Wine and Gun

Chapter 149

His topic obviously turned in a strange direction again, and that was Albarino.

"Students who came to teach their children homework taught little Emily a nursery rhyme, 'Dance, dance, my doll! The steps must be in rhythm'; adults thought it was a boring song , but little Emily doesn't think so. She understands the fun of the song, and the student understands it because he made it up."

His voice was low and slow, but this wasn't the time for bedtime stories. However, Albarino's fingers slowly crawled across the table, their fingertips pressing lightly on Herstal's knuckles.

"—that's our relationship," he whispered.

"That's it?" Herstal did not skimp on his disdainful laughter. "Sing songs that no one understands, and let the dolls dance to their own rhythm—"

"It's never been completely unintelligible, isn't that the point? Isn't there another person who thinks the song is great too? The student taught Emily the song, and Emily understood , also fell in love with this song, and her dolls are dancing to the melody of this song, isn't that the most important thing?"

Albarino asked rhetorically, his fingertips gently brushing the skin of the knuckles: this hand once hurt him, the bruises have faded, but the temperature is still engraved on his Adam's apple.

He asked, "Herstal, would you like to sing that song with me?"


[1] This article mentions some plots of the "Wall of Criteria" in the pit next door, but basically it has nothing to do with the plot of this article. I just entrained some private goods.

The main line of the first part of the pit next door is the story of a guy who writes a terrorist who reads as a dead pervert and kidnaps the cardinal; and to put it simply, the reporter provoked the wrong person shortly after that incident and was hacked by the criminal. He lost his fingers, so he went to the United States to make a living.

(The country Hoxton is my fictional country, and its geographical location is the two northernmost provinces of Germany, Schleswig-Holstein and Mecklenburg)

[2] Protagoras was an ancient Greek philosopher. Since his related works have long been lost, his theories can only be seen in Plato's "Theaetetus" and "Protagoras".

Therefore, the phrase "man is the measure of all things..." said by Albarino is indeed Protagoras' point of view, but it actually comes from Plato's "Theaetetus".

I gradually discovered that Albarino may have really liked Plato's writings.

[3] Kyle Harriet: French architect who designed Amiens Cathedral in France and Cologne Cathedral in Germany.

In fact, the Gothic church mentioned in the article that was bombed was extremely small, and it stands to reason that it is unlikely that Kyle Harriet designed it (but I don't care, Bishop deserves it, Elijah deserves it).

Chapter 40 Dance, dance, my doll 04

On Wednesday night, fine snowflakes were falling in the sky, and tiny ice crystals generally glistened under the sky. Herstal and Albarino were sitting in a rented car. God knows where the lawyer found this kind of shop that allows you to rent a car without a registered driver's license, but after all, this is Westland, and it is found here. No wonder people who do what they do for a living.

They had stopped for a while in the dead end of the camera, where a thin layer of snow had built up on the car's windshield, distorting the scene outside the window into strange shapes. This is a very old SUV, and the heating system is not very good. In order to prevent the windows from fogging, Herstal did not turn on the air conditioner; the car just stopped for a while, Alba Lino began to feel his fingers freezing.

"It's boring," he complained lazily.

"Since you invited me to 'sing that song with you,' it more or less means that you agree to follow my pace when it suits you, unless I misunderstood you in the first place." Hess Tarr's voice answered him sternly.

"And obviously your pacing involves getting frozen to death in a broken car," Albarino murmured. "I didn't expect that at first."

Herstal looked at him as if to see if he was really going to freeze to death. Then he condescended to reply: "That's because that Anthony Sharp, after losing his job, lives in one of the worst neighborhoods in Westland, and I guess you don't want to make too much noise in this poor soundproof slum. movement, causing neighbors with double-barreled shotguns to storm the street - so yes: you'll have to stay here a little longer until I figure out when and where is the best option - I hope in Until then, don't be so fragile that you'll freeze to death."

"If you chose to kill Leohard Schreiber, you wouldn't end up having to spy on targets in this kind of neighborhood." Albarino retorted.

"That reporter doesn't meet my standards. If you hadn't insisted on seeing me do it, you could have killed Shi Haibo yourself." The mockery in Herstal's voice was overflowing.

Because obviously: the Westland pianist kills like a cat and plays slowly with its prey, he has to take his chosen person to a safe enough place, slowly torment, cut open, which means he has to take the victim Take it away alive, without causing fatal damage to the opponent, it is inevitable to fight.

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