As he spoke, he roughly stuffed the dirt-covered spirit fruit into Wang Beichen's mouth.



Wang Beichen resisted the feeling of vomiting and frantically resisted the broken spirit fruit.

At this time, a slap came over and slapped Wang Beichen heavily to the ground.

Then 'Wang Xianxian' sat astride Wang Beichen and grabbed his neck with one hand.

The strong feeling of suffocation forced Wang Beichen to open his mouth wide.

Seeing this, 'Wang Xianxian' smiled ferociously and directly stuffed the spirit fruit and scraps of paper into Wang Beichen's mouth.

"Eat, if you like it so much, just eat more!"

After filling Wang Beichen's mouth, 'Wang Xianxian' carefully took out his mother's photo and placed it in front of Wang Beichen.

Then 'Wang Xianxian' grabbed Wang Beichen's hair and knocked his head to the ground hard.


The head hit the ground with a dull sound.


Blood flowed from Wang Beichen's forehead, and at the same time, tears continued to fall from his eyes.

"To my mother, apologize!" With that said, 'Wang Xianxian' smashed Wang Beichen's head to the ground again.








Under the double torture of fear and pain, Wang Beichen's psychological defense was finally completely defeated.

"I'm sorry, I'm wrong, I'm sorry, I'm wrong, I'm sorry, I'm wrong, I'm wrong..."

Under the setting sun, 'Wang Xianxian' looked down at the crying Wang Beichen from above, and then used his hands again.

Banging noises and cries echoed in the streets again, and they could not subside for a long time...

In the end, King Beichen curled up on the ground with his face covered in blood, his body trembling constantly.

The originally neat clothes were now in tatters, with tears and blood stains everywhere.

His messy hair covered his face, making him look even more embarrassed. Through his hair, you could see his red and swollen eyes, filled with fear.

There was blood gushing out from the pencils inserted in both calves.

'Wang Xianxian' stood up directly, picked up his tattered schoolbag, and walked slowly deeper into the street.

As they walked, 'Wang Xianxian' suddenly smiled fondly.

"You see, fighting is very simple, right?"

"I even asked him to apologize to his mother."

"You have to fight hard. Before formal martial arts training, the difference in physical fitness is not very big. You just need to..."

"It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if you can't learn it."

"If you are beaten in the future, just call me and I will help you beat them so that they will never dare to bully you again."

"Wang Xianxian, don't be afraid. You are not alone. I will always be with you."

Dusk, sunset, street, tattered schoolbag, photos in trouser pockets, elongated shadows under feet, young man talking to himself...

Being alone in the world of mortals, I have tasted all the bitterness, and I feel at ease with the shadows and smiles.

At night, Wang's Ancestral Hall.

In the ancestral hall, incense and candles are fragrant, and the flames of candles flicker on the ancestors' tablets.

However, the originally silent ancestral hall seemed particularly noisy today.

Today, the ancestral hall was crowded with clan members of all sizes, all of whom were invited to participate in the clan's trial meeting.

The person being punished today is Wang Xianxian, who is kneeling in the center of the ancestral hall.

Looking at the angry elders around him, Wang Xianxian clasped her little hands nervously.

Obviously, the ten-year-old child had never seen such a large formation.

'Ashan, I'm so scared, my father and grandpa are so angry...'

‘Don’t be afraid, I’m here. ’ Ashan’s eyes seemed to see through everything, and he clearly noticed the mark on Wang Xianxian’s body.

He clearly knew that the mark was Wang Xianxian's gold medal to avoid death and the guarantee of his life.

He knew that Wang Xianxian's life was not in danger.


'Wang Xianxian, if you feel scared, just take a nap and you will be fine when you wake up. ’

‘No, I don’t want it. They will beat you if I fall asleep. You have already helped me fight, and I don’t want you to help me get punished. ’

'No, they won't hit me, I promise you. ’

‘Ashan is a liar. You lied to me like this last time. ’

‘It won’t happen this time, because they bullied us first and we are fighting back. I believe there are sensible people in the clan. ’

‘You are not good at words, let me debate with them. If we win the debate, we will not be beaten. You will only hold me back if you are awake. ’

‘Are you really not going to lie to me? ’

'Trust me, go to sleep. ’

'Then... Ashan... we'll see you later...'

'Well...see you later...'

No one in the crowded ancestral hall noticed the change in the child's pupils.

Two hours later...

To be precise, after 654 whips...

The child, skinned and bruised, collapsed alone on top of the ancestral hall.

The skin and flesh that had been ravaged by the clan whip were oozing blood.

Although his consciousness was close to coma, he still resisted coma.

The rich power of blood in the ancestral hall is constantly repairing the injured body of the child.

The Wang family has strict laws, and the clan whip contains the power of the ancestors. It can cause pain to people regardless of their realm, and at the same time, it will not cause death in the ancestral hall.

Because the strong blood power of the ancestral hall will repair the body of the punished.

The stars are twinkling, and the moon is hanging in the sky like a hook. Under the silent night sky, the child lying on the ground is holding on to his consciousness and unwilling to fall asleep.

As the moon slowly sets at the end of the night, the child's wound begins to heal, and the blood scabs on the wound begin to fall off.

The sun breaks through the night and rises slowly from the horizon. Its light is like an exciting hymn, awakening the sleeping earth and the child who fell asleep yesterday.

Wang Xianxian looked at the tattered clothes and the blood scabs that had not fallen off, and tears suddenly came out.

"Ashan, Ashan, Ashan..." Wang Xianxian called the other person's name frantically.

"I'm here."

The child shed sad tears: "You lied to me again, you lied to me again, yesterday, what happened yesterday, what did they do to you..."

After a moment of silence, Ashan whispered: "What... nothing happened..."

"You lied to me, you always lie to me, you always lie to me!" Wang Xianxian cried very sadly.

"I'm sorry." Ah Shan's voice became very weak, "Wang Xianxian, I'm going to sleep..."

"Don't worry... They don't dare... They don't dare to bully you like that..."

This time, Ah Shan didn't lie to Wang Xianxian.

After that day, for a long time, no child dared to beat Wang Xianxian at will.

Because, that night, the news of Wang Xianxian's mental disorder came out from the family.

According to the investigation, Wang Xianxian was indeed diagnosed with some kind of mental illness.

All the children began to fear him, afraid of driving the cowardly Wang Xianxian crazy, and afraid of ending up like Wang Beichen.


The cold lake water wrapped around 'Wang Xianxian', and he saw the pink-haired girl jumped into the lake and swam towards him.

Looking at the girl's face, 'Wang Xianxian' looked extremely lonely.

"So, Wang Xianxian, when did you forget me?"

"Forgot completely, as if I didn't exist at all..."

"I remember..."

Memories came again like a tide.

April 30, 12001, Tianmen calendar.

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