Wine and Gun

Chapter 440

Such conversations have been played out between the two since Herstal Amalet was put in solitary confinement, and even now, on the last day of the unreasonable volunteer's lockdown, the two have yet to discuss it. So come.

The warden disappeared, which made the whole thing seem even more bizarre. The newly appointed acting warden has always been disapproving of the conduct of clinical experiments in prisons. Although his disapproval attitude did not stop the whole experiment, it did not prevent him from taking Jenny Griffin. He yelled at the office, saying that the incident related to Armalite "was the biggest violence incident in federal prisons this year", and also questioned whether this kind of thing happened because there was a problem with the drugs provided by their laboratory.

Griffin scoffed at this. In the first half of the year, when they conducted the last clinical trial, they caught up with an accident in which a gang boss beat his cellmate to the point where he had half of his stomach removed. The current statement of the acting warden Obviously sensational.

Nonetheless, none of the negativity solves any problems: Griffin and Duden Koos continue to provide medicines to clinical volunteers every day, confused about what happened to Armalite; their lab recently When recruiting new interns, the two people had to be responsible for interviewing people in addition to observing the experimental data, and they were too busy; the warden was still missing and never appeared on the job again; the acting warden was still in Duden He refused to give him a good look when he went to the federal prison every day, but didn't say much.

Life doesn't come to an abrupt end just because of some twists and turns, everything seems to be temporarily normal and has not developed to the point of being uncontrollable.


"Could it be because he is really a pianist?" At this moment, Duden Koos looked at the experimental data that looked normal in his hand (and the one the prison sent them about Armalite digging up others information from his eyes), and asked, with consideration, "Because he is a real and particularly terrifying murderer, so he and other experimenters cannot be generalized?"

"He's a man, not a monster," Griffin said disapprovingly, shaking his head. "Even if a person is different from others, how can he be different?"

They haven't seen a real monster yet.

"...Sometimes I don't think this is something that people can do." Tommy, wearing the full forensic equipment, whispered in awe, even with a mask, he could still see his face very much. pale.

Olga was sitting comfortably in a wheelchair, and her voice was even and steady: "You mean, 'the devil would do such a thing'?"

She has been in this business for many years, and she has heard many people condemn "this is something only the devil does." It's a pity that all the scenes she saw were real human creations, including the one in front of her. thing.

In the center of the mobile dissection cart is a mug.

- A very ordinary mug, you can buy one at any convenience store for a little money. A tenant found the mug in the basement of his rented apartment, which was briefly rented by the famous hitman Qiángni when he fled to Westland.

The fact that the killer Qiáng Ni died in the rented house caused the house price to drop again and again. A few street ghosts rented the house with the money they stole, and two of them lived together in the basement. . Bart Hardy's bet these brats aren't the type to actively call the police, and if it's just an ordinary mug, they'll probably never see it.

The problem is, this cheap mug isn't ordinary.

The kids in the rental house found the cup, which was filled with a mixture of semi-coagulated blood, bone scraps and human tissue—meat—and threw a man’s fingers into the wall breaker one by one. After that, you can probably get this result. The children called the police at the lingering smell of blood, and Tommy, who was about to throw up, used tweezers to pick another thing out of the cup.

——A rose folded with paper, of course, was also horribly smeared by these plasma-like substances, turning it into a strange blood-red color.

Fortunately, the piece of paper was very thick, and after dismantling it, the forensic laboratory found that they could still barely tell what it was.

"The original German version of Faust, jīng edition, was published by a German publishing house in 1973." Bates said with an expression of ineffable expression, "That piece of paper is the last piece of the torn poem. Page."

Then Olga said creatively: "Is 1973 the year Herstal was born?"

Because of this sentence, they were silent for a long time, knowing that Tommy didn't know whether it was because he couldn't stand the silence or because he was too nervous, so he finally covered his mouth and rushed out to vomit. It was at this time that Midalen, who was pushing Olga's wheelchair, asked, "I don't understand at all, isn't the Sunday gardener repeating the case he committed with the pianist? Which is this? case?"

"This is not the case, this is the killer Qiángni," Olga shook his head, "You don't know, but Hestal was kidnapped by the killer Qiángni."

"But why?" Hardy couldn't help asking, his voice deeply exhausted and confused. "Why is this a pianist's case? Amalette was kidnapped! Isn't that self-defense? ?"

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