Wine and Gun

Chapter 410

This matter was buried deep in her heart with guilt, until this day, thirty years later, a strange gentleman visited her.

It was a young man with beautiful chestnut-colored hair and gentle eyes, perhaps in his thirties, but looking younger. He inquired about Mrs. Talos' eldest son, and brought more news.

"As far as I know, the culprit is dead - killed by one of his victims, who was about the same age as your son. And this case is about to go to trial soon, if that gentleman's legal team contacts you If you do, I hope you can testify in court, you must remember the contents of your son's suicide note, right?" The gentleman said to her gently, "If you are willing to testify for him, he may be spared the death penalty."

He stared at the lady's face and slightly intensified his tone: "You failed to save your son, but I don't think you would mind saving another child's life, right?"

—A few days later, a lawyer surnamed Holmes contacted her.

As Mary Talos stepped onto the witness stand, her fingers trembled slightly with nervousness.

She had never stood in such a setting in her life: the judge, the clerk, and the jury were lined up solemnly, and even the gallery was full of people, most of them journalists. And the defendant, who needed to use her testimony to exonerate her, looked at her with an alienated and cold expression - Mrs. Talos had previously been told that this was the little Will in the church choir, although her children and each other They didn't know each other very well. They might have met once or twice at the Christmas Eve Mass, but she still saw the shadow of the introverted and withdrawn little boy on this face.

At the same time, the defendant - the strange guy who chose to defend himself - spoke up.

"Ms. Talos," he said, "please introduce yourself and your family."

"Okay," Mrs. Talos' voice trembled slightly, "I live in White Oak, and my husband is a lumberjack in White Oak, but he's retired now. I have four children... I used to have Four children, my eldest son is named Beatr Talos, but he is dead."

"Then," Herstal Armalette sounded extremely restrained, "how did he die?"

Mrs. Mary Talos' second guest was named Lavasa McCard, who identified himself as an FBI agent.

The gentleman arrived in White Oak a few days after Armalette's pretrial hearing, and Mrs. Talos hosted the federal detective on the porch of her home. The other party frowned after the simple chat, looking rather distressed.

"So you promised Mr. Holmes to testify for Armalite?" he asked.

"Is there a problem?" Mrs. Talos asked nervously. She had never spoken to a federal police detective before, so she didn't even know where to put her hands.

"Although I don't want to say this...but I suspect you were deceived," McCard frowned, his voice a little cold, "Let's put it this way: I am in charge of the investigation of this case, so I can say that although Kabbah Slade is a scumbag, but Armalite is not a good person."

Mrs. Talos stammered, "But... Mr. Holmes told me on the phone that he had been to Slade because of his childhood experiences—"

"That sounds like a good reason," McCard snorted coldly, "but I don't think Mr. Holmes told you what happened before Armalette went to murder McCard? He murdered him. his boyfriend, hid the body, and refused to tell the police where the body was hidden by him. Do you know why? Because his boyfriend's plan at the time became a hindrance to his murder of Slade -Do you really think that a person who only has the idea of ​​revenge can do such a thing?"

Mrs. Talos had obviously never heard of this episode, and looked at him in stunned eyes. This kind of terrifying story was obviously a bit beyond the ability of a housewife living in a quiet town.

"Ma'am, I implore you," McArd said in a good voice, "consider. Armalette is not what you think he is, and he is dangerous—if your testimony is accepted by the jury, he will The attempted first-degree murder charge against Slade would likely not be convicted, and his murder of his boyfriend would likely amount to only murder of he would likely be released after spending a few years in prison. "

McCord paused.

"But he never kills because he's an avenger, he kills because he likes to kill. I'm a profiler, and I can say I know this type of criminal best," the federal agent said. "If he gets out of prison. , he'll do it again - no one wants this to happen again, right?"

Mrs. Talos was stunned: "But, I have promised—"

"It's okay," McCarde said softly, with no reproach in his voice. "No one could have expected this to happen, but I can tell you a way to recover."

"Jumping from the building, he should have depression," Mrs. Talos murmured, "...he jumped from the water tower in the town."

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