the Military Inspection Department under the Garrison Command."

Hearing that it was this place, Gu Baishun couldn't help being stunned for a moment. This military inspection department is a relatively core department in the garrison system. He had guessed before that someone from the garrison was involved in this matter, but he didn't expect the relationship to be so deep.

Guo Zhengdao couldn't make up his mind, so he could only ask, "Gu Ju, what should we do next?"

After deliberating for a long time, Gu Baishun said: "Then don't touch him for the time being, and don't force him to bite him. Just keep a close eye on all the exits of the Military Inspection Department compound, and don't let Shang Shixun take the opportunity to escape."

Guo Zhengdao immediately replied: "Understood, then I will arrange someone to watch here."

"I've done everything that needs to be done..." Gu Baishun glanced out the window and said slowly, "We need to wait for a result now."

Guo Zhengdao was stunned: "What result are you waiting for?"

"Wait for the result from the border." Gu Baishun explained, "I think Shang Shixun should be waiting for the result now."

"Understood, then I'll go and arrange it first."

"Well, go ahead and be safe."

After the two finished speaking, they hung up the phone.

Gu Baishun thought for a while, then turned to the driver and said, "Drive, go to the administration building, I want to see Mayor Li."


The driver nodded, and UU Reading started the car.

Several military vehicles followed immediately to protect Gu Baishun's safety.

Inside the car, Gu Baishun thought about it and made another call.

The phone was connected quickly, and Anzecheng's voice rang: "Hello?"

Gu Baishun asked directly: "General An, the city is temporarily under my control, but it is only a temporary appearance. Whether there will be any movement or not depends entirely on the result of the border line!"

An Zecheng said without hesitation: "The result here is coming soon. I have received definite news that the First Corps in District One has moved!"

Gu Baishun nodded: "Okay, I'll wait for your news."

The two ended the call.

On the border of Longcheng, Tan Mingchao was wearing a military uniform, sitting in a military vehicle, and was rushing towards the defense zone of the garrison!

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