Wind Rises in Dragon City

Chapter 710: 1 kiss, love

Hearing Su Tiannan's words, Zhang Taotao couldn't help curling her lips: "Pull you down. I've helped you this time. We don't owe anything to each other. It's best not to see each other in the future."

"So decisive?" Su Tiannan asked.

"What can I gain from contacting you?" Zhang Taotao raised her head slightly, and asked seriously, "What you want to do is more important than me, isn't it?"

Su Tiannan was silent.

"What are you talking about chasing me when you don't have to run around?! Please, don't be so confident, maybe by then, my child will fall in love." Zhang Taotao raised his glass after speaking: "I wish you Have a smooth journey, and what you want will come true. You drink water, and I will do it."

"Why are you so sour, this doesn't fit your personality as a strong woman."

"I'm so sour, who do you think you are." Zhang Taotao drank the wine in the glass with her neck up, with a memorable expression on her face: "Comfortable!"

An hour and a half later, the two finished their dinner.

The two walked on the road paved with bluestone bricks, relatively silent. The surrounding ancient European buildings look mottled and old, but they are full of a sense of history.

After walking for a while, Su Tiannan suddenly turned his head and said, "Hey, let's take a photo!"

"Are you sick?! You are a wanted criminal, why should I take a photo with you?" Zhang Taotao replied proudly.

"I'm finished filming, and I won't publish it online, so I can keep it to myself, can't I?" Su Tiannan snorted over, put his arm around Zhang Taotao's waist, and took out his phone without saying anything.

"Where are you going to touch it!" Zhang Taotao reprimanded with wide eyes.

"Hey, you won't die if you touch it." Su Tiannan raised his mobile phone and urged, "Don't leave your head so far away from me, lean closer to me."

"...You and I are not lovers, rely on wool!"

"I'll pay, I'll give you two hundred yuan, can I be a couple for two minutes?"

"Okay." Zhang Taotao slowly leaned her head on Su Tiannan's shoulder, looked at the phone camera, and smiled unconsciously.

Su Tiannan's face was wrapped in gauze, and he looked miserable, but judging from the degree of deformation of the gauze, he was also smiling.


The phone flashed a burst of light, and the screen froze.

Zhang Taotao immediately ordered with a straight face: "Send me one too, and I won't charge you."

"...Don't you want it?"

"I think the picture of me looks pretty good." Zhang Taotao stroked the ends of her hair and replied.

While the two were talking, they had reached the end of the pedestrian street. Su Tiannan put his phone in his pocket, looked at her and said, "I'm leaving!"

Zhang Taotao held the bag in both hands, and replied simply: "Let's go!"

"Hmm... um...!" Su Tiannan held back for a long time, not knowing what to say, he just looked at her and replied, "Take care, I'll call you when I'm free."

"No need to fight, thank you!" Zhang Taotao politely replied.

Su Tiannan turned and left, and quickly disappeared around the corner of the street.

The moment his back left his line of sight, Zhang Taotao felt extremely disappointed in his heart.

She actually had the urge to cry! It seems that at this moment, I seem to have nothing. Negative emotions such as loneliness, emptiness, reluctance, etc. are completely uncontrollable in my heart.

Zhang Taotao is definitely not a love brain, on the contrary she is an extremely rational woman, otherwise she would not have said those things to Su Tiannan in the restaurant just now.

But at this moment, she couldn't help herself, and she couldn't control her emotions.

This taste is the first time Zhang Taotao has experienced in his life, the real first time! After the death of her parents, she had little regard for the relationship between men and women, and it was difficult for her to meet a close friend of the opposite **** when fighting in the commercial battlefield. Her life these years has been very lonely and withdrawn, but she didn't feel that there was any problem with it before, because she was used to it.

However, after these two contacts with Su Tiannan, she seemed to be a little unaccustomed to this habit.


Standing at the street corner, Zhang Taotao let out a long breath, and after a long pause, she walked back to the time when she lost her mind. She didn't want to take a car, but just wanted to be alone for a while.

Under the dim light, Zhang Taotao looked at the road ahead with a dull gaze, and she didn't know what was going on in her mind.


Just then, a hand was placed on her shoulder.

Zhang Taotao turned around and looked back, her hair dancing with the wind. When he came back, the gauze on his face was even dripping with sweat.

"You...!" Zhang Taotao was a little surprised.

Su Tiannan raised his hands suddenly, first pushed off the gauze around his mouth, and then held Zhang Taotao's pretty face.

"What are you doing?!" Zhang Taotao took a step back.


Su Tiannan began to attack shamelessly, he leaned his head sideways, and bit Taotao's lips fiercely with his mouth pouted.

Yes, it's a bite! It can be seen from this that when he said that he has been holding back for two years, he is definitely not pretending to be pitiful!

"Woooo...!" Zhang Taotao pushed Su Tiannan hard.

He completely ignored it and continued to attack. The wound on the corner of his mouth was slightly split, and even blood flowed out.

Zhang Taotao looked at him with both eyes, and slowly stopped resisting, slowly raised her arms, and wrapped them around his neck.

On the ancient street, the mottled stone statue of a knight holds a spear, and it seems that he has witnessed many pledges of love; the bronze statue of a child peeing next to seems to have stood here for a hundred years, and has witnessed countless kisses on the street lovers.

Su Tiannan almost didn't eat Zhang Taotao. After kissing for five or six minutes, he let go of his palm and said to her, "...Give me one more chance, and I'll save you!"

Zhang Taotao was stunned.

"I've come this far, I can't help myself." Su Tiannan stroked her hair: "I still say that, one day I don't have to run around, I will definitely chase you! Marry you! Big deal, I Kidnap you again!"

"Don't promise me, I don't believe it." Zhang Taotao touched his cheek and replied, "Take care of yourself."

The two hugged each other, Su Tiannan turned and left again, waving with his back to her: "From now on, no one can touch you two except me!"

"...Stupid!" Zhang Taotao smiled.

At four o'clock in the morning, Su Tiannan drove to the outskirts of the city and entered a very old apartment building.

The lights in the indoor study were still on, and a group of people were having a meeting.

"Sit here and wait." The driver said to Su Tiannan.

"Okay!" Su Tiannan nodded, turned around the room with his hands behind his back, and looked at the surrounding environment.

While walking, Su Tiannan came to a bookshelf, and suddenly noticed a group photo that looked old.

Below the group photo is written: Group photo of the first congress of the Chinese Labor Union.

Su Tiannan looked curiously at the crowd in the group photo, and suddenly noticed that there was a man in the middle of the crowd that he was very familiar with...

Su Tiannan was stunned for a moment, immediately picked up the group photo, looked at the figure carefully, and after confirming that he had not admitted his mistake, his expression became very surprised, and his face turned pale under the gauze...

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