Wind Rises in Dragon City

Chapter 1344: team up

Latest URL: The battle on the outskirts of Dragon City continued all night.

That night, under the joint attack of the air force and the armored force, the First Corps in District One continued to advance in the direction of Dragon City.

On the Dragon City side, the garrison and security troops relied on a series of lines of defense, barely blocking the attacking rhythm of the First Corps, and lost a lot of people.

When the sky was getting brighter, the first district finally slowed down the offensive rhythm, and camped in place for repairs and supplements. Dragon City also breathed a sigh of relief, and began to count the battlefield and treat the wounded.

The garrison headquarters was brightly lit all night, and the officers held combat meetings one after another, thinking about the countermeasures.

Not only them, but the people of Longcheng also suffered a lot that night. Under the shroud of the flames of war, I don't know how many people stayed up all night.

On the entire Internet, everyone is also eagerly following this war, discussing the final outcome of the war, and some people even predict how many days it will take for the first district to conquer Dragon City... various topics emerge in endlessly.

In the early morning of the next day, the Dragon City General Administration Bureau.

The staff in the bureau were also busy all night, and the building was full of busy figures early in the morning.

In the conference room, Xiao Zhang, the chief of the intelligence department, the chief of the torture department, Brother Qiu and others have all arrived, waiting for the meeting.

Everyone sat around a long table, exchanging information in their hands and discussing something in a low voice.

Looking at the results obtained that night, brother Qiu couldn't help shaking his head secretly, feeling a bit tricky.

At this moment, the door of the office was pushed open, Gu Baishun changed into a set of clean clothes, and walked in with a serious expression.

"Gu Bureau!"

Everyone stood up and greeted Gu Baishun.

"Well, sit down."

Gu Baishun replied lightly, and sat in the upper seat first.

Brother Qiu looked around and found that Gu Baishun had a stern face, obviously he had adjusted his emotions.

Gu Baishun bent down and sat on the main seat, slowly glanced around everyone, and first boosted morale: "I have been busy all night, everyone must have worked hard. But the situation in Dragon City is currently in crisis, and we must work together to tide over the difficulties. I have I have applied with the above, and during this period of time, everyone enjoys three times the salary. After the crisis is over, there will also be a bonus."

"Thank you Gu Ju!"

Everyone was relieved a lot.

"Okay, let's have a meeting then."

Gu Baishun's eyes fell on the chief of the traffic information department, and he asked, "Xiao Li, tell me about your situation. Is there any progress on Shang Shixun's side?"

Section Chief Li sighed softly: "This kid has a hard mouth. We interrogated him all night, tried various methods, and used all the punishments on him, but he just didn't vomit! Moreover, Shang Shixun also He has a tendency to self-harm, and tried to kill himself several times, including hitting a wall, biting his tongue, etc. We had to give him anesthesia to calm him down. In the end, he also said...!"

Gu Baishun stepped in and looked at him: "What did you say?"

Section Chief Li hesitated for a moment, and said: "This kid said, let's stop dreaming, he won't spit out when he dies. And even if he is turned into ashes, he will curse the people in Longcheng to die."

After listening to it, Gu Baishun commented lightly: "People who are mortal, only have this pissiness left."

Brother Qiu said next to him: "Their business is completely over. Shang Shixun's hatred for our Dragon City is almost irreconcilable. Fortunately, other people are not so difficult to deal with, and they vomited everything that should be vomited. Let's summarize it Information, you have a look."

With that said, Brother Qiu handed Gu Baishun a copy of the documents he had compiled. This night, he was not idle, and personally participated in some interrogation work, breaking the mouths of many people.

Gu Baishun took the information, held it in his hand and began to read it. One of the documents was a list of people involved in the case related to the business that everyone spit out. After summarizing, it filled two A4 papers.

Seeing these lists, Gu Baishun frowned and remained silent.

Brother Qiu guessed what he was thinking, and couldn't help but said beside him: "This is just the first round of confessions. There are still many people who have not been interrogated. I guess there will be more in the future."

Gu Baishun took the materials and sat on the chair thinking for a long time.

Everyone was waiting beside them, but they didn't dare to disturb them.

After a while, Gu Baishun finally raised his head, looked at Brother Qiu and said, "Well, go and get some people you know well from the An Department to form an action team of 100 people for me. Do this as soon as possible. The sooner the better. Then don’t do anything for the next two days, and take people like you with us and stay in our overall situation.”

"No problem." Brother Qiu nodded, and began to silently pull out a rough list in his heart.

After instructing, Gu Baishun turned his head to look at Xiao Zhang, the chief of the intelligence department, and continued to order: "Your intelligence department, gather two hundred people for me, I want to use them."

"Okay!" Xiao Zhang agreed, but hesitated for a moment, and couldn't help asking: "Gu Ju, the action team..."

Although the words were not finished, Gu Baishun understood the meaning of the words. He pondered for a while, and responded with a normal expression: "For the action team, you can leave it alone. You first recruit people, and then clean up the big warehouse behind the General Bureau, and plan to hold a secret meeting in the afternoon. Remember, the meeting Those who appear on the Internet must be our bureau and the core backbone of the security department, and the communication system must be controlled before the meeting, and contact with the outside world must be blocked, understand?"

Xiao Zhang nodded immediately: "Understood. ""

"and also…"

Gu Baishun sat in the conference room and explained some things to everyone.

The meeting lasted for more than an hour. After the meeting was adjourned, everyone left one after another and began to carry out their respective tasks.

Gu Baishun stayed alone in the conference room, thinking for a long time.

Xiao Zhang's proposal is still reasonable, Guo Ge is gone, Gu Baishun needs a strong action captain, who must be down-to-earth, reliable, and loyal...

Thinking of the end, Gu Baishun took out his mobile phone, called Su Tianyu for about ten minutes, explained the current situation, and asked the other party to come over by name.

At around two o'clock in the afternoon, UU reading in the compound of the Bureau of National Statistics.


A military vehicle from the Riot and Terror Bureau arrived at the gate of the compound, followed by a burly man in a capable military uniform who jumped out of the vehicle with a dozen soldiers.


The guards at the entrance of the General Bureau raised their hands in salute when they saw him.

The man nodded at them, and walked into the building with his own people. Immediately afterwards, he walked through the long corridor and came to the big warehouse behind.

There were already many people standing in the big warehouse, and Brother Qiu was among them, sitting on a saddle and smoking a cigarette.


The door was pulled open suddenly, seeing the burly man stepping in, Brother Qiu was taken aback, got up and said, "Why are you here?"

Before the man could answer, Gu Baishun also walked in and said to Brother Qiu, "I transferred him here."

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