Wine and Gun

Chapter 521

Apparently the Westland pianist would destroy the ship, leaving only stumps and blood on the ground wherever he went. Albarino watched intently that the knife sank into the human body, and cut off the human tendons and joints with a rather skillful and skillful gesture, then he shrugged and said, "This is the meaning of packaging. Where - they exist to be torn apart by the right people. I don't really like modern art, but at least one of Picasso's words is right: the desire to destroy is also the desire to create."

Herstal gave a frivolous laugh, lowered his head and continued with the work at hand.

So Albarino watched Herstal dismantle them, a callous word. When the other party lowered his head, his lips pursed slightly, and a light and dark shadow was cast between his frowning eyebrows by the light. His expression looks particularly like a man trying to solve some kind of puzzle, obsessed with exploring the unknown. But when he made such an expression, he was actually using the knife in his hand to cut through the flesh and texture of people, and the blood under his feet was gradually converging into a river.

When he pulled the piano strings out of his suit pocket - which Albarino had put in the drawer of the chapel outside the church ahead of time, it seemed Herstal had found them with ease - The victim lying on the ground has long since lost the ability to moan.

In fact, the whole hall was almost silent, even the lady had her cry stuck in her throat, and all the bound people stared at the bloody human figure on the ground, and they watched how Herstal put it down. The piano strings wrapped around each other's necks and tightened, and Kermin made a vague, strange sound from his mouth, which is what happens when blood chokes in the air duct. It's probably not the first time for some of these lawless hypocrites that they've seen their lives pass by, but it's never been in this form before.

Albarino could almost taste the horror in the air on the tip of his tongue.

The terrifying aftertaste was bitter and matched well with Herstal's blue eyes. And at this moment Herstal had stood up from the bloody body - Albarino wondered if his legs were numb from holding the same movement for so long, he imagined the other's muscles stretching The dynamics of the swarm—and the rest, who were still alive, all uttered some terrified cries at this moment, as if they were nothing more than the keys of the Westland pianist.

The second person was Jason Freeman, who was dressed as Absalom. Kermin had been on Jason Freeman with most of his body before, and now the former jury member was just Freeman's lap with a cooling corpse.

Freeman was the closest person to the entire crime scene. Now, half of his body was covered with splattered blood, and the minced meat was hard to recognize in its original form. This handsome young man was pale. His eyes were split, and when the Westland pianist set his eyes on him, he began to shiver and say: "Please, please... I have money! I have a lot of money! Do you want to? What do you want?! Just—"

Before he finished speaking, Herstal stabbed the blood-stained knife in his hand into the side of his neck crisply.

Herstal pressed the other's head on his shoulder as he pulled the knife out. The wound didn't touch a vital blood vessel, but may have severed Jason Freeman's vocal cords; With the sound of breathing, blood splattered from the wound in the throat and between the lips. The blood flowed on the white suit like no money, and a red river was added to the little splashes of blood.

The lady not far away finally collapsed completely, and they all heard her let out a wild howl of hurt, and then she collapsed, almost hanging on the bracket that Albarino used to fix her. Herstal didn't even give her a distracted look, just grabbed the hair of the man he was holding.

At the same time, Albarino let out a whistle.

——It was quite crisp, with a frivolous ending, the kind of whistling sound that a high school boy would make to a girl's trembling chest when she ran. The man at this moment seemed to be out of the solemn atmosphere of the auditorium of the opera house. He smiled and looked at Herstal, at his red-stained fingertips and his bloody cuffs. A tender petal on the man's neck; he watched Herstal thrust his fingers into the bloody wound on the other's neck, and the flesh was squeezed with a strange, sticky sound.

He stared at Herstal so attentively, when Herstal looked at him following the frivolous whistle, he just thought about it, and didn't mind showing his teeth, like a Only in the láng of the upper reaches of the wasteland.

"You make me look like a stripper," Herstal complained unceremoniously.

"Your aesthetic level is much higher than that." Albarino replied without hesitation. When he said this, the other party was trying to cut Jason Freeman's chest: the kind of forensic doctor The knife technique used is to draw an arc from the left shoulder to the right shoulder, cut a vertical knife mark extending downward at the top of the arc, and cut the person's chest with the sternum as the midline.

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