Wind Rises in Dragon City

Chapter 244: messenger

The latest website: In the reception building, in the corridor on the third floor, four masked Chijun soldiers are wrapping Su Tianyu with a time bomb that can blow up half a building.

Su Tianyu looked at Zhu Bajie, and said with a pale face: "Brother, it's not necessary, it's really not necessary! We all knew each other before, it's absolutely fine if you let me go out to deliver a letter, it's just a matter of one sentence..."

Zhu Bajie ignored him and only urged the soldiers to do it quickly.

Two minutes later, when the time bomb was installed, Zhu Bajie looked at Su Tianyu and said, "Have you ever been a soldier?"

Su Tianyu nodded dumbly: "Ah!"

"The control core of this explosion is the electronic code. It takes about an hour and a half to deduce it with the best password system to unlock it. If you cut the thread, there are more than a hundred possibilities. If you make a mistake, it will explode on the spot." Zhuba Ring Looking at Su Tianyu, he said, "Don't play tricks, it's irresponsible for your safety."

"Brother, I just don't understand. Why did you choose me?! Isn't it good to choose someone who speaks English? They have more weight than me." Su Tianyu felt that he was old and mournful.

Zhu Bajie looked at him with a smile: "We know you, and we trust you even more in our hearts."

"Stop talking, okay? Is there anyone who trusts me so much?!"

"I won't let you make this trip in vain. If you go out, you can contact some people who should be contacted. I will give you this freedom." Zhu Bajie continued in a low voice: "And you tell the garrison that we are stuck here, yes They're no good."

Su Tianyu was stunned for a moment, and then he realized why the other party chose him to go out for a conversation.

"You have to come back within an hour, or the bomb will go off." Zhu Bajie continued in a low voice: "Listen well, our condition is..."

Five minutes later, Su Tianyu walked downstairs with a bomb wrapped around his body.

"Do you know why I let you go?" Yu Mingyuan followed behind and whispered.

"I know Nima, shit, it's a critical moment to see character."

"Are you stupid? You don't think they can really allow me to go out, do you?" Yu Mingyuan replied in a low voice: "They want to have a private conversation with the garrison."

"Don't communicate." Chi Jun's soldiers reprimanded.

Yu Mingyuan looked at Su Tianyu's back, and reminded again: "Brother, I'll wait for you inside, please understand something...!"

Su Tianyu gritted his teeth and nodded at him, then left the main building under the **** of soldiers from the ruler army.

ten minutes later.

At the gate of the compound, Su Tianyu raised his hands, pulled his neck and shouted: "Don't shoot, your own! I am a hostage, and the gangster asked me to bring a message."

The shout caught the attention of Lin You from the rear. He stood beside the vehicle and glanced at it, before ordering in a low voice, "Let that person come over."

"Tap Tat Tat!"

Six anti-terrorism team members bent down and approached the compound, protected Su Tianyu, and quickly returned the same way.

Su Tianyu glanced around, and saw that the surrounding area of ​​the Supervision Council compound had been surrounded by anti-terrorist teams, special operations teams, and police officers on the inner and outer floors.

The anti-terrorist team quickly brought Su Tianyu to Lin You, and the two looked at each other and recognized each other instantly.

They had met before in the Yu's compound, and drank tea together under the umbrella.

"Are you Xiao Su from the Yu family?" Lin You asked.

"Yes, I have seen you, Director!" Su Tianyu nodded immediately.

"It's easy to come to an acquaintance. Come on, you get on the command vehicle." Lin You was overjoyed, and pulled Su Tianyu into the riot command vehicle.

inside the car.

As soon as Su Tianyu was pulled in, four anti-riot team members, wearing heavy anti-explosion suits, began to check him for bombs.

Standing at the door, Lin You didn't care about the bomb on Gou Liuzi's body, and asked him directly, "What did the gangster ask you to bring?"

"They have three conditions: First, the other party requires the media to intervene immediately. In the future, they will communicate with our municipal higher-ups through the media in a real-time broadcast. Second, they ask you to immediately release the people arrested along the coast of Sinalo. Thirdly, when they ask for a hostage exchange, the mayor of Longcheng City, Li Mingsheng, will enter the main building, act as a hostage, and **** the people from the Chi Army to leave." Su Tianyu truthfully explained the conditions of the Chi Army to the other party.

"Fucking fart!" Lin You cursed furiously, "This condition is too harsh!"

Su Tianyu replied with sweat on his forehead: "If this side doesn't agree, they will still shoot the hostages."

Gritting his teeth, Lin You turned around and was about to get out of the car to report the situation to Li Mingsheng.

"Director Lin, I want to make a call." Su Tianyu immediately said, "The people in the garrison are also inside, I want to inform them."

Lin You frowned and replied, "No, in this situation, you can't call outside."

Inside the car, the anti-explosion team immediately got up and replied: "Report to the director, his timing setting is relatively complicated. It will take at least an hour to use the computer decoding system to deduce the electronic code. But the timing is only one hour, we force it There is a risk of explosion if it is lifted."

Hearing this, Su Tianyu got up and pushed the explosion-proof team members away, chased down the car and whispered to Lin You alone: ​​"I have to call the garrison, and I want to inform them about the situation of my boss and other personnel in the garrison .”

"I said, no!"

"Aren't you going to need me later?!" Su Tianyu was forced into desperation, and could only use words to overwhelm the opponent: "I beg you, I promise I won't say a word more, just Let them know what's going on."

It is true that Su Tianyu will be used behind Lin You, because Chi Jun only asked him to come out to report the news. If he doesn't coax him, it will be very troublesome if Su Tianyu doesn't cooperate.

After deliberating over and over again, Lin You pointed to the assistant next to him and said, "Call him, but monitor the whole process."


After speaking, the assistant picked up a mobile phone and handed it to Su Tianyu, while Lin You immediately reported the latest situation to Li Mingsheng.

The gate of the Supervisory Council compound.

Su Tianyu made two consecutive phone calls before he got in touch with Wen Zhanbo in the garrison, and said to him in a low voice: "Brigade Commander Wen, I am Su Tianyu, the deputy general manager of Mingyuan Trading Company. I am currently being held hostage by bandits, and Under their coercion, I came out temporarily to deliver the letter. The garrison officers who were also held hostage inside, let me tell you, they are still safe at present... "

Wen Zhanbo listened to Su Tianyu's official words and already figured out the other party's intention in his heart.

Why did Chi Jun let Su Tianyu come out to report and negotiate? This intention is very obvious!

The relationship between Garrison and Chi Jun under the table has always been relatively close, and there are also a lot of secretly connected businesses, so Chi Jun asked the Yu family who is close to Garrison to deliver a letter, which is to remind them vaguely that Chi Jun is completely cold. If the past is revealed, your garrison will not feel well.

The call was full of threats, and Wen Zhanbo instantly understood Su Tianyu's meaning, and then said lightly, "I see, our side will also participate in the rescue."

"Brigade Commander Wen, my boss is also inside!" Su Tianyu reminded, implying that if the other party contacted Chijun privately for negotiations, he would definitely bring Yu Mingyuan back by the way.

Inside the municipal building.

After Li Mingsheng listened to Chijun's conditions, he pointed at the big screen and cursed: "A group of rogues on horseback! Their conditions are too harsh, and we can't agree to them. Inform the special forces and the anti-terrorism unit to prepare for a forced rescue."

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