Wine and Gun

Chapter 418

Herstal looked at the rose, which was nothing special, still red and fresh; then he turned over the card.

Herstal was stunned for a moment, as if he didn't expect much of what was written on the card. Although he tried his best to be as cold as usual, Olga still keenly noticed that there was a tiny, unrepressed smile flashing across his mouth.

A few lines of words were printed on that card in a featureless script, like a strange code word, or an ulterior utterance—

Apparently your time has come, your wind is blowing

The most distant, most secret, inviolable rose?


[1] Regarding the sentencing in this article, the judge in the article has given a heavy sentence.

Attempted first degree murder and serious injury: 40 years

Involuntary manslaughter: 11 years

Illegal gun possession (with serious consequences): 5 years

Obstruction of Justice and Perjury: 5 years

Assault on a police officer: 3 years

The above sentencing is the result of my own discretion after reviewing some relevant cases. Illegal possession of a gun, perjury and manslaughter are basically based on the heaviest sentences. The assault on the police itself did not cause serious harm, but he was equivalent to the presence of the police. Killed a witness (that's why it's charged as first-degree murder). And I remember an example of a 42-year sentence for second-degree murder causing serious injury, so overall it feels good... After all, Westland is set to have the death penalty, and if Slade accidentally dies It is estimated that it has to come as it is done (.

Chapter 104 Under the cage 01

During the Obama administration, the federal government and roughly half of state governments across the country began reducing the number of inmates held in solitary confinement in prisons -- but that didn't include Westland.

Under Westland law, felons and death row prisoners "shall be held in solitary confinement if deemed necessary," and prison guards are happy to detain lawbreakers, stabbings, and heinous murders who often challenge prison rules. Wildly sent to a solitary cell to make management more convenient.

So there is no doubt that Herstal Armalet, a new prisoner who was convicted of attempted first-degree murder and whose sentence was called a term, but who was best understood as a life sentence considering his age, was brought When he went to the New Takker Federal Prison in the north of Westland City, he was naturally placed in a single cell.

The so-called "New Takr" is semantically corresponding to the "Old Takr", which was a madhouse in Westland. The Tucker Asylum, which had treated countless mentally ill patients between the second half of the nineteenth century and the first half of the twentieth century, effectively removed their lobe white matter, at least on the surface. The therapy has indeed achieved remarkable results.

By the 1960s, the New Thacker Federal Penitentiary was built on the old buildings of the abandoned hospital and expanded several times in size before the dawn of the new century. But to this day, death row inmates and felons at the New Takr Federal Prison still live in old buildings with a history of almost two hundred years. These old houses with thick stone walls are naturally wet, cool, and The lighting was poor, and there were rumors among the prison guards that the spiritual patient who had been dead for a century would swim in the corridor at night.

Herstal's single-person cell is no more than the size of a parking lot. There is only a hard single-person room, a small sink covered with rust, and a dirty toilet. In fact, these things can be squeezed into one space. It was astounding. Prisoners in solitary confinement spend almost 23 hours a day in this space, with one hour of free time a day completely separate from ordinary prisoners, and the number of times they receive letters and meet people is strictly limited.

Herstal had heard rumors when he was a lawyer that some death row inmates would rather be executed early than spend long periods of time in solitary confinement. Not surprisingly, long periods of stillness, darkness, and loneliness are maddening.

He was ready to face such a life the moment the verdict came out, but he didn't expect to receive his first guest the day after the sentence began - when the prison guards opened the iron gate Expressionless and intimidating.

"Come out, Amarette," the prison guard said, his voice cold and businesslike, "someone wants to see you."

- Olga said: "I don't think that's okay."

She poked the scrambled eggs on the plate with a fork as she said this: Anne Brook was not only a good hospital nurse, but she was also an excellent cook—and Olga was surprisingly tolerant of her " "I haven't seen the truth" question is not easy for Olga, who clearly believes that the world is divided into three categories of people: "idiots, idiots I can tolerate, me"; according to Olga himself , this is because "some people will listen to you honestly when they don't understand, but some people will express too many opinions when they don't understand", Hunter believes that this may be aimed at all of her time in the FBI. Colleagues who don't get along well.

In short, the way the two of them get along can be said to be quite harmonious, and Hunter suspects that Olga has planned to hire her for a long time.

Now, as Hunt and Midaren — who skipped class again, and it’s only Thursday — talk about their adventures at Olga’s table, this Miss Anne Brook is also generous provided them with breakfast.

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