Wine and Gun

Chapter 467

It's hard to say who made the move first, and then the next moment, Albarino's arm had wrapped around his shoulder - it was not a gentle hug, but a bit too thick, Herstal's back It slammed heavily against the cold wall, and the other end of the wall must still be guarded by fully armed prison guards.

His back was hitting the light switch, and the lights in the whole room went off with a snap, but fortunately, there was no window opening to the corridor in this infirmary, so the prison guards outside should not be able to see anything unusual here.

Herstal's chin was pressed against Albarino's shoulder, and his breath would be able to brush his earlobe, and Herstal really wanted to tear that piece of flesh with his teeth, as if he was teething. The young shòu who had to bite something with his sharp teeth at times, the itch was dormant under his tongue, in the bones of his jaw, as if something was breaking out of the ground.

He cursed in a low voice, "You fucking—"

There is no doubt that Albarino had ruined his countless previous plans, and his only hope until then was that Albarino did have the self-knowledge that "I should leave America" ​​- but apparently he didn't - —The worst consequence of this is bound to be that as soon as Albarino is caught, all the lies that Herstal told on the witness stand will be self-defeating. There is no such thing as such a thing, and why Herstal faked Albarino's death, and why Albarino didn't show up, can't be explained at all.

Not to mention Olga Molozze and Orion Hunter... It is impossible for Albarino to hide from these two people about his suspended animation. If he is really caught, Olga will not Will you speak your own inferences in front of WLPD as a consultant?

At this moment, Herstal really felt that he wanted to scold him with a few words, and one sentence was uglier than the other, and Albarino stuck to his shoulder, rubbing his lips with his lips like some kind of small animal. , whispered: "Shh, shh. There are a group of prison guards outside. Although I don't want to admit it, I really don't have the confidence to beat them alone."

"You shouldn't have come if you have such judgment," Herstal scolded coldly. "How did you get in? Where's Duden Koos?"

"Koos? The volunteer who was in charge of recording the Eastern District before—actually, you were alone—the one who took the medicine?" Albarino blinked, "Ah, he was unfortunately caught by a The car 'accidentally' broke his leg, and according to the extent of his fractures, you won't see him for the next three months. And during this time, his work in prison can only be done by someone else."

He paused meaningfully, then asked rhetorically, "But would you? Would you make me wait that long for three months?"

Herstal knew what he was asking, and Albarino was still in prison three months after asking him. Herstal frowned and said in the usual "anyway I'm very dissatisfied with your reckless behavior": "Albarino—"

Albarino shook his head, let go of him slightly, and pulled away some distance.

"Let me introduce myself again," he said with a smile, and he tapped the visitor card on his chest with his hand. "My name is now William Quinn, an intern in the Biology and Medicine Laboratory of Westland State University."

Herstal was speechless for a moment, not knowing whether to complain about "William" or "Quinn", after all, he knew very well that there was a complete set of "Ellery Quinn" in the study of Albarino's house. Because of the Detective Collection", it's still the very old one.

After thinking about it, he asked, "Where did you get the fake identity?"

He knew the extent of Albarino's connections: it was possible to create a fake identity that could be smuggled into Mexico, but it would be impossible to get an identity that could sneak into a university laboratory. Speaking of which, to be an intern in Griffin's lab, you need at least a nice resume, a Ph.D. in biology, or something?

"Something happened while you were away, and I got to know someone . . . interesting. Anyway, she helped me a little bit," Albarino murmured, clearly not feeling it was worth developing Instead, he closed the distance between him and Herstal again, pressing his lips to the skin of his chin, while his fingers stretched out to lift the hem of Herstal's prison uniform. button.

Herstal said in a tight voice: "No, wait a minute—"

It's a pity that he was pushed against the wall by Albarino, and his hands were handcuffed behind his back. This position was really uncomfortable. Albarino raised his head and glanced at him, with a smile still on the corner of his mouth, not conscious that he was in crisis, but he always did.

His hand had already reached into his clothes, and he was pressing on Herstal's waist. The rǔ rubber gloves on his hands made this feel a little weird. Then he squeezed there intimately.

"What do I need to wait for?" he asked rhetorically, "don't forget, Mr. Armalite, I'm Ms. Griffin's intern—in fact, before I came, she told me, how you are doing now. It's not very similar to your medication situation, you are the only one among so many mice."

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