Wine and Gun

Chapter 343

And at a time like this, the admirable prosecutor, Ms. Wallis Hardy, took on the task of keeping these demons behind bars—though it was bound to be futile and hopeless in terms of predictable outcomes— — Her opening statement at the trial was eloquent and shocking.

"When WLPD officers and the SWAT team raided the building where the poor children were being held, the suspect in front of you was at the scene and was trying to flee," Ms Wallis Hardy said in her opening statement. Now, we have ample evidence that Sequoia Manor is a hell on earth where children are tortured and sexually abused. At least six minors have died in the manor, and the manager of Sequoia Manor Kaba Slade It is impossible to be ignorant of this. Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, we are sitting here today to decide in the fairest and most rigorous manner whether this suspect is guilty; Parents who will be children, most of you will have children - don't live up to the expectations of these victimized children, and it is this person in front of you who has ruined everything for them."

I don't know if this serious and determined prosecutor thought about his daughter when he made this opening statement - her name is Clara, a little girl who is less than eleven years old. As the child of a prosecutor and a police officer, this girl has faced so many dangers that she shouldn't have, and I'm sure my readers know of her horrific past with the butcher.

And the little girl's savior, the dragon slaying hero in the fairy tale, is sitting beside the defendant. Herstal Armalite, the defense attorney, was looking at the prosecutor at this moment, his handsome face expressionless.

These realities always seem to be used to illustrate the fact that there is a devil's heart beneath the face of an angel, that justice is always too late, and so on. People always hope that children like Clara, children like Midalen will always maintain a pure heart, but the cruel status quo is always disappointing.

Hardy: Please say your name.

Witness 1: My name is Midaron Pullman.

Hardy: Midaron, can you tell us what happened last December 10th?

Witness 1: Well, I went back to the orphanage after school as usual that day—the orphanage I was in was in Saumur Town, and the school was very close to the orphanage, so I usually went home with a few children of the same age who were in the orphanage. . But I went back by myself that day, and Fred and the others went back first, to decorate the Christmas tree... So I went to the bookstore in town by myself. When I came out of the bookstore, it was already late, so I wanted to take a shortcut back to the orphanage. Then, as I walked near Wright Street, two men stopped me. They both had knives in their hands, and one of them had a large tattoo on his face.

Hardy: Is one of them the guy in the picture?

(Shows an autopsy photo of a man with a large tattoo on his face lying on the autopsy car)

Witness 1: (identifying carefully) Yes.

Hardy: Have you seen these two anywhere before this attack on you?

Witness 1: Never, but in the past two weeks on my way to and from school, sometimes I felt like being followed... You know that feeling, someone is following you, but when you turned around, you didn't see anything. suspicious person. But I'm not sure it was these two who were following...I wasn't even sure someone was actually following me. I mean, the tattoos on that guy's face are so obvious that if I had seen him, I would have recognized him.

Hardy: I ​​see, what happened next?

Witness 1: They took me to a corner with a knife, grabbed me and pressed me to the ground, then covered my head with a cloth bag, then tied me up and threw me in the trunk of a car.

Hardy: Was there anyone else besides the two of them during this process?

Witness 1: (hesitantly)...I'm not sure, it was late and it was very dark. However, after they knocked me down, I saw a man standing under a street lamp at the intersection.

Hardy: Can you describe what this man looks like?

Witness 1: I estimate that he is about 1.8 meters tall, with blond hair and a little fat. I remember under the streetlights, I could see his hair was a little thin. But because he was standing against the light, his face was full of shadows, and I couldn't see his specific appearance clearly.

Hardy: In other words, the man who appeared at the kidnapping scene was actually very similar to the defendant in this case?

Armalite: No. Your Honor, this is inductive, and so far there is no evidence that Mr. Slade appeared in Saumur.

Judge: The objection is valid. Ms. Hardy, please rephrase.

Hardy: Midaren, (she pauses) Can you identify who you saw in the dock the night you were kidnapped?

Witness 1: ... (hesitantly) I'm not sure. Their reminders looked very similar, but I couldn't see the man's face at the time. I'm not sure.

Hardy: All right. So, what happened on March 31 this year?

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