In the office, Du Yunxi looked at Wang Xianxian apologetically.

"Auntie didn't mean to ask you to swallow your anger, but I hope this matter can be settled smoothly."

"When the dust settles, we will definitely settle the accounts."

Wang Xianxian smiled and said, "Auntie, I understand what you mean, and I understand you too."

"The poison will cause widespread panic, and some fears cannot be completely eliminated by strength."

Du Yunxi suddenly breathed a sigh of relief: "Auntie, thank you for your understanding. You have been wronged by this matter. Lin and Du will give you a satisfactory answer."

"In addition." Du Yunxi glanced at the office door that had not been closed yet, and sighed softly, "Auntie hopes you can help me watch Lin Lei . "

"That child has a stubborn temper and will get carried away when doing things."

"He will definitely ask to take you to the Black Dragon Spring Secret Realm. There are some things that we as parents cannot stop."

"Hate evil is a good thing after all, but his character is too hard, and he is not as sensible as you in many things."

"Tonight, the Lin and Du families will carry out a secret operation, and we will go to Black Dragon Pond to deal with the people of the Five Poison Sect."

"This matter will not make a big fuss, because there may be a ghost in the government, so the news is blocked."

"If you want to go, don't make a fuss, don't be reckless, and be sure to pay attention to safety."

After listening to Du Yunxi's words, Wang Xianxian nodded heavily.

"Don't worry, Auntie, we won't cause trouble for everyone."

After giving instructions, Wang Xianxian left the office.

As soon as he went out, he saw Lin Lei in the corridor.

At this time, Lin Lei's expression was a little strange, as if he was looking for something.

"Where's my phone? Left it at home?"

When he saw Wang Xianxian, he hurried over again.

"Brother Yun, are you interested in going to the Black Dragon Spring Secret Realm?"

Hearing this, Wang Xianxian sighed in his heart, it is true that no one knows a son better than his mother.

"What a coincidence, I am very interested in their poisonous wine."

After the two teenagers smiled at each other, they walked into the elevator together.


An hour later.

At the entrance of the Black Dragon Spring Secret Realm.

Two teenagers are queuing up to register.

The registration staff seriously emphasized to Wang Xianxian and the others.

"I emphasize again that the Black Dragon Spring Secret Realm is a high-level secret realm, and there are still undeveloped areas inside."

"Low-level warriors should choose the training area according to their own situation and try to stay away from those undeveloped areas."

After registering, the two came to the entrance.

Standing in front of the huge metal door 15 meters high, it seemed as if I felt my own smallness and fragility.

The lifelike black dragon carved on the door seemed to announce the danger in the secret realm, which was daunting.

The Black Dragon Spring Secret Realm is different from the Bamboo Forest Secret Realm. It is completely taken over by the military.

The secret realm exists between reality and the void. It seems to be two worlds from the real world, but it is inextricably linked to the real world.

For example, the Black Dragon Spring Secret Realm in front of us, in theory, exists in the void, and entering the entrance is like entering another world.

However, the Black Dragon Spring Secret Realm can lead to the Black Dragon Spring in reality.

After entering the secret realm, refreshing water vapor hits the face.

Compared with the hot weather outside, this place is comparable to a summer resort.

Looking around, Wang Xianxian found that they were in a dense forest.

There are countless giant trees covering the sky, and various plants that have never been seen before.

Although the moon in the sky is extremely bright, the lush branches and leaves still cover most of the moonlight.

This makes the forest a little dark.

Wang Xianxian found a giant tree and then flexibly climbed to the top.

Then he saw a scene that shocked him.

The river water that was so wide that there was no end in sight was like a silver-black dragon, quietly coiling on the earth.

Under the moonlight, the sparkling river surface formed countless reflective silver pieces, like dragon scales, shining in the night.

"This is the Black Dragon Spring, which ranks ninth among the ten famous springs in the world." Lin Lei also climbed to the treetops.

He took out the map and pointed to the location of the dragon's head.

"We are now at the location of the dragon's head, which is also the end of the Black Dragon Spring. The location of the dragon's tail is the spring eye of the Black Dragon Spring."

