Wine and Gun

Chapter 429

Herstal was told that he had to come to the prison infirmary twice during the experiment, morning and evening, to take the drugs, and—“You’re not the only volunteer in this clinical trial,” Griffin said, “but I can’t Tell you who the other people are, I suggest you don't go to them, they may not be in this area... This is also for the accuracy of the experimental results."

In fact, Herstal didn't want to find any other volunteers at all. Even as Griffin said, some people really care about the so-called "male dignity". Are they still planning to take pity on each other at this time? In fact, there are very few things that he needs to care about now. One is Lavasa McCard. He always feels that the other party will not be happy to see him being transferred to a double prison. I wonder if the FBI will react to this. ; followed by Albarino Bacchus.

Sunday gardeners usually don't have a plan before committing a crime, and this little madman Albarino is a guy with the genes to do whatever he wants from his bones; now Herstal just hopes that this man will not be like the cat who shows off to his master after catching a mouse. It was like arranging the dead heads in a row at the gate of the prison. His intuition told him that the other party could really do such a thing.

While Herstal carefully sorted out his plans in his mind, they had turned into impersonal buildings: the New Takker Federal Penitentiary was divided into four quarters, the felon prison where he had previously been held. It was remodeled on the basis of the hospital for the mental illness, but the double cell that he was going to now was different.

However, these buildings with a relatively short history still have a monotonous color scheme, revealing a cold sense of depression. They walked through many iron gates, each of which was equipped with advanced electronic locks, and in front of each gate was guarded by prison guards who took turns in the observation room with one-way mirror glass on the windows.

They turned a lot of corners, passed some rooms like an activity room, a reading room, and a laundry room, and finally came to the prison area.

Before Herstal adjusted the prison today, the warden told him that they had adjusted him to a prison in the East District. In this area, some people were repeatedly arrested for theft, fighting, drug trafficking, etc., and at least one third of their lives were detained. The guy who spends his time in the cell.

Because now is not free time, so as people pass by, the solid iron fence gates quickly approached faces. Herstal saw several tall, tattooed guys inside, not that he judged people by their appearance or had any prejudice against tattooed people, but when a guy got a gangster logo tattooed on his shaved When he is on the top of his head, it is really easy for others to see at a glance that he is a gān or something.

As they passed by, some people banged their hands on the railing as if watching the fun, and asked aloud why the newcomer was imprisoned, and Herstal heard several vulgar whistles among them. Others were clearly more news-focused, or the jail time was too short because he heard a man shouting, "Ha! Isn't this the Westland pianist?!"

The prison guard led him down the long corridor without squinting, and finally stopped in front of a cell, opened the cell door, and let him in.

The double cell is much larger than the previous solitary confinement cell, and there is a high and low metal rack inside, and there is a small table fixed to the wall beside the cell; the toilet and sink are on the other side of the room. , looks much cleaner than a prisoner's cell.

On the lower bunk of this picture lies a young man with blond hair, who looks very young and handsome, at most in the second half of his twenties. He sat up slowly after the guards closed the door and waved in Herstal's direction.

"Hi, new roommate," he greeted with a smile that was unusually familiar, "my name is Pfister."

"No, this is definitely not an ordinary relationship. Normal people don't fall in love like this." Bates' lips twisted. "Or, your latest opinion is that psychopaths also have 'love'?"

Olga shrugged noncommittally: "I've always believed that psychopaths also have 'feelings', although their feelings may be expressed in ways that ordinary people cannot understand. Anyway, it's pointless to discuss this now, we can only say that he Surely going to keep doing it until he's satisfied - although it's hard to say what it takes to make him feel satisfied - what does McCard say about that?"

Hardy sighed.

As everyone else looked at him, he explained: "He didn't say anything. I heard his team was working on a case in Florida recently, where a gang kidnapped a movie star's son. Before that case was solved, , they probably don't care about anything else."

Olga nodded thoughtfully, she was quiet for a while, and then suddenly asked, "How do you feel about what he did?"

"What?" Hardy asked in confusion.

"The Slade thing, the shooting. He didn't fail to see how it would play out, did he?" Olga said firmly, "but he let it happen - Herstal would shoot St. Tlade was something he expected, and I even suspect that the only thing he didn't foresee was that Stryder didn't die; in fact he probably would have preferred that Stryder ended up dead."

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