Wine and Gun

Chapter 449

The sound of gunfire pierced the dark night.

Apparently, a guy who fell with blood on his head didn't let the others back down.

Because four other people rushed up without hesitation, if Herstal had a choice, he would rather not fight around a bath towel in the wet bathroom, but obviously he has no choice now.

He deftly avoided the fist of the first person, and at the same time a short elbow suddenly hit the abdomen of the second person. The guy let out a pained cry, curled up like a shrimp, and Herstal stumbled, knocking the man to the ground, and stomping on his fingers: Herstal was sure he heard the broken bones With a crack, the man let out a series of trembling whines.

But even a Westland pianist wouldn't choose four prey at once. At this time, he was hit on the side of the rib, never to the extent of a bone fracture, but this time it hurt so much that his eyes turned black. At the same time, the largest of the few people standing rushed towards him, like a speeding locomotive, this man knocked him to the ground, and the dirty water on the ground splashed.

The man was two meters tall, pinched his neck with one hand, and used his height and weight to suppress him. This person obviously yearned for the speech of the gentleman who was lying on the ground with blood on his head, so he not only grinned and rubbed his lower body between Herstal's legs, but also rudely placed his other hand on his chest. Twisted—this time it hurt so much that Herstal gasped. Flutamide inhibits the secretion of male hormones and stimulates the development of the rǔ room. Although it is not accurate to describe it, it definitely hurts no less than a girl who has entered the puberty stage and has developed secondary sexual characteristics - Herstal bites tightly. Tooth, bent his knees and slammed into between his legs, and immediately the man let out a scream as if he was stuck, and the whole person softened.

Herstal took the opportunity to roll over from his restraint (the bath towel seemed to slip off at this moment, he had no time to deal with this), he had just half-kneeled to support himself, and the two who had not been injured The guy jumped up. Herstal was leaning against the wall at this time, his hand touched the faucet on the wall, turned it all the way to the left, and turned the water to the maximum. Really drenched the two of them.

The two of them both screamed in pain, and at the same time Herstal had stood up, holding a bath towel picked up from the ground in one hand, wrapped it wetly around his hand, and suddenly entangled it. The neck of one of them. He grabbed the tangled bath towel and roughly dragged the man over, slamming him hard against the tiled wall with his hands.

Then Herstal let go of the roped towel in his hand and let the guy, who had briefly passed out under the blow, slide to the floor.

And the last person who was still standing finally rubbed off the hot water that splashed into his eyes, and he looked awkward now: his nose and eyes were all red, obviously he had shed a lot of physiological tears just now. Just as he was about to rush up with his fists clenched, he suddenly saw Herstal raised his head, and this man was biting something between his teeth—

It's a rusty nail.

There is no way of knowing where the nail came from, but it could have been pried off from an old slab, or anywhere one could get one; and Herstal apparently followed Like anyone in prison, hiding things in their mouths evaded inspection by prison guards.

The important thing is that at this moment, Herstal spat out the iron nails, tightly sandwiched it between the index and middle fingers of his right hand, and then punched the face of the person who was rushing.

The next second the man fell to the ground with a thud like a water-soaked sack, covering his face and screaming; blood poured out from between his fingers, dripping onto the red anti-skid pad.

The whole bathroom fell into a terrifying silence - the four people who didn't want to cause trouble, including Pfister, were standing on the farthest side from the fighting scene, and they stared blankly at the scene in front of them. And a few other Latin Kings guys were either lying on the ground rolling around in excruciating pain or unconscious.

Herstal calmly walked towards the two-meter tall man, who was still rolling on the ground in pain, and if a doctor were present at this moment, he might have suspected that his testicles had been broken. But the diagnosis was meaningless at this point, as Herstal stood in front of him and turned him over with his bare feet.

Then, he stomped on the man's back, reached out and grabbed his hair, forcing his head up, exposing his throat to the dangerous killer bào. Then Herstal expertly stabbed the not-so-sharp nail into the soft skin of his throat.

—Then he exerted a little force, slowly, slowly pulling away his skin.

Immediately, arterial blood spurted out with the rhythm of the heartbeat, spraying the gangsters of the Latin King Gang lying on the ground. The guy whose finger was stepped on was just shivering to support himself, and he was sprayed with blood as soon as he looked up.

And the blood just happened to not spray on Herstal - which may have come from long-standing experience - and avoided the few people standing in the corner. Hestal let go of the big man with blood dripping from his throat and let his body fall heavily to the ground, then reached out and opened the shower head closest to the big man, and the hot water in the shower head flowed out and scattered on the ground. When he was in a pool of blood, Herstal washed his only left hand with blood with the water.

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