Wind Rises in Dragon City

Chapter 1370: The whole army speaks!

In the camp, the generals and warlords around Morde Amon had a fierce quarrel.

Half an hour ago, they received a report that the Blackwater Legion had attacked the Xinlai area. This incident made many warlords worried, fearing that they would lose the alliance army's stronghold.

Morde Amon sat in the top position, frowning tightly, without saying a word.

And the officers in front of them, sitting together, had already become a quarrel, and no one obeyed the other.

Some people suggested that since we have come to Guarda City, we should continue to attack and take down this important border town as quickly as possible! Once Santos' government is defeated, the enemy's offensive will surely collapse!

But there are still people who are more pessimistic. They think that they should immediately return to the Xinlai area. My own army could not stop the old Mo's army, plus the encirclement and suppression of the Western Conscription Corps.

Only when the base camp is preserved, can they have follow-up combat power and survive.

Besides them, there is a third voice on the scene. Some generals believed that they should stay where they were and hold their ground, resisting the siege of 200,000 to 300,000 people, and wait for the rebels to enter Guada.

The crowd quarreled more and more intensely, and it even reached the stage of cursing, and Morde Amon's ears were full of words like **** and stupid pigs.

Morde Amon thought for a long time, and finally couldn't sit still. He yelled loudly, "Okay, shut up!"

The scene is still chaotic, everyone is trying to mock each other's parents and ancestors.

Mord Amon calmly pulled out the pistol from the guard's waist, aimed it at the ceiling, and pulled the trigger.

"Bang bang!"

Two gunshots sounded, and the blushing people around stopped and looked at him in unison.

After everyone was quiet, Mod Amon said slowly: "So far, they haven't launched an attack on us, nor has a single shell landed on our heads, why are you so flustered?! Like a group of ants! "

Palu looked at Mod Amon and asked directly: "Commander-in-Chief, do you have any ideas?"

"Yes." Mod Amon nodded, and continued: "My decision is to stay where I am and continue to stick to it."

There was an uproar at the scene, and many people shook their heads.

Morde Amon said sharply: "Silence! Listen to me!"

Everyone slowly quieted down, and Mod Amon continued: "Everyone, we now hold a 100,000-strong army in our hands, and you should be very clear about its combat strength. Now, we either choose to attack Guarda City, but There are still 20,000 to 30,000 defenders and perfect defense measures. Once we are held back by them, we will not be able to withdraw or enter. Personally, I feel that we will not be able to occupy Guarda in a short period of time. Even if it does break in, it will only capture their forward military base, not necessarily capture Santos alive, after all, he is not a fool. When our shells hit Guarda, he will escape in a helicopter. "

Hearing these words, the room became even quieter.

Mod Amon glanced at these people, looked at Palu again, and said again: "So, is it feasible to return to the Xinlai area? Of course not! Because we need at least ten hours of marching time. Simply put , stay here and garrison, we will be a fist! But if we return to Xinlai, on the long marching route, our 100,000 troops will be stretched into a thin line! It will be scattered! And the other side's troops , but can attack this poor thin line countless times! Once our troops are cut off, the regiment will collapse immediately, and no one will be able to restore our defeat!"

Palu wanted to say something, but opened his mouth and sat back down.

Mod Amon paused for a moment, and continued: "This road is too long, so we will not go back. There is only one way to turn defeat into victory at present, and that is to stick to it! We have 100,000 people here, and we will fight to the death. Eat us in a short period of time! If all their 300,000 main troops come back to attack us, the rebel army will push to the inland like a broken bamboo, and form a double-team with us! And Santos' 300,000 troops, Will be buried on the border of Guada City! Everyone, I have been a soldier for half my life, please trust my judgment!"

Everyone's emotions gradually calmed down, and they agreed with Morde Amon's words.

After all, this old warlord started his career by fighting, and his command ability is still not a problem. He has been fighting all his life, and he can be regarded as a general of the actual combat faction.

Therefore, there is no problem with his judgment and thinking at this moment.

At this point, the Western Military Alliance headed by Mod Amon began to stand still and prepare to meet the enemy!

At the same time, Wang Dingyuan, through the command system in the old Mo official army base, connected Zhao Weihu, his own Western Conscription Corps, and all the troops of the old Mo official army, and delivered an impassioned general speech.

"Hi everyone, I am Wang Dingyuan, commander-in-chief of the Western Conscription Corps! At the same time, I am also the commander-in-chief of this campaign! On behalf of the old Moguan military government, the Longcheng People's Min Army Corps, and the Western Conscription Corps, I would like to inform you that the battle will begin immediately. , with the battalion level as the unit, all troops do not need to accept your upper-level command, but you need to report your combat intentions before launching an attack on the enemy! During this period, if someone can behead the enemy commander above the regiment level, he will be rewarded The most direct reward and commendation! At the same time, if any unit can cut off the head of Mord Amon, it will be directly promoted to five levels! If it can capture the other warlord generals of Mord Amon's command, it will be promoted to four consecutive levels! There are also major meritorious service performances, which will be calmed down by the general headquarters, and convincing promotions and rewards will be given, and we will never break our promises! Any army or armed force can do this! Comrades, within two days, we will end The battle in Guada City! Let the hundreds of thousands of rebels who rushed into the interior of Lao Mo spill to the sea!"

All the soldiers on the battlefield heard Wang Dingyuan's voice, and everyone was talking and excited.

The blocking line of defense in Hualei town. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

In one of the trenches, a young man wearing the armband of the battalion commander was lying in the trench, taking off the metal jug hanging from his waist, and took a sip into his mouth.

The young man was about twenty-five or sixteen years old, very young, with sparkling eyes.

Cannons and gunshots rang out in the distance, and the enemy was still advancing slowly.

At this moment, the deputy battalion commander ran over, kicked the young man on the buttocks, and asked in a low voice: "Xiao Xing, stop drinking! The fight is over, we have to withdraw! "

Xiao Xing took another sip, turned his head and asked, "Old Qian, did you hear the whole army's speech just now?"

Lao Qian, the deputy battalion commander, nodded and said, "I heard, what's the matter?"

Xiao Xing said with a smile: "Don't you think this order is interesting?"

Old Qian smelled the familiar scent, and couldn't help but look at him vigilantly: "You want to dry chicken feathers?"

Xiao Xing immediately said: "Commander Wang just now, didn't he say that any team can leave their position and attack the enemy! It's meaningless for us to stay here and fight. It's just a blocking war and we're always retreating. Let's go, get a vote!"

Old Qian paused for a moment, bent over and lay down in the trench, grabbed the jug, and became interested: "Tell me, where are we going?"


There is another chapter around nine o'clock!

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