"The overall topography of the Black Dragon Spring Secret Realm is similar to the rainforest. The Black Dragon Spring is like a giant dragon lying in the rainforest."

"The currently officially announced development area is the area within five kilometers on both sides of the Black Dragon Spring."

"In other words, the area five kilometers away from both sides of the Black Dragon Spring is an undeveloped area, where there are many unknown risks."

"And that is also the hiding place of many criminals."

Looking at such a large map, Wang Xianxian was a little troubled.

"It's so big, it's hard to find them. If you're not careful, you might alert the enemy."

Lin Lei smiled confidently: "Don't worry, my elders have already set out and laid out the secret realm."

"According to the intelligence within the clan, the place where the Black Dragon Purple Moon Flowers are densely blooming is most likely their hiding place."

"If they want to extract the branches and leaves of the flowers, the smell will definitely become stronger. As long as there is a smell, I can find them."

"Smell???" Wang Xianxian was a little confused.

At this time, Lin Lei smiled mysteriously.

"Brother Yun, what do you think my vocation is?"

Without any hesitation, Wang Xianxian blurted out: "You are from the Lin family. If nothing unexpected happens, your profession is most likely related to wine."

At this point, Wang Xianxian suddenly paused.

Yes, Linley’s occupation is in the alcohol industry, so how does he control mines?

Bilibili! ! !

While he was thinking, the sound of electric current sounded in his ears, and at the same time as the sound of electric current, there was a faint aroma of wine.

"Smell of wine?" Wang Xianxian suddenly understood.

"Bringing fragrant wine master!" Lin Lei showed his teeth and showed a confident smile.

"My vocation allows me to control and brew wine at the molecular level, which means I can control the aroma of wine."

"My talent is [Super Gas and Electricity], which can speed up the movement of gas to the extreme, comparable to the speed of electricity."

"The thunder and lightning you see is not the thunder and lightning that I emit, but the thunder and lightning that I control the wine molecules to move quickly and cause friction."

Under Wang Xianxian's increasingly shocked gaze, Lin Lei's smile gradually became crazier.

"Rather than fighting, I am more suitable for exploration and early warning!"

"Ah ha ha ha ha ha!!!"

Along with Lin Lei's maniacal laughter, an extremely rich aroma of wine centered on him and quickly spread out to the surroundings.

Five minutes later, the laughing boy suddenly turned around and looked to the southwest.

"From here, go 32 kilometers deep into the southwest forest. The fragrance of flowers there is so strong."

Hearing this, Wang Xianxian stood in awe.

Good guy, it can detect smells from 32 kilometers away.

Lin Lei took advantage of his companion's shock. He struck a handsome pose, covered his face with his left hand, and looked up to the sky with a smile.

"It's only thirty kilometers away. In front of me, it's as easy as drinking water..."

Before he finished speaking, Lin Lei's eyes turned white, his legs became weak, and he fell down the tree.

In the process of falling, a branch with no eyes stabbed directly into Lin Lei's buttocks.


With the screams piercing the night sky, Wang Xianxian jumped down quickly to catch Lin Lei.

After landing safely, Wang Xianxian placed Lin Lei on the ground smoothly and said with concern.

"Are you okay?"

"I just accidentally slipped, nothing happened." Lin Lei covered his buttocks and said with a ferocious expression.

"No, what I'm asking is..."

Then, Lin Lei directly interrupted Wang Xianxian and looked at Wang Xianxian with extremely dangerous eyes.

"Brother Yun, you didn't see anything just now, right?"

Seeing Lin Lei, whose voice was trembling due to pain and pretending to be calm, Wang Xianxian couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth, and then nodded quickly.

"The moon was so dazzling that I couldn't see anything."

Silence is Cambridge tonight.

After a while, Lin Lei said resentfully: "Can you make up some reason to make me feel at ease?"


After simply drinking some recovery potion, Lin Lei, who had replenished his lacking spiritual power, suddenly became lively again.

After the two marked their location on the map, they plunged into the forest.

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