Wine and Gun

Chapter 444

If he is really killed by the Sunday Gardener, then everything that happens after that will have nothing to do with him; if he can get the Sunday Gardener to justice, everything after that will not happen.

And Olga Molozze, always so straightforward and unforgiving, is the main reason why she handled relationships so badly when she was working at BAU. At this moment, she said: "I think, this may be the last conversation between me and you."

"I hope your guesses don't come true," Lavasa McCard replied to him.

Mr. Bruce Pritzker arrived at his mansion at midnight.

The bodyguard was left in the living room by him—living in a place like Westland, and he wanted to run for governor, it was safer to keep one or two bodyguards by his side—he walked into the study alone, intending to deal with the lack of peace during the day. Those documents that have been processed.

Mr. Pritzker's study was the ideal study many imagined: a wall of bookshelves, a soft rug and a fireplace. It was still summer, the fire in the fireplace was out, and Mr. Pritzker was surprised to find that his favorite easy chair by the fireplace had been occupied by someone else.

Sitting on the easy chair was a beautiful red-haired woman, wearing a long black dress, her skin looked as delicate as marble carved with a heart under the light. In her hand she was holding a glass with whiskey about two fingers deep in it - the man had opened his best bottle.

But there was no time to care about alcohol now, and Mr. Pritzker stared at her as stiffly as anyone whose home has been trespassed, and asked, "How did you get in?! Philip? Rabbi?!"

He called out the names of his two bodyguards aloud, but his voice echoed ominously in the room, but no one answered him. The woman raised her eyes and glanced at him lazily, and said, "Your bodyguard will not come to this room for the time being. I really don't want our conversation to be interrupted."

"Who are you?!" Mr. Pritzker asked excitedly.

"My name is Gabriel Morgenstern." The woman replied calmly, "You probably haven't heard my name before, but it doesn't matter, you should be with me for a long time to come. The name accompanies it."

She reached out and put the glass in her hand on the table in front of her, and the ice ball in the whisky collided with the glass softly. She pointed to the table — only then did Pritzker notice a photo on it — and said, "I suggest we start with that."

Pritzker stared closely at the photo. The angle of view of the photo was obviously taken secretly, and the face on it was so familiar. Who was he? It's just that he doesn't quite recognize the girl in his arms... Maybe it's a certain child from Sequoia Manor, hell, there are so many kids in Sequoia Manor, how can he remember which is which? !

And the person who was able to take that photo from that angle is no doubt about it - it must be Kabbah Slade, didn't that guy say there won't be any photos and videos left? !

"What do you have to do with Slade?!" Mr. Pritzker couldn't hold back the question and blurted out.

"I have nothing to do with him," replied the woman, who called herself Gabriel, with a small smile, "I guess if Slade could choose who those pictures and videos would land on, he would be the least likely Hope is in my hands."

Pritzker stared at each other closely, his teeth rattling. He didn't know what this inexplicable woman appeared on his plush to do, to blackmail him? As this woman said, does she have a video in addition to the photo? If these things get published, his career is over!

He worked so hard to keep Slade - because he didn't know if Slade had that kind of disgusting back-up trick, such as taking the things in his hand to someone he trusted, and then As long as you are worried about your own life, you will let people publish things or something - isn't it just for this kind of things not to flow out? It turned out that he was still one step behind the others!

We might as well think that the excessive amount of information made this politician's mind freeze for a few seconds, because then he completely forgot that he still had two bodyguards whose life and death were unknown, and did a very crazy thing: he suddenly Taking a step forward, he picked up a poker on the edge of the fireplace, held it high, and faced the woman sitting in front of him An Ran—

He couldn't do anything, something icy lingered to his neck like a ghost, and the sharp part made his hair stand up.

A knife stuck to his throat.

Pritzker froze, after all, he didn't notice anyone else in the study before that. Then a leather-gloved hand reached behind him and calmly took the poker away from him. Throughout the process, Gabriel Morgenstern just sat there and looked at him with a smile.

"Okay, Zacharias," Gabriel said softly. "You'll frighten our guests."

First of all, Pritzker didn't understand why they stayed in his study together, and he himself became a guest; secondly, he seemed to hear the "Sachariah" behind him sigh, but in any case the knife went from His neck was drawn away.

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