Wind Rises in Dragon City

Chapter 1372: Collapsing on the outside, fighting on the inside

Laomo area, outskirts of Guarda City.

In the western military alliance station where Mod Amon was located, the artillery position on the right wing, the fierce gunfire gradually disappeared.

This position has been occupied, and a large number of soldiers wearing the military uniforms of the Xinlai area are lying in a pool of blood. Looking around, there are corpses all over the field, and blood is flowing like a river!

An armed force composed entirely of Chinese is rapidly clearing the battlefield.

Xing Yao was carrying a self-propelled trolley, and the originally clean military uniform was covered with mud and blood stains. He quickly walked across the battlefield, looked around, and kept shouting: "The people who step on the horses are all old ladies. Ah! Killing people so slowly? Move more quickly and fill in the guns one by one! I repeat, no prisoners of war!"

"Da da da!"

The soldiers who followed him all held their automatic rifles and walked past, constantly filling the corpses on the ground with guns.

Many prisoners of war knelt on the ground, crying loudly, begging for their lives. But what answered them was a row of ruthless bullets, shooting them to death on the spot!

In this war, the sense of hatred keeps rising! In the defensive battle of Hualei Town, many Chinese soldiers died under the enemy's guns!

Therefore, for Xing Yao's battalion, they will not have any mercy for these rebel soldiers!

"Da da da!"

There was another gunshot, and all the prisoners who were kneeling on the ground were shot dead, leaving no one alive.

Xing Yao didn't even look at these people, and quickly arrived at the front of the artillery position, holding a huge observation mirror, looking into the distance.

In this assault battle, the command ability shown by the young battalion commander was very slippery and rogue.

His troops took the opportunity to steal the enemy's position when the black brothers of the old Mexican army launched a charge, and they fought very quickly. The soldiers all went into battle lightly, and almost collided on both sides. Before they had time to transfer, they were washed away in one wave!

Not only the chicken thieves commanded by Xing Yao were decisive, but his soldiers were also very good at this kind of raid. This made the Jiumengzi battalion suffer very little battle damage, and took down an artillery battalion at almost no cost.

At this time, Xing Yao observed the distance with bright eyes and excited heart!

"Papa papa!"

At this moment, amidst the sound of hurried footsteps, Laoqian came running over with his automatic walker.

He quickly came to Xing Yao's side, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and asked teasingly, "Xiao Xing! What did you see? I think you're going to grin to the back of your head!"

Xing Yao let go of the observation mirror, turned his head and said to Lao Qian: "Come and see, their logistics support team is in front! That's why their defense is so tight, our black brothers can't take it down after four times of rushing!"

Lao Qian grabbed the observation mirror, looked at it for a long time, and said, shit.

Xing Yao patted him on the shoulder and ordered: "Quickly, let those brothers in our battalion who know how to play cannons stand up for me, turn the cannons around, and **** their logistics support force hard!"

Old Qian stood up and put the gun on his shoulder: "Okay, I'm going to call someone now!"

"Wait a second!" Xing Yao suddenly called to him, then turned his head and shouted: "Commissioner!"


A signal soldier ran up to Xing Yao and raised his hand as a military salute.

Xing Yao immediately ordered: "Bring me the combat equipment and send our real-time position to our regiment! Tell them that this artillery battalion has been occupied by us, and we have grabbed a lot of supplies! People will come over to grab supplies and inform them that we are now going to switch our artillery fire and prepare to attack the logistics support regiment in area 175!"


The messenger trotted away.

Old Qian next to him grinned: "Submit the evidence?"

Xing Yao rolled his eyes at him: "Isn't this nonsense? If you don't submit evidence, who would have known that this matter was done by Lao Tzu! When the battle is over, it's all achievements!"

The report ended quickly, and after about half a minute, the action had been successfully notified to the upper management. Xing Yao took a sip of wine, pointed at the 175 height and shouted: "Call me!"

"Bang bang bang!"

There was a burst of fierce cannon fire from the position, and all the artillery fire was aimed at the enemy's logistics support regiment, firing shells!

"Boom boom boom!"

