Wine and Gun

Chapter 273

He went to great lengths to infiltrate the club's team of wait staff, even paying someone to drive a car and break one of the wait staff's legs - which sounds exaggerated, but Westland did Hiring someone to break someone's leg can be said to be a very common and boring routine for the Westland gang.

As a result, he didn't find any suspicious children in the banquet hall. There must be a large number of men and women who were entertained by people who were under the age of 20, but it was not exaggerated to the extent that they were only about 10 years old.

This is exactly what the club members are very clear about: I think so, if the manager of Sequoia Manor really pimps the members of the pedophile club, it is certainly impossible to be in such a large audience. Some details of this banquet are not very legal, such as drugs and "high-level jiāo jiāo jiāo" who may not be twenty years old, but that is nothing more than a small condiment in the entertainment of the rich, It's the part that anyone can spend money to settle, and it's still possible to play side balls, but Jian kills little boys and girls and then throws corpses away.

So presumably that kind of jiāoyi carried out at a more private moment, and they may have nothing tonight - Herstal has just entered this circle, and it is estimated that at least a certain degree of trust from the manor's manager can be relieved of that kind of thing. ——Despite this knowledge, Albarino still reluctantly planned to take a tour of the manor. He didn’t really hope to find places like the secret basement where the children were imprisoned, but things always happened so far. Can't sit still.

The entire manor was decorated in a rich and dazzling style. Albarino walked through the empty rooms on the second floor of the manor, his eyes hurt by the golden and red eyes. But this floor is apparently uninhabited now, it's quiet, and there are no locked rooms that look particularly suspicious.

Albarino was already hesitating whether to step back first. The longer he stayed here, the more likely it would be that he was not a real waiter at all by those in the back kitchen. Not really, he could get out of here first and pick him up on the side of the driveway near the manor while Herstal drove away.

However, just as he turned to leave, he suddenly heard a series of stumbling footsteps coming from the corner of the corridor.

Albarino looked back vigilantly. He considered for a second whether to hide in an empty room, but he dismissed the idea. The entire wait staff team in the manor was hired on a temporary basis, and the commission of the housekeeping company that provided the service was so expensive that a non-disclosure agreement could guarantee that they would not say a single word, or they would wait for their fate in prison.

This also shows that the manor's people are not familiar with these service industry personnel, and he believes that even if he should not be here, he can find a reason to fool the past. If you hide in an empty room and are discovered, it will be even more difficult to tell.

So he kept his footsteps unhurried, and then saw a housekeeper in a bland blue overalls walking down the corridor pushing a cart full of clean new orders. The housekeeper limped a little, with his hat lowered, and only a stray blond stubble with white hair leaked out.

——Just like that, Albarino and Orion Hunter looked at each other off guard.

It took Albarino a second to figure out what was going on: Obviously, the truth could never be that Orion Hunter worked hard to become a cleaner after he had to pick up the dole. The last time he had a conversation with Hunter was very impressive. Hunter didn't hide his findings about Shana at all, and directly said to Albarino, "I hope you don't follow her footsteps." He had to say, Hunter was a lot more direct than Lavasa McCard, who played with his endless roundabout cues at an automatic coffee machine.

Even if Hunter didn't find out that he was the Sunday Gardener, he obviously doubted that he had any direct connection to the murders, and the other party was a guy so interested, even crazy, about serial killers. Look at him on the butcher case. performance is known.

So the fact must be that Hunter spent time tracking Albarino during this time, and then found that Albarino was investigating the Sequoia Manor. Hunter probably thought that Sequoia Manor was the next step in some kind of evil plan by Albarino, so of course he thought of a way to sneak into the manor to see what happened.

Then, just like now, the two of them finally met in the corridor of the manor wearing the work clothes of the housekeeping company.

Albarino watched as a horrified expression flashed across Hunter's face that could be interpreted as "Oops, should I run now?" It was like an open book that could be read clearly. But with the condition of Hunter's legs, he couldn't run anywhere.

Hunter obviously did not ignore the fact to ignore this, he stared at Albarino for a few seconds, and then coughed without embarrassment.

"I shouldn't think you're going to leave a good forensic doctor behind and become a waiter." Hunter said in a low voice, glancing at Albarino, "However, the tuxedo is quite beautiful. , the pants are very tight."

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