Wine and Gun

Chapter 192

—Because of new victims: a young female police officer collapsed on the dusty floor at the corner of the fire escape stairs, with two deep cuts across her neck. The bloody star was painted on the wall behind her, and the blood had not dried up, showing an almost black color under the dim light.

Hardy looked exhausted, and McArd was even more annoyed, as if it was an insult to him that things went beyond expectations. And Olga just stood quietly above her head in the dim darkness where the lights were not lit, looking like a yīn mushroom.

"She was apparently alone while searching for someone hiding in a corner we couldn't see," Hardy said, frowning tightly, a hint of remorse in his voice, "I've radioed the others and asked them to During the search process, it must be guaranteed that two people are in groups-Al, what do you think?"

However, it is difficult for Al to have any opinion. At this stage of the case, the autopsy does not have much room for it. After all, the time of death is so short that it can be logically deduced. Just looking at the crisp knife marks, it is impossible to filter out any distinctive murder weapon. . Albarino carried the flashlight Hardy had given him in his hand, adding a dazzling light to the room.

He stared intently at the splattered blood on the ground. Obviously, although the CSI scientists who study blood stains are strong points, he also has some experience. Then he said: "The murderer attacked him from behind, which can be more or less determined by the blood... Herstal, please come over here, I will use you to show them."

Hestal was standing at the entrance of the stairs at this time, and he kept away from the scope of the crime scene that Hardy had drawn, as if he knew not to easily step into the territory of other predators. He glanced at Albarino angrily, probably dissatisfied with his "I use you" wording. But since Hardy had nothing against it, he came anyway.

"The police officer who was killed should have entered the fire escape from here. You said just now that she was in charge of searching the flanks of the two floors. It's too far from the elevator. She must have decided to go up the fire escape to the upper floor."

Albarino stretched out his hand and gestured, motioning Herstal to move forward in the direction he was pointing. Albarino walked behind Herstal, put a hand on his shoulder, and continued. Go down:

"Then from here - at the beginning of the bloodstain, the killer attacked her, the first knife cut her carotid artery, the blood spurted out in a fan shape, and there was no trace of occlusion between the bloodstains, so the murderer attacked from behind ."

Then Albarino stretched out his right hand and put two fingers on Herstal's throat - a gesture all too familiar, like the day they were in the morgue for the first time, and Herstal He just wanted to turn around and kick between his legs.

"The murderer cut her throat, leaving a knife mark further up." Albarino said slowly, "Looking at the depth of the knife mark, she will go into hemorrhagic shock within a minute or two. The knife mark drags The direction of the tug indicates that the murderer is right-handed, and the knife mark is located at a high position, which means that the murderer is taller than the victim."

Then Albarino put his hand down and took a thoughtful step away, and Herstal stepped back immediately and stood farther away.

He raised his eyes and glanced at the few people in front of him. Hardy's face had no superfluous expression, as if Albarino hadn't half-pressed a gangster lawyer in his arms just now, apparently after Hardy raided Herstal's home. , his mental capacity has improved a lot; Olga looked like he just wanted to laugh a little, but didn't say anything; only McCard looked at the two of them critically, obviously thinking about something.

McArd's gaze made Herstal feel a little uncomfortable. He suppressed the thought of spitting out harsh words, and let himself hesitantly reach out and touch his throat as a subtle metaphor. of weakness. He doesn't really want to pretend to be shy in front of others, but after all, this person is the director of BAU, so it seems better to be cautious.

- He thought, the heat of the other's fingers seemed to be still there.

"And then?" Hardy ignored it and continued to ask.

Albarino pointed to the ground, and there was a long scratch in the blood that splattered on the ground: "She fell, and was dragged by the murderer to the corner of the wall. The blood from the higher wound was There is no trace of being rubbed open, but there is no second wound, indicating that the second knife was cut after she was thrown into the corner by the murderer."

Hardy thought for a moment, then said, "That means—"

"It shows that the height of the murderer is between 1.65 and 1.85." McCard said succinctly, obviously he roughly estimated the height of the two victims. Then he thought about it and added: "But it's useless, most of the people in the police station are between this height now."

"And the murderer wasn't confident in his own strength: he picked two targets, a man who was utterly drunk, and a policewoman, and he obviously didn't have the confidence to single-handedly take down the stronger target. It's fine to say he's very cautious." Olga spoke from the shadows, and she ran her fingers around her hair boredly. "And the location chosen by the murderer also clearly shows that the person is familiar with the internal structure of the police station: neither of the two crime sites can be photographed by the camera, and attacking the victim in the fire exit where no one usually comes, can also be done. Pretty clever."

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