Groups of flames suddenly exploded, and the earth trembled! Almost in the blink of an eye, the entire 175 heights turned into a sea of ​​flames!

A large number of enemies were killed on the spot, and pieces of meat flew everywhere!


The entire logistics support group fell into chaos, screams one after another!

Taking advantage of the chaos, many soldiers from the old Mo army rushed over and launched a fierce attack on the enemy!

Xing Yao held the observation mirror, looked at the sea of ​​flames in the distance, and shouted loudly: "Lay out all the shells, move quickly, and light up the three rounds!! Observers pay attention to the surroundings, don't step on the horse. When we hit others, let the hostile The artillery battalion buried us all!"



The soldiers on the artillery position began to reload the shells, and soon launched a second round of shelling!

"Bang bang bang!"

"Boom boom boom!"

Fierce artillery fire continued to wash the ground on Height 175, and the sea of ​​fire became one piece, and the heat wave was boiling, like boiling water.

At the same time, in the base of the Western Military Division Alliance.

General Palu left from Mod Amon's command camp, and has returned to the defense zone of the corps he led. Standing on the front line of the defense zone, he saw that the troops under his command were entering the stage of being wiped out.

In all directions, there are enemies everywhere, and they are all small groups of troops. They don't even know where they came from! This made him very uneasy!

The chief of staff next to him couldn't help but said: "Obviously, we have been completely dragged down by this disorderly pack of wolves."

Palu looked at everything in front of him, his eyes were red, and he gritted his teeth and said: "Mod Amon, who was raised by my cousin, let him take all the benefits, and what is left to our troops is only bloodshed and death! A total of 280,000,000 Wan’s ammunition, he didn’t give us any of it! But we want to act as a barrier for him!”

As soon as the words fell, one of his officers ran over quickly, saluted him and said, "Report to Your Excellency the General! Our logistics support force at Height 175 has been attacked, and all the supplies have been looted! The troops have also been severely damaged. We are retreating!"

Hearing this, Palu immediately clenched his fists and roared angrily, "The logistics troops are deep in our defense zone, why were they defeated?"

The officer immediately replied: "The battlefield over there is very chaotic, I don't know why, the enemy's troops only fight at this point, almost 20,000 people launched an attack, and even the garrison troops from Longcheng came to support, ours People simply can't hold on. The artillery battalion of the 62nd also occupied."

Palu gritted his teeth, and after a long silence, he told everyone: "Secretly assemble our troops, extend backwards, and retreat directly behind Mod Amon's troops! Whoever gets the benefits will be allowed to withstand the enemy's attack." gunfire!"


The temporary command base of the old Mexican coalition forces. UU Reading

Standing in the big camp, Wang Dingyuan yelled with a walkie-talkie: "Notify the people below, tell them to be smarter! Don't just focus on Morde Amon's attack! There are many rewards for capturing warlords and generals. Even Upgrade to level three! Don’t be so **** greedy! There are more than a dozen warlords and generals at the scene, beat them to death! If you beat them, they will feel that they are cannon fodder, and they will suffer a disadvantage by following Mod Amon! But you If you beat Morde Amon, he will fight you desperately, because if he loses, he will lose everything! Do you understand?"

At the same time, Dragon City.

Guns were fired around the entire Dragon City. The garrison, security troops, and the First Army of the People's Min Army were all struggling to resist the attack of the First Corps.

Kong Zhenghui sat on the sofa in the living room a little anxiously in the courtyard of the Kong Family, and Kong Zhengqi sat next to him, and said to him: "Brother, the higher-ups have notified that if there is a problem in Dragon City, we will follow the big troops The Laomo area will be evacuated first, and it may be transferred in Pana City."

Kong Zhenghui was silent and didn't say anything.

Kong Zhengqi said with a worried face: "Brother, I think Dragon City is really dangerous!"

"Drip Lingling!"

As soon as the voice fell, the phone rang. Kong Zhenghui took out his mobile phone, and answered the phone expressionlessly: "Hello?"

A man's voice came from the microphone: "Hehe, Mr. Kong, shall we continue talking?"

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