Wine and Gun

Chapter 323

Hestal paused again, then asked, "Will you stop me from trying to kill Slade? Or are you going to leave the country yourself first?"

"I won't do either of those things," Albarino replied calmly, his expression even serious the moment he said it, and it's easy to show a calmness when he's not smiling Air comes. "Because I believe you are incomplete without killing Slade - and, Herstal, as a work of art, you are becoming more and more perfect."

It was an Albarino-esque admiration that sounded candid, straightforward, sensual, and cold. Herstal saw the blue flowers with thin petals on the table from his fingers, which had fallen on the tablecloth, white in the light, and finally did not question his answer any further.

Albarino smiled, apparently not surprised by Herstal's silence. He moved his chair lightly and walked to Herstal. Although they had known each other for so long, and even had a relationship where they could sleep together, when Albarino invaded his private space, Herstal often had the urge to distance himself. Is the most acute intuition of danger.

But today he didn't do it, he just silently felt the other person's warm breath on his face, and then Albarino didn't touch him with his hands, just leaned forward a little and kissed softly the corners of his lips.

"So let's meet all the fates that may come in our own way." Albarino said softly against his lips, "After all, if you can't do what you want, life has no meaning."

Chapter 83 Fool's Celebration 03

"Nervous?" asked old Hunter.

He felt like a hapless single dad with a child now—because at this very moment, on a sunny noon, Midaren was sitting in a restaurant with him. The kid was eating a huge hamburger in a rude gesture that didn't match his good looks, a little sauce on the corners of his mouth.

There are many questions that Orion Hunt doesn't know the answer to: for example, he knows that boys with long bodies tend to eat well, but he still can't understand why Midalen can eat so much; for example, he doesn't know that he Why do you invite the other party to dinner again and again? It is obvious that the welfare home where the other party is temporarily living provides all kinds of food to these poor children with psychological trauma every day under the attention of WLPD; Why should he accept the entrustment of this kid who is sitting opposite him now, obviously the other party can't pay him a penny.

But in short, he did invite him, and he did investigate things related to Herstal and Sequoia Manor at Midalen's request and his own curiosity - which just became A good reason for their frequent encounters.

Although, if the officers at the WLPD had known that Midaren had been in frequent contact with a bounty hunter, their first reaction might have been to arrest Hunter.

And Midaren licked the sauce from the corner of his mouth, raised his head to look at Hunter, and asked, "Why should I be nervous?"

"Tomorrow is the pre-trial hearing in the Slade case, and you need to be present as a witness." Hunter pointed out. He paused, but decided to explain the meaning of the pretrial hearing to the other party a little: "...and part of it is that the prosecutor and defense attorney will present the evidence they have collected in front of the judge, and the judge will judge that you need There is no need to appear as a witness in court."

——According to Hunter's expectation, Midaren must appear in court. Although the victims in this case are all minors, it does not prove that they are incapable of spirituality. Therefore, the witnesses need to testify in court if there is no accident.

The thought of these lamb-like children facing Slade's legal team inevitably gave him some headaches, and they would no doubt be torn to shreds by those eloquent lawyers. Moreover, it would be a bit too cruel to let a group of children who have been sexually assaulted describe their experience of being victimized in public.

Midalen stared at him for a few seconds, wondering what he was thinking, and then he asked, "You don't think the outcome of the trial will be optimistic, do you?"

"Where did you get this idea?" Hunter gān asked rhetorically, and the other party didn't really ask a question that a child would ask.

"You can tell by the degree of frowning when the prosecutor lady came to ask us questions. Although she reassured us that everything would be okay, she clearly wrote on her face 'I don't think the trial will be optimistic'."

Midaren shrugged nonchalantly and stole a sausage from Hunter's plate with a fork before continuing: "I've asked the children I rescued with me these days, and none of them are there. Sequoia Manor or the place where we were imprisoned had encountered Slade, so from our point of view, it was only possible to identify Rowan, and there was no way to say that Slade was responsible for the kidnapping."

"Or they may find other evidence." Hunter speculated out of thin air, but with his understanding of the degree of caution of those scumbags, he actually knew that this possibility was unlikely.

"Either just don't count on them." Midaren blinked, "I believe there is a breakthrough right now - why on earth Mr. Armalite pretended to be a reporter to enter the manor."

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