Wine and Gun

Chapter 347

A MALE VOICE:--why choose to defend a case like this, moral--

(The camera continues to zoom in, and you can see Holmes facing the reporters with a smile on his face, answering the reporters' questions in a leisurely manner under the efforts of the police to stop them)

Holmes: ...Participating in the most difficult and typical cases is the consistent aim of our law firm. I hope all members of the law firm can become a "real lawyer", I hope they can put aside their prejudice, withstand the pressure that the bar association puts on them, and participate in the most challenging defense work... My old Friend Amalette thinks so too, right?

(Amalette glances at Holmes and pauses oddly)

Armalite: Yes, I think so too.

A FEMALE VOICE: (shouting) That's a sense of accomplishment by defending the unjust and winning for them—!

Amarette: (In a nonchalant voice) Legal justice is not the end result, but the process, ma'am.


The sharp voice of a demonstrator: I feel ashamed for you! Those kids are innocent! If this kind of thing happened to your child, if this kind of thing happened to someone close to you, how could you stand here in cold blood like this——!

(There is chaos in the crowd, and the police do everything they can to maintain order. Herstal Armalet and his colleagues stand on the slightly higher steps, and the crowd gathers below the steps, countless open hands and raised writing Demonstration signs with bright red letters are waving in the air, like jagged gān woods or undulating seas. Amalet stands on the top and looks down at them blankly)

Thalia: (staggered by the crowd) Audiences, we can see—

(Suddenly there was a loud bang: a policeman was rammed into the crowd and had to shoot into the sky to demonstrate, and the crowd erupted into a tsunami-like riot)

Thalia: God! Was that a gunshot just now?

(Probably a person bumped into the cameraman, the camera shakes wildly)

(black screen)


[1] Wallis wanted to prove that the business of Sequoia Manor was run by Slade, who knew everything from the beginning. Therefore, it has to be proved that the people who kidnapped and dumped the children were hired by Slade himself.

There were two men who kidnapped Midalen, one of whom had no distinctive features. I didn't find out who it was, the other one was Michael (tattooed man). In addition to the kidnapping of Midalun, the tattooed man was also responsible for the corpse-throwing work in the sixth case of throwing corpses in the river. As a result, Albarino found the corpse by groping, and killed him after asking for information (see "Blood Spring"). 03"). As a result, the prosecution now has no witnesses, and can only circumventively prove that the relationship between the tattooed man and Slade is an employment relationship.

Herstal didn't know what happened between Al and the tattooed man, and Al didn't tell him in detail at the time.

[2] Some of the content in the "A Little Insights into the Conviction Issue in the Slade Case" and some of the dialogue below are from "A Long Talk I Had with the Chief Defense Attorney in the Simpson Case: The Truth About the Simpson Case and American Law" Views of Alan Dershowitz in the article. It's really, really, really hard, too hard, to write about this field of law that I'm not good at at all.

Chapter 88 Westland v. Kabbah Slade 02

Quote from: Westland Daily News

Author: Leohard Schreiber

Release date: 2017-05-04

Demonstrations by the people of Westland over the Slade case turned into violent clashes on April 27, and so far six police officers have been injured and 31 arrested in the incident.

After yesterday morning's court hearing, agitated demonstrators tried to rush up the court steps as the defendants and defense lawyers left the courtroom, forcing police to fire warning shots. In the ensuing chaos, some demonstrators threw rocks at the defense team, injuring two people, including the lead defense attorney in the case, Mr. Herstal Armalet.

Mr. Holmes, the main partner of A\u0026H law firm, told this reporter that Mr. Amarette is not in serious trouble at present, and he only needs stitches to continue to appear in court for the next trial. It was because of a severe concussion dàng that he was hospitalized. Mr. Holmes said that the attack on the members of the legal team will not affect the next process of the trial, and the law firm will reserve the right to pursue the legal responsibility of the protester.

City Council member and the eldest son of the late Mr. Thompson Sr., Stanley Thompson, said in a news conference yesterday afternoon that Westland residents needed to take a sensible view of the content of the trial and not escalate the incident further. . He pointed out that the current parade activities related to this case have completely exceeded the necessary level, caused considerable damage to public order and seriously endangered public safety. If things go on like this, WLPD will have to take restraining measures against some of these over-the-top demonstrators...

(A picture of the scene is attached below this report: Chief Defense Attorney Herstal Armalite is standing in the crowd of police, with his head slightly sideways and frowning, as if he is saying something; Everything was blurry, only this figure was clear. The rain was pouring, and strands of Amarette's blond hair were glued to his forehead, and there was a bloody wound on the end of his left eyebrow, and the blood snaked along the wound. Down, washed down by the rain, the reddish blood slowly dripped down the sharp-edged face)

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