Wind Rises in Dragon City

Chapter 1350: Encountering an ambush on the road, negotiating in Nanhu

【Wind from Dragon City】【】

Dragon City, a certain street.

Gu Baishun's convoy stuck to the right side of the road and drove at a constant speed in the direction of the administrative building.

In a residential building on the side of the road, the young man held a remote control in his hand, his forehead was covered with sweat, and through the window, his eyes were fixed on a sewer cover on the street below.

"The first...the second...the third..."

Looking at the galloping convoy, the young man looked nervous, counting all the cars passing the manhole cover one by one.

When the fourth car was counted, the young man's expression suddenly changed, and with a snap, he directly pressed the remote control in his hand.


The manhole cover was blown away by a violent explosion, the raging flames instantly tore the ground, and directly blasted the fourth vehicle of the All-General Bureau convoy into the air!


Although this car was bulletproof, it was directly distorted and deformed by the force of the explosion. It turned into a big ball of fire, rolled down several times against the ground, and the entire car was ablaze.


A row of golden-red sparks appeared on the ground, and the car rolled for a distance of thirty to forty meters, and finally hit a tree by the side of the road, and then stopped.

At the same time, the third and fifth cars were also affected by the explosion, and they slid out to the sides and slammed into other cars with a bang.

There were flames everywhere, and the entire convoy was in chaos in an instant. A large number of police officers opened the door and rushed towards the direction of the fourth car!

Seeing this scene, the young man wiped the sweat from his forehead, threw the remote control decisively, turned around and left the room quickly.

Hua District, Yanbei.

Su Tianyu, Jiangzhou, and An Qiqi were sitting in a commercial vehicle, heading towards the Qin Mansion.

"Dragon City is in chaos, I have to go back quickly." On the way, Su Tianyu was still talking to Jiangzhou: "The terms of military and political cooperation between Dragon City and Hua District must be discussed in detail immediately, and then signed in person. I'll leave after seeing the old man, you find a way to arrange a safer channel for me."

"Okay, it's good for you to go back earlier to stabilize the situation over there." Jiang Zhou nodded, but after thinking for a while, he said, "But before you leave, you need to do something for me."

Su Tianyu asked: "What's the matter?"

Jiangzhou explained: "I've been investigating recently, the attack on the cargo ship at sea..."

"Drip Lingling!"

Just halfway through speaking, Jiangzhou's cell phone rang suddenly. He took it out for a look, gestured to Su Tianyu, and answered the phone first: "Hello?"

Jiangzhou was listening to the phone, his face suddenly turned pale, and he hurriedly asked: "When did it happen? Have you already left? Okay, okay, I see...OK..."

After hanging up the phone, Jiangzhou sat in the car, a little lost, staring out the window blankly.

Su Tianyu sensed something was wrong, and hurriedly asked: "What's wrong?"

Jiangzhou turned his head to look at Su Tianyu, and said with red eyes: "I just received the news that two old generals in our Hua District died of illness... My father and others have already rushed to the airport and are preparing to go to South China. Shanghai stock market."

Su Tianyu was taken aback when he heard this: "Then now...!"

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【Wind from Dragon City】【】

He was a little anxious, because the interior of Dragon City was unstable, so he was in a hurry to finish discussing various military and political details with Hua District, so that he could go back quickly. However, the sudden death of the two old generals may take some time.

Jiangzhou was a little distracted, and at this moment, the phone rang again.

"Drip Lingling!"

Jiangzhou glanced at the phone, answered the phone: "Hello?"

Su Tianyu was debating whether he should urge the other party, when the call came, Qin Yu's hoarse voice: "You inform Su Tianyu, let him also go to the airport, we talk in Nanhu... can't affect his side time."

Jiangzhou paused for a moment, and said slowly, "Dad...sorry..."

As a son, Jiangzhou knew very well the relationship between his father, Wu Tianyin and General Chen Jun.

Qin Yu sighed, and said in a hoarse voice: "Alas... I will have this day when I am old. You can arrange it, and we will talk in Nanhu."

"it is good."

After the two finished talking, Jiangzhou looked at Su Tianyu and said to him, "Let's go to Nanhu."

Qin Yu felt sad when his old friend passed away, but it would not affect his judgment on anything. He knew that Su Tianyu was in a hurry, so he had this call.

At the same time, on a certain street in Longcheng.

Gu Baishun's convoy was already in chaos, and a large number of police officers got out of the car and started to rescue people amidst the burning flames.

The fourth car was almost blown to pieces. The car was twisted and deformed, and the people inside had been squeezed into a pulp.

In the fifth car behind, the body is also slightly deformed. Gu Baishun was sitting in the back row, his forehead was **** due to the impact, and his consciousness was still a little fuzzy.

On the co-pilot, Da Xiong also had some scratches on his body, but it was not serious. He turned his head and pushed him and shouted, "Gu Ju, Gu Ju?"

Gu Baishun suddenly woke up, shook his dizzy head, and looked out the car window.

The street is ablaze, the fourth car has been completely deformed, and the police officers are tearing down the door and trying to pull the body out.

Many guards also ran to his side, looking around vigilantly, protecting Gu Baishun's safety.

Seeing this scene, Gu Baishun was still in shock, couldn't help panting heavily, and his palms were covered in cold sweat.

Originally, his car was ranked fourth, but because the road was blocked due to a shooting, when the team was turning around, UU Reading temporarily adjusted its position, and his car arrived by accident. The fifth place survived the catastrophe.

What a blessing!

Gu Baishun clenched his fists, his eyes were red, and he ordered Big Bear: "Look for it! The attacker must be nearby!"

"Okay!" Daxiong nodded, took the walkie-talkie and assigned a task, and then shouted: "Quick! Hurry up... take Gu Ju to the hospital!"

On the outskirts of Dragon City, on a public island.

In a temporary camp, the gunmen brought by Yuan Biao were waiting for orders.

In one of the tents, the face with plastic surgery was sitting on a chair, watching some information sent by Longcheng.

"Drip Lingling!"

Just then, the phone rang. The cosmetic face picked up the phone, glanced at Yuan Biao who was sitting opposite, stepped outside the tent, and connected the phone: "Hello?"

Halfway through the hearing, the expression on the plastic surgery face changed, and he couldn't help asking: "Are you sure? Wu Tianyin and Chen Jun are really dead?"

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【Wind from Dragon City】【】

A man's voice came from the phone: "Yes, I just received news that the negotiations between Su Tianyu and Qin Yu may have to be held in Nanhu, because the two generals have been hospitalized in Nanhu."

The cosmetic face gritted his teeth and said: "We still have to find a way to kill Su Tianyu in Nanhu, and we can't let him come back!"

The man was a little surprised and couldn't help reminding him: "That's Hua District, not Dragon City!"

The plastic surgery face said with a sullen expression: "The fact is like this, if you don't kill Su Tianyu, we will all have a hard time when he comes back!"